{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "description": "Parameters to instantiate Grafana", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "domain": { "title": "Authorized domain on nextcloud", "description": "Trusted domain used to connect to Nextcloud instance.", "type": "string" }, "monitor-interface-url": { "title": "Monitor Web Interface URL", "description": "Give Url of HTML web interface that will be used to render this monitor instance.", "type": "string", "format": "uri", "default": "https://monitor.app.officejs.com" }, "monitor-cors-domains": { "title": "Monitor CORS domains", "description": "List of cors domains separated with space. Needed for ajax query on this monitor instance from a different domain.", "type": "string", "default": "monitor.app.officejs.com" }, "innodb-file-per-table": { "title": "Enable/disable innodb_file_per_table", "description": "See MariaDB documentation on innodb_file_per_table", "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1, "default": 0, "type": "integer" }, "apache-computer-guid": { "title": "Computer ID for Apache Instance.", "description": "Unique identifier of the computer, like \"COMP-1234\". By default, let Master choose a computer.", "type": "string" }, "mariadb-computer-guid": { "title": "Computer ID for Mariadb Instance.", "description": "Unique identifier of the computer, like \"COMP-1234\". By default, let Master choose a computer.", "type": "string" }, "instance.mail-from": { "title": "Mail from", "description": "From", "type": "string" }, "instance.mail-domain": { "title": "Mail domain name", "description": "Domain name", "type": "string" }, "instance.mail-smtpauthtype": { "title": "SMTP Auth type", "description": "Mail SMTP auth type. Default: LOGIN", "type": "string", "default": "LOGIN" }, "instance.mail-smtpauth": { "title": "SMTP auth required", "description": "Verify SSL certificate of SMTP server. Default: Yes", "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1, "default": 0, "type": "integer" }, "instance.mail-smtpport": { "title": "SMTP port", "description": "Mail SMTP Port. Default: 587", "type": "integer", "default": 587 }, "instance.mail-smtphost": { "title": "SMTP host", "description": "Mail SMTP host", "type": "string" }, "instance.mail-smtpname": { "title": "SMTP name", "description": "Mail SMTP server name.", "type": "string" }, "instance.mail-smtppassword": { "title": "SMTP password", "description": "Password to connect to SMTP server.", "type": "string" }, "instance.collabora-url": { "title": "Collabora URL", "description": "Collabora server URL", "type": "string", "format": "uri", "default": "https://collabora.host.vifib.net" }, "instance.stun-server": { "title": "Stun server address", "description": "Hostname of stun server. Default: turn.vifib.com:5349", "type": "string", "default": "turn.vifib.com:5349" }, "instance.turn-server": { "title": "Turn server address", "description": "Hostname of turn server.", "default": "", "type": "string" }, "instance.turn-secret": { "title": "Turn server secret", "description": "Turn secret to use for authentification.", "type": "string" }, "instance.cli-url": { "title": "Nextcloud cli URL", "description": "Nextcloud cli URL, the default will be Nextcloud url.", "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, "instance.trusted-domain-1": { "title": "Authorized domain on nextcloud", "description": "Trusted domain used to connect to Nextcloud instance.", "type": "string" }, "instance.trusted-domain-2": { "title": "Second authorized domain on nextcloud", "description": "Trusted domain used to connect to Nextcloud instance.", "type": "string" }, "instance.trusted-domain-3": { "title": "Third authorized domain on nextcloud", "description": "Trusted domain used to connect to Nextcloud instance.", "type": "string" } } }