Commit b18cf636 authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Merge branch 'master' of

parents cde0b0b7 cbac7ae5
No related merge requests found
......@@ -40,17 +40,19 @@ source_suffix = '.rst'
# The master toctree document.
master_doc = 'index'
exclude_patterns = ['py*', 'build']
# General substitutions.
project = 'Cython'
copyright = '2010, Stefan Behnel, Robert Bradshaw, Dag Sverre Seljebotn, Greg Ewing, William Stein, Gabriel Gellner, et al.'
copyright = '2011, Stefan Behnel, Robert Bradshaw, Dag Sverre Seljebotn, Greg Ewing, William Stein, Gabriel Gellner, et al.'
# The default replacements for |version| and |release|, also used in various
# other places throughout the built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
version = '0.14'
version = '0.15'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = '0.14'
release = '0.15pre'
# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
# non-false value, then it is used:
......@@ -238,7 +238,8 @@ flags, such as::
Once we have compiled the module for the first time, we can now import
it and instantiate a new Queue::
PYTHONPATH=. python -c 'import queue.Queue as Q ; Q()'
$ export PYTHONPATH=.
$ python -c 'import queue.Queue as Q ; Q()'
However, this is all our Queue class can do so far, so let's make it
more usable.
......@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ features for managing it.
Finally, don't hesitate to ask questions (or post reports on
successes!) on the Cython users mailing list [UserList]_. The Cython
developer mailing list, [DevList]_, is also open to everybody. Feel
free to use it to report a bug, ask for guidance, if you have time to
spare to develop Cython, or if you have suggestions for future
developer mailing list, [DevList]_, is also open to everybody, but
focusses on core development issues. Feel free to use it to report a
clear bug, to ask for guidance if you have time to spare to develop
Cython, or if you have suggestions for future development.
.. [DevList] Cython developer mailing list:
.. [DevList] Cython developer mailing list:
.. [Seljebotn09] D. S. Seljebotn, Fast numerical computations with Cython,
Proceedings of the 8th Python in Science Conference, 2009.
.. [UserList] Cython users mailing list:
Related work
Pyrex [Pyrex]_ is the compiler project that Cython was originally based on.
Many features and the major design decisions of the Cython language
were developed by Greg Ewing as part of that project. Today, Cython
supersedes the capabilities of Pyrex by providing a higher
compatibility with Python code and Python semantics, as well as
superior optimisations and better integration with scientific Python
extensions like NumPy.
Pyrex [Pyrex]_ is the compiler project that Cython was originally
based on. Many features and the major design decisions of the Cython
language were developed by Greg Ewing as part of that project. Today,
Cython supersedes the capabilities of Pyrex by providing a
substantially higher compatibility with Python code and Python
semantics, as well as superior optimisations and better integration
with scientific Python extensions like NumPy.
ctypes [ctypes]_ is a foreign function interface (FFI) for Python. It
provides C compatible data types, and allows calling functions in DLLs
......@@ -20,23 +20,24 @@ operations must pass through Python code first. Cython, being a
compiled language, can avoid much of this overhead by moving more
functionality and long-running loops into fast C code.
SWIG [SWIG]_ is a wrapper code generator. It makes it very easy to parse
large API definitions in C/C++ header files, and to generate straight
forward wrapper code for a large set of programming languages. As
opposed to Cython, however, it is not a programming language itself.
Thin wrappers are easy to generate, but the more functionality a
wrapper needs to provide, the harder it gets to implement it with
SWIG. Cython, on the other hand, makes it very easy to write very
elaborate wrapper code specifically for the Python language. Also,
there exists third party code for parsing C header files and using it
to generate Cython definitions and module skeletons.
SWIG [SWIG]_ is a wrapper code generator. It makes it very easy to
parse large API definitions in C/C++ header files, and to generate
straight forward wrapper code for a large set of programming
languages. As opposed to Cython, however, it is not a programming
language itself. Thin wrappers are easy to generate, but the more
functionality a wrapper needs to provide, the harder it gets to
implement it with SWIG. Cython, on the other hand, makes it very easy
to write very elaborate wrapper code specifically for the Python
language, and to make it as thin or thick as needed at any given
place. Also, there exists third party code for parsing C header files
and using it to generate Cython definitions and module skeletons.
ShedSkin [ShedSkin]_ is an experimental Python-to-C++ compiler. It
uses profiling information and very powerful type inference engine
to generate a C++ program from (restricted) Python source code.
