Commit 1c3855fb authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 77c95c8c 24463d45
......@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ Features added
is raised only when such a pointer is assigned to a variable and
would thus exceed the lifetime of the string itself.
* The "and"/"or" operators try to avoid unnecessary coercions of their
arguments. They now evaluate the truth value of each argument
independently and only coerce the final result of the whole expression
to the target type (e.g. the type on the left side of an assignment).
This also avoids reference counting overhead for Python values during
evaluation and generally improves the code flow in the generated C code.
* Cascaded assignments (a = b = ...) try to minimise the number of
type coercions.
......@@ -9614,12 +9614,6 @@ class PowNode(NumBinopNode):
return super(PowNode, self).py_operation_function(code)
# Note: This class is temporarily "shut down" into an ineffective temp
# allocation mode.
# More sophisticated temp reuse was going on before, one could have a
# look at adding this again after /all/ classes are converted to the
# new temp scheme. (The temp juggling cannot work otherwise).
class BoolBinopNode(ExprNode):
# Short-circuiting boolean operation.
......@@ -9628,6 +9622,9 @@ class BoolBinopNode(ExprNode):
# operand2 ExprNode
subexprs = ['operand1', 'operand2']
operator = None
operand1 = None
operand2 = None
def infer_type(self, env):
type1 = self.operand1.infer_type(env)
......@@ -9641,49 +9638,48 @@ class BoolBinopNode(ExprNode):
return self.operand1.may_be_none() or self.operand2.may_be_none()
def calculate_constant_result(self):
operand1 = self.operand1.constant_result
operand2 = self.operand2.constant_result
if self.operator == 'and':
self.constant_result = \
self.operand1.constant_result and \
self.constant_result = operand1 and operand2
self.constant_result = \
self.operand1.constant_result or \
self.constant_result = operand1 or operand2
def compile_time_value(self, denv):
operand1 = self.operand1.compile_time_value(denv)
operand2 = self.operand2.compile_time_value(denv)
if self.operator == 'and':
return self.operand1.compile_time_value(denv) \
and self.operand2.compile_time_value(denv)
return operand1 and operand2
return self.operand1.compile_time_value(denv) \
or self.operand2.compile_time_value(denv)
return operand1 or operand2
def coerce_to_boolean(self, env):
return BoolBinopNode.from_node(
def coerce_to(self, dst_type, env):
if dst_type is PyrexTypes.c_bint_type:
return self.coerce_to_boolean(env)
return GenericBoolBinopNode.from_node(
self, env=env, type=dst_type,
operator=self.operator, operand1=self.operand1, operand2=self.operand2)
def is_ephemeral(self):
return self.operand1.is_ephemeral() or self.operand2.is_ephemeral()
def analyse_types(self, env):
# Note: we do not do any coercion here as we most likely do not know the final type anyway.
# We even accept to set self.type to ErrorType if both operands do not have a spanning type.
# The coercion to the final type and to a "simple" value is left to coerce_to().
self.operand1 = self.operand1.analyse_types(env)
self.operand2 = self.operand2.analyse_types(env)
self.type = PyrexTypes.independent_spanning_type(
self.operand1.type, self.operand2.type)
# note: self.type might be ErrorType, but we allow this here
# in order to support eventual coercion to boolean
if not self.type.is_pyobject and not self.type.is_error:
if self.operand1.is_ephemeral() or self.operand2.is_ephemeral():
error(self.pos, "Unsafe C derivative of temporary Python reference used in and/or expression")
self.operand1 = self.operand1.coerce_to(self.type, env)
self.operand2 = self.operand2.coerce_to(self.type, env)
# For what we're about to do, it's vital that
# both operands be temp nodes.
self.operand1 = self.operand1.coerce_to_simple(env)
self.operand2 = self.operand2.coerce_to_simple(env)
self.is_temp = 1
return self
......@@ -9732,8 +9728,8 @@ class BoolBinopNode(ExprNode):
def generate_operand1_test(self, code):
# Generate code to test the truth of the first operand.
if self.type.is_pyobject:
test_result = code.funcstate.allocate_temp(PyrexTypes.c_bint_type,
test_result = code.funcstate.allocate_temp(
PyrexTypes.c_bint_type, manage_ref=False)
"%s = __Pyx_PyObject_IsTrue(%s); %s" % (
......@@ -9744,6 +9740,148 @@ class BoolBinopNode(ExprNode):
return (test_result, self.type.is_pyobject)
class BoolBinopResultNode(ExprNode):
Intermediate result of a short-circuiting and/or expression.
Tests the result for 'truthiness' and takes care of coercing the final result
of the overall expression to the target type.
