diff --git a/slapos/test/recipe/test_pbs.py b/slapos/test/recipe/test_pbs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f2809d143b60ea70672771e2ca8c798df3287677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slapos/test/recipe/test_pbs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+from slapos.recipe import pbs
+class PBSTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def new_recipe(self):
+        buildout = {
+                'buildout': {
+                    'bin-directory': '',
+                    'find-links': '',
+                    'allow-hosts': '',
+                    'develop-eggs-directory': '',
+                    'eggs-directory': '',
+                    },
+                 'slap-connection': {
+                     'computer-id': '',
+                     'partition-id': '',
+                     'server-url': '',
+                     'software-release-url': '',
+                     }
+                }
+        options = {
+                'rdiffbackup-binary': ''
+                }
+        return pbs.Recipe(buildout=buildout, name='pbs', options=options)
+    def test_push(self):
+        recipe = self.new_recipe()
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as rdiff_wrapper:
+            recipe.wrapper_push(remote_schema='TEST_REMOTE_SCHEMA',
+                                local_dir='TEST_LOCAL_DIR',
+                                remote_dir='TEST_REMOTE_DIR',
+                                rdiff_wrapper_path=rdiff_wrapper.name)
+            content = rdiff_wrapper.read()
+            self.assertIn('--remote-schema TEST_REMOTE_SCHEMA', content)
+            self.assertIn('TEST_LOCAL_DIR', content)
+            self.assertIn('TEST_REMOTE_DIR', content)
+    def test_pull(self):
+        recipe = self.new_recipe()
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as rdiff_wrapper:
+            recipe.wrapper_pull(remote_schema='TEST_REMOTE_SCHEMA',
+                                local_dir='TEST_LOCAL_DIR',
+                                remote_dir='TEST_REMOTE_DIR',
+                                rdiff_wrapper_path=rdiff_wrapper.name,
+                                remove_backup_older_than='TEST_OLDER')
+            content = rdiff_wrapper.read()
+            self.assertIn('--remote-schema TEST_REMOTE_SCHEMA', content)
+            self.assertIn('TEST_LOCAL_DIR', content)
+            self.assertIn('TEST_REMOTE_DIR', content)
+            self.assertIn('--remove-older-than TEST_OLDER', content)
+    def test_invalid_type(self):
+        recipe = self.new_recipe()
+        entry = {
+                'url': 'http://url.to.something/',
+                'type': 'invalid'
+                }
+        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError,
+                                'type parameter must be either pull or push',
+                                recipe.add_slave, entry=entry, known_hosts_file={})
+    def test_install(self):
+        recipe = self.new_recipe()
+        promises_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        wrappers_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        feeds_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        run_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        cron_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        recipe.options.update({
+            'promises-directory': promises_directory,
+            'wrappers-directory': wrappers_directory,
+            'sshclient-binary': 'TEST_SSH_CLIENT',
+            'directory': directory,
+            'notifier-binary': 'TEST_NOTIFIER',
+            'feeds': feeds_directory,
+            'notifier-url': 'http://url.to.notifier/',
+            'run-directory': run_directory,
+            'cron-entries': cron_directory,
+            'known-hosts': 'TEST_KNOWN_HOSTS',
+            'slave-instance-list': '''[
+                {
+                 "url": "http://url.to.pull/",
+                 "type": "pull",
+                 "notification-id": "pulltest",
+                 "server-key": "TEST_SERVER_KEY",
+                 "name": "TEST_NAME",
+                 "notify": "http://url.to.notify/",
+                 "frequency": "TEST_FREQUENCY"
+                    }, {
+                 "url": "http://url.to.push/",
+                 "type": "push",
+                 "notification-id": "pushtest",
+                 "server-key": "TEST_SERVER_KEY",
+                 "name": "TEST_NAME",
+                 "notify": "http://url.to.notify/",
+                 "frequency": "TEST_FREQUENCY"
+                        }
+                ]
+                '''
+            })
+        recipe._install()
+        self.assertItemsEqual(os.listdir(promises_directory),
+                              ['pulltest', 'pushtest'])
+        self.assertItemsEqual(os.listdir(wrappers_directory),
+                              ['pulltest_raw', 'pulltest', 'pushtest_raw', 'pushtest'])
+        self.assertItemsEqual(os.listdir(directory),
+                              ['TEST_NAME'])
+        self.assertItemsEqual(os.listdir(feeds_directory),
+                              ['pulltest', 'pushtest'])
+        self.assertItemsEqual(os.listdir(run_directory),
+                              [])
+        self.assertItemