Commit cf8ca3a4 authored by Thomas Gambier's avatar Thomas Gambier :bicyclist_tone2:

[kvm]: add dependency on network-config-ipv4 to make sure it's executed

parent 70fc9b01
No related merge requests found
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ md5sum = 028b6a6456d744c11b1bb2c51ecd51b2
filename = instance-kvm.cfg.jinja2
md5sum = 26a947c75792072a7b526cb18b617b10
md5sum = c79448a49b1b3dc6e757b90f497c7be1
filename =
......@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ ipv4-network-info =
gateway {{ slap_configuration.get('tap-ipv4-gateway') }}
{% if enable_http == 'true' %}
Or run in your VM the command: wget -O- {{ kvm_http }}/ | /bin/sh -
Or run in your VM the command: wget -O- {{ kvm_http }}/${network-config-ipv4:filename} | /bin/sh -
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
......@@ -496,7 +496,8 @@ ipv6-network-info =
{% if use_tap == 'true' and slap_configuration.get('tap-ipv4-addr') -%}
recipe = plone.recipe.command
path = ${directory:public}/
filename =
path = ${directory:public}/${:filename}
ifconfig = ifconfig \$IFACE {{ slap_configuration.get('tap-ipv4-addr') }} netmask {{ slap_configuration.get('tap-ipv4-netmask') }}
route-iface = route add {{ slap_configuration.get('tap-ipv4-gateway') }} dev \$IFACE
route-network = route add -net {{ slap_configuration.get('tap-ipv4-network') }} netmask {{ slap_configuration.get('tap-ipv4-netmask') }} gw {{ slap_configuration.get('tap-ipv4-gateway') }}
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