Note that this node provides the same code generation method as
GenericBoolBinopNode to simplify expression nesting.
arg ExprNode the argument to test
value ExprNode the coerced result value node
subexprs = ['arg', 'value']
is_temp = True
arg = None
value = None
def __init__(self, arg, result_type, env):
# using 'arg' multiple times, so it must be a simple/temp value
arg = arg.coerce_to_simple(env)
# wrap in ProxyNode, in case a transform wants to replace self.arg later
arg = ProxyNode(arg)
super(BoolBinopResultNode, self).__init__(
arg.pos, arg=arg, type=result_type,
value=CloneNode(arg).coerce_to(result_type, env))
def coerce_to_boolean(self, env):
# coercing to simple boolean case after being instantiated => replace by simple coerced result
return self.arg.arg.coerce_to_boolean(env)
def generate_operand_test(self, code):
# Generate code to test the truth of the first operand.
if self.arg.type.is_pyobject:
test_result = code.funcstate.allocate_temp(
PyrexTypes.c_bint_type, manage_ref=False)
"%s = __Pyx_PyObject_IsTrue(%s); %s" % (
code.error_goto_if_neg(test_result, self.pos)))
test_result = self.arg.result()
return (test_result, self.arg.type.is_pyobject)
def generate_bool_evaluation_code(self, code, final_result_temp, and_label, or_label, end_label):
# x => x
# x and ... or ... => next 'and' / 'or'
# False ... or x => next 'or'
# True and x => next 'and'
# True or x => True (operand)
if and_label or or_label:
test_result, uses_temp = self.generate_operand_test(code)
sense = '!' if or_label else ''
code.putln("if (%s%s) {" % (sense, test_result))
if uses_temp:
if or_label:
# value is false => short-circuit to next 'or'
code.putln("} else {")
if and_label:
# value is true => go to next 'and'
if not or_label:
code.putln("} else {")
if not and_label or not or_label:
# if no next 'and' or 'or', we provide the result
code.putln("%s = %s;" % (final_result_temp, self.value.result()))
if and_label or or_label:
if and_label or or_label:
class GenericBoolBinopNode(BoolBinopNode):
BoolBinopNode with arbitrary non-bool result type.
Note that this node provides the same code generation method as
BoolBinopResultNode to simplify expression nesting.
operator string "and"/"or"
operand1 GenericBoolBinopNode/BoolBinopResultNode left operand
operand2 GenericBoolBinopNode/BoolBinopResultNode right operand
subexprs = ['operand1', 'operand2']
is_temp = True
def __init__(self, pos, env, type, operator, operand1, operand2, **kwargs):
super(GenericBoolBinopNode, self).__init__(
pos, operator=operator, type=type,
operand1=self._wrap_operand(operand1, type, env),
operand2=self._wrap_operand(operand2, type, env),
def _wrap_operand(self, operand, result_type, env):
if isinstance(operand, (GenericBoolBinopNode, BoolBinopResultNode)):
return operand
if isinstance(operand, BoolBinopNode):
return operand.coerce_to(result_type, env)
return BoolBinopResultNode(operand, result_type, env)
def generate_bool_evaluation_code(self, code, final_result_temp, and_label, or_label, end_label):
outer_labels = (and_label, or_label)
if self.operator == 'and':
my_label = and_label = code.new_label('next_and')
my_label = or_label = code.new_label('next_or')
self.operand1.generate_bool_evaluation_code(code, final_result_temp, and_label, or_label, end_label)
and_label, or_label = outer_labels
self.operand2.generate_bool_evaluation_code(code, final_result_temp, and_label, or_label, end_label)
def generate_evaluation_code(self, code):
or_label = and_label = None
end_label = code.new_label('bool_binop_done')
self.generate_bool_evaluation_code(code, self.result(), and_label, or_label, end_label)
if code.label_used(end_label):
class CondExprNode(ExprNode):
# Short-circuiting conditional expression.
......@@ -816,6 +816,8 @@ class SwitchTransform(Visitor.CythonTransform):
if isinstance(cond, (ExprNodes.CoerceToTempNode,
cond = cond.arg
elif isinstance(cond, ExprNodes.BoolBinopResultNode):
cond = cond.arg.arg
elif isinstance(cond, UtilNodes.EvalWithTempExprNode):
# this is what we get from the FlattenInListTransform
cond = cond.subexpression
......@@ -860,7 +862,7 @@ class SwitchTransform(Visitor.CythonTransform):
elif getattr(cond.operand1, 'entry', None) \
and cond.operand1.entry.is_const:
return not_in, cond.operand2, [cond.operand1]
elif isinstance(cond, ExprNodes.BoolBinopNode):
elif isinstance(cond, (ExprNodes.BoolBinopNode, ExprNodes.GenericBoolBinopNode)):
if cond.operator == 'or' or (allow_not_in and cond.operator == 'and'):
allow_not_in = (cond.operator == 'and')
not_in_1, t1, c1 = self.extract_conditions(cond.operand1, allow_not_in)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Cython -- enhanced main program
if __name__ == '__main__':
from Cython.Build.Cythonize import main
......@@ -74,14 +74,15 @@ if 'setuptools' in sys.modules:
setuptools_extra_args['entry_points'] = {
'console_scripts': [
'cython = Cython.Compiler.Main:setuptools_main',
'cythonize = Cython.Build.Cythonize:main'
scripts = []
if == "posix":
scripts = ["bin/cython"]
scripts = ["bin/cython", 'bin/cythonize']
scripts = [""]
scripts = ["", ""]
if include_debugger:
if 'setuptools' in sys.modules:
......@@ -390,8 +390,8 @@ def combined():
'//IntNode[@value = "4"]',
'//IntNode[@value = "5"]',
'//IntNode[@value = "7"]',
'//BoolBinopNode[.//PrimaryCmpNode//IntNode[@value = "4"] and .//PrimaryCmpNode//IntNode[@value = "5"]]',
'//GenericBoolBinopNode[.//PrimaryCmpNode//IntNode[@value = "4"] and .//PrimaryCmpNode//IntNode[@value = "5"]]',
