Commit a0d09976 authored by Ed Reel's avatar Ed Reel

Update openssl from 1.0.2l-1 to 1.0.2n

Update to use crew constants

Add --libdir config option and compress man pages

Set x86_64 specific config option

Remove --libdir configure option from aarch64
parent 081d0822
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ class Openssl < Package
binary_sha256 ({
depends_on 'compressdoc' => :build
depends_on 'perl' => :build
depends_on 'bc' => :build # required for `make test`
depends_on 'diffutils' => :build # required for `make test`
......@@ -32,24 +33,32 @@ class Openssl < Package
system "sed -e '/linux-armv4/s/-O3/-O2/' -i Configure"
# Specify armv7 for aarch64 since Chrome OS aarch64 uses armv7 binaries as its userland.
case `uname -m`.strip
when "aarch64"
system "./Configure --prefix=/usr/local --openssldir=/etc/ssl #{options} linux-armv4 -march=armv7-a"
case ARCH
when 'aarch64'
system "./Configure --prefix=#{CREW_PREFIX} --openssldir=/etc/ssl #{options} linux-armv4 -march=armv7-a"
when 'x86_64'
system "./config --prefix=#{CREW_PREFIX} --libdir=lib64 --openssldir=/etc/ssl #{options}"
system "./config --prefix=/usr/local --openssldir=/etc/ssl #{options}"
system "./config --prefix=#{CREW_PREFIX} --openssldir=/etc/ssl #{options}"
system "make"
system 'make'
def self.install
system "make", "INSTALL_PREFIX=#{CREW_DEST_DIR}", "install"
system "find #{CREW_DEST_DIR}/usr/local -name 'lib*.a' -print | xargs rm"
system "find #{CREW_DEST_PREFIX} -name 'lib*.a' -print | xargs rm"
# move man to /usr/local/man
system "mv", "#{CREW_DEST_DIR}/etc/ssl/man", "#{CREW_DEST_DIR}/usr/local/man"
system "mv", "#{CREW_DEST_DIR}/etc/ssl/man", "#{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/man"
# remove all files under /etc/ssl (use system's /etc/ssl as is)
system "rm", "-rf", "#{CREW_DEST_DIR}/etc"
# compress man pages
system "compressdoc --gzip -9 #{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/man/man1"
system "compressdoc --gzip -9 #{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/man/man3"
system "compressdoc --gzip -9 #{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/man/man5"
system "compressdoc --gzip -9 #{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/man/man7"
def self.check
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