The main drawback is has no support for calling the Python/C API for
operations it does not support natively, and supports very few of the
standard Python modules.
uses a very powerful whole-module type inference engine to generate a
C++ program from (restricted) Python source code. The main drawback
is that it has no support for calling the Python/C API for operations
it does not support natively, and supports very few of the standard
Python modules.
.. [ctypes]
.. there's also the original ctypes home page:
......@@ -203,18 +203,23 @@ Single bytes and characters
The Python C-API uses the normal C ``char`` type to represent a byte
value, but it has a special ``Py_UNICODE`` integer type for a Unicode
code point value, i.e. a single Unicode character. Since version
0.13, Cython supports the latter natively, which is either defined as
an unsigned 2-byte or 4-byte integer, or as ``wchar_t``, depending on
the platform. The exact type is a compile time option in the build of
the CPython interpreter and extension modules inherit this definition
at C compile time.
In Cython, the ``char`` and ``Py_UNICODE`` types behave differently
when coercing to Python objects. Similar to the behaviour of the
bytes type in Python 3, the ``char`` type coerces to a Python integer
value by default, so that the following prints 65 and not ``A``::
value, but it has two special integer types for a Unicode code point
value, i.e. a single Unicode character: ``Py_UNICODE`` and
``Py_UCS4``. Since version 0.13, Cython supports the first natively,
support for ``Py_UCS4`` is new in Cython 0.15. ``Py_UNICODE`` is
either defined as an unsigned 2-byte or 4-byte integer, or as
``wchar_t``, depending on the platform. The exact type is a compile
time option in the build of the CPython interpreter and extension
modules inherit this definition at C compile time. The advantage of
``Py_UCS4`` is that it is guaranteed to be large enough for any
Unicode code point value, regardless of the platform. It is defined
as a 32bit unsigned int or long.
In Cython, the ``char`` type behaves differently from the
``Py_UNICODE`` and ``Py_UCS4`` types when coercing to Python objects.
Similar to the behaviour of the bytes type in Python 3, the ``char``
type coerces to a Python integer value by default, so that the
following prints 65 and not ``A``::
# -*- coding: ASCII -*-
......@@ -230,31 +235,32 @@ explicitly, and the following will print ``A`` (or ``b'A'`` in Python
The explicit coercion works for any C integer type. Values outside of
the range of a ``char`` or ``unsigned char`` will raise an
``OverflowError``. Coercion will also happen automatically when
assigning to a typed variable, e.g.::
``OverflowError`` at runtime. Coercion will also happen automatically
when assigning to a typed variable, e.g.::
cdef bytes py_byte_string = char_val
cdef bytes py_byte_string
py_byte_string = char_val
On the other hand, the ``Py_UNICODE`` type is rarely used outside of
the context of a Python unicode string, so its default behaviour is to
coerce to a Python unicode object. The following will therefore print
the character ``A``::
On the other hand, the ``Py_UNICODE`` and ``Py_UCS4`` types are rarely
used outside of the context of a Python unicode string, so their
default behaviour is to coerce to a Python unicode object. The
following will therefore print the character ``A``, as would the same
code with the ``Py_UNICODE`` type::
cdef Py_UNICODE uchar_val = u'A'
cdef Py_UCS4 uchar_val = u'A'
assert uchar_val == 65 # character point value of u'A'
print( uchar_val )
Again, explicit casting will allow users to override this behaviour.
The following will print 65::
cdef Py_UNICODE uchar_val = u'A'
print( <int>uchar_val )
cdef Py_UCS4 uchar_val = u'A'
print( <long>uchar_val )
Note that casting to a C ``int`` (or ``unsigned int``) will do just
fine on a platform with 32bit or more, as the maximum code point value
that a Unicode character can have is 1114111 on a 4-byte unicode
CPython platform ("wide unicode") and 65535 on a narrow (2-byte)
unicode platform.
Note that casting to a C ``long`` (or ``unsigned long``) will work
just fine, as the maximum code point value that a Unicode character
can have is 1114111 (``0x10FFFF``). On platforms with 32bit or more,
``int`` is just as good.