'//PrimaryCmpNode[.//IntNode[@value = "2"] and .//IntNode[@value = "4"]]',
'//PrimaryCmpNode[.//IntNode[@value = "5"] and .//IntNode[@value = "7"]]',
......@@ -423,11 +423,11 @@ def cascaded_cmp_with_partial_constants(a, b):
'//IntNode[@value = "4"]',
'//IntNode[@value = "5"]',
'//IntNode[@value = "7"]',
'//SingleAssignmentNode//BoolBinopNode//NameNode[@name = "a"]',
'//SingleAssignmentNode//BoolBinopNode//NameNode[@name = "b"]',
'//BoolBinopNode[.//PrimaryCmpNode//IntNode[@value = "4"] and .//PrimaryCmpNode//IntNode[@value = "5"]]',
'//SingleAssignmentNode//GenericBoolBinopNode//NameNode[@name = "a"]',
'//SingleAssignmentNode//GenericBoolBinopNode//NameNode[@name = "b"]',
'//GenericBoolBinopNode[.//PrimaryCmpNode//IntNode[@value = "4"] and .//PrimaryCmpNode//IntNode[@value = "5"]]',
'//BoolNode[@value = False]',
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def m_tuple(int a):
return result
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//GenericBoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
def m_set(int a):
>>> m_set(2)
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def m_set(int a):
cdef bytes bytes_string = b'abcdefg'
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode", "//BoolBinopNode")
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode", "//BoolBinopNode", "//GenericBoolBinopNode")
def m_bytes(char a):
>>> m_bytes(ord('f'))
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def m_bytes(char a):
return result
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//GenericBoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
def m_bytes_literal(char a):
>>> m_bytes_literal(ord('f'))
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ cdef unicode klingon_character = u'\uF8D2'
py_klingon_character = klingon_character
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode", "//BoolBinopNode")
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode", "//GenericBoolBinopNode", "//BoolBinopNode")
def m_unicode(Py_UNICODE a, unicode unicode_string):
>>> m_unicode(ord('f'), py_unicode_string)
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ def m_unicode(Py_UNICODE a, unicode unicode_string):
return result
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//GenericBoolBinopNode", "//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
def m_unicode_literal(Py_UNICODE a):
>>> m_unicode_literal(ord('f'))
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ def m_unicode_literal(Py_UNICODE a):
cdef int result = a not in u'abcdefg\u1234\uF8D2'
return result
@cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode", "//BoolBinopNode")
@cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode", "//GenericBoolBinopNode")
def m_tuple_in_or_notin(int a):
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ def m_tuple_in_or_notin(int a):
cdef int result = a not in (1,2,3,4) or a in (3,4)
return result
@cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode", "//BoolBinopNode")
@cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode", "//GenericBoolBinopNode")
def m_tuple_notin_or_notin(int a):
......@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ def m_tuple_notin_or_notin(int a):
return result
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//GenericBoolBinopNode", "//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
def m_tuple_notin_and_notin(int a):
>>> m_tuple_notin_and_notin(2)
......@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ def m_tuple_notin_and_notin(int a):
cdef int result = a not in (1,2,3,4) and a not in (6,7)
return result
@cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode", "//BoolBinopNode")
@cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode", "//GenericBoolBinopNode")
def m_tuple_notin_and_notin_overlap(int a):
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ def m_tuple_notin_and_notin_overlap(int a):
return result
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//GenericBoolBinopNode", "//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
def conditional_int(int a):
>>> conditional_int(1)
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ def conditional_int(int a):
return 1 if a not in (1,2,3,4) else 2
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//GenericBoolBinopNode", "//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
def conditional_object(int a):
>>> conditional_object(1)
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ def conditional_object(int a):
return 1 if a not in (1,2,3,4) else '2'
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//GenericBoolBinopNode", "//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
def conditional_bytes(char a):
>>> conditional_bytes(ord('a'))
......@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ def conditional_bytes(char a):
return 1 if a not in b'abc' else '2'
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//GenericBoolBinopNode", "//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
def conditional_unicode(Py_UNICODE a):
>>> conditional_unicode(ord('a'))
......@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ def conditional_unicode(Py_UNICODE a):
return 1 if a not in u'abc' else '2'
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//GenericBoolBinopNode", "//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode")
def conditional_none(int a):
>>> conditional_none(1)
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