Commit 1d450aaa authored by gabrieldemarmiesse's avatar gabrieldemarmiesse

Moved a code snippet from pure.rst to the examples directory to enable testing.

parent 5fadf79e
No related merge requests found
import cython
def count_digits(digits):
>>> digits = '01112222333334445667788899'
>>> count_digits(map(int, digits))
[1, 3, 4, 5, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2]
counts = [0] * 10
for digit in digits:
assert 0 <= digit <= 9
counts[digit] += 1
return counts
......@@ -416,22 +416,9 @@ Using C arrays for fixed size lists
Since Cython 0.22, C arrays can automatically coerce to Python lists or tuples.
This can be exploited to replace fixed size Python lists in Python code by C
arrays when compiled. An example::
arrays when compiled. An example:
import cython
def count_digits(digits):
>>> digits = '01112222333334445667788899'
>>> count_digits(map(int, digits))
[1, 3, 4, 5, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2]
counts = [0] * 10
for digit in digits:
assert 0 <= digit <= 9
counts[digit] += 1
return counts
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/tutorial/pure/
In normal Python, this will use a Python list to collect the counts, whereas
Cython will generate C code that uses a C array of C ints.
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