Narrow Unicode builds
......@@ -263,19 +269,19 @@ Narrow Unicode builds
In narrow Unicode builds of CPython, i.e. builds where
``sys.maxunicode`` is 65535 (such as all Windows builds, as opposed to
1114111 in wide builds), it is still possible to use Unicode character
code points that do not fit into the two bytes wide ``Py_UNICODE``
type. For example, such a CPython build will accept the unicode
literal ``u'\U00012345'``. However, the underlying system level
encoding leaks into Python space in this case, so that the length of
this literal becomes 2 instead of 1. This also shows when iterating
over it or when indexing into it. The visible substrings are
``u'\uD808'`` and ``u'\uDF45'`` in this example. They form a
so-called surrogate pair that represents the above character.
code points that do not fit into the 16 bit wide ``Py_UNICODE`` type.
For example, such a CPython build will accept the unicode literal
``u'\U00012345'``. However, the underlying system level encoding
leaks into Python space in this case, so that the length of this
literal becomes 2 instead of 1. This also shows when iterating over
it or when indexing into it. The visible substrings are ``u'\uD808'``
and ``u'\uDF45'`` in this example. They form a so-called surrogate
pair that represents the above character.
For more information on this topic, it is worth reading the `Wikipedia
article about the UTF-16 encoding`_.
.. _`Wikipedia article on the UTF-16 encoding`:
.. _`Wikipedia article about the UTF-16 encoding`:
The same properties apply to Cython code that gets compiled for a
narrow CPython runtime environment. In most cases, e.g. when
......@@ -298,6 +304,20 @@ in question. Looking for substrings works correctly because the two
code units in the surrogate pair use distinct value ranges, so the
pair is always identifiable in a sequence of code points.
As of version 0.15, Cython has extended support for surrogate pairs so
that you can safely use an ``in`` test to search character values from
the full ``Py_UCS4`` range even on narrow platforms::
cdef Py_UCS4 uchar = 0x12345
print( uchar in some_unicode_string )
Similarly, it can coerce a one character string with a high Unicode
code point value to a Py_UCS4 value on both narrow and wide Unicode
cdef Py_UCS4 uchar = u'\U00012345'
assert uchar == 0x12345
......@@ -321,7 +341,7 @@ The same applies to bytes objects::
if c == 'A': ...
For unicode objects, Cython will automatically infer the type of the
loop variable as ``Py_UNICODE``::
loop variable as ``Py_UCS4``::
cdef unicode ustring = ...
......@@ -335,13 +355,16 @@ value to be a Python object, so Cython may end up generating redundant
conversion code for the loop variable value inside of the loop. If
this leads to a performance degradation for a specific piece of code,
you can either type the loop variable as a Python object explicitly,
or assign it to a Python typed temporary variable to enforce one-time
coercion before running Python operations on it.
or assign its value to a Python typed variable somewhere inside of the
loop to enforce one-time coercion before running Python operations on
There is also an optimisation for ``in`` tests, so that the following
There are also optimisations for ``in`` tests, so that the following
code will run in plain C code, (actually using a switch statement)::
cdef Py_UNICODE uchar_val = get_a_unicode_character()
cdef Py_UCS4 uchar_val = get_a_unicode_character()
if uchar_val in u'abcABCxY':
Combined with the looping optimisation above, this can result in very
efficient character switching code, e.g. in unicode parsers.
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ where calls occur within Cython code. For example:
def __init__(self, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1):
self.x0 = x0; self.y0 = y0; self.x1 = x1; self.y1 = y1
cdef int _area(self):
int area
cdef int area
area = (self.x1 - self.x0) * (self.y1 - self.y0)
if area < 0:
area = -area
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ overheads. Consider this code:
def __init__(self, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1):
self.x0 = x0; self.y0 = y0; self.x1 = x1; self.y1 = y1
cpdef int area(self):
int area
cdef int area
area = (self.x1 - self.x0) * (self.y1 - self.y0)
if area < 0:
area = -area
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Other Current Limitations
* The :func:`globals` builtin returns the last Python callers globals, not the current function's locals. This behavior should not be relied upon, as it will probably change in the future.
* The :fun:`locals` builtin can only be used if all local variables can be converted to Python objects, and returns a dict.
* The :func:`locals` builtin can only be used if all local variables can be converted to Python objects, and returns a dict.
* Class and function definitions cannot be placed inside control structures.
Semantic differences between Python and Cython
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ called 'foo', and its fully qualified module name is
So when Pyrex wants to find out whether there is a `.pxd` file for shrubbing,
it looks for one corresponding to a module called :module:`foo.shrubbing`. It
it looks for one corresponding to a module called `foo.shrubbing`. It
does this by searching the include path for a top-level package directory
called 'foo' containing a file called 'shrubbing.pxd'.
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