diff --git a/component/caddy/buildout.cfg b/component/caddy/buildout.cfg
index 116720c16e566c5ce96bf0ab197bf2363d909a8c..22ecdcf94f5ee9e3d3264afe30f3bffede1f93eb 100644
--- a/component/caddy/buildout.cfg
+++ b/component/caddy/buildout.cfg
@@ -1,35 +1,26 @@
 extends =
+  gowork.cfg
 parts =
+  gowork
-# Caddy 1.x+ uses go modules, for which gowork does not work yet
 golang  = ${golang1.12:location}
 install =
-command = :
-depends =
-  ${caddy:recipe}
+  github.com/mholt/caddy
-# revision and repository can be used to control which caddy version is used
-revision = 0c3d90ed21a4df1b5e75ff4d5f908fd3018f902c
-repository = github.com/mholt/caddy/caddy
-recipe  = plone.recipe.command
-update-command = ${:command}
-stop-on-error = True
-# GO111MODULE=on enables go modules support
-# the chmod is needed as modules are fetched with u-w
-command =
-  . ${gowork:env.sh} &&
-  cd ${gowork:directory} &&
-  export GO111MODULE=on &&
-  go get ${:repository}@${:revision} &&
-  chmod -R u+w .
+recipe  = slapos.recipe.cmmi
+path    = ${go_github.com_mholt_caddy:location}
+go      = ${gowork:golang}/bin/go
+configure-command = :
+make-targets =
+make-binary = cd ${:path}/caddy  && ${:go} install -v
+environment =
+  PATH=${pkgconfig:location}/bin:${gowork:golang}/bin:${buildout:bin-directory}:%(PATH)s
+  GOPATH=${gowork:directory}
 output = ${gowork:bin}/caddy
 location = ${:output}
diff --git a/component/caddy/gowork.cfg b/component/caddy/gowork.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a91934ea8f22dbaa8b1c360ff419480e38fedbdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/component/caddy/gowork.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Code generated by gowork-snapshot; DO NOT EDIT.
+# list of go git repositories to fetch
+depends_gitfetch  =
+    ${go_github.com_mholt_caddy:recipe}
+<= go-git-package
+go.importpath = github.com/mholt/caddy
+repository    = https://lab.nexedi.com/nexedi/caddy.git
+revision      = nxd-v0.11.5-4-g9d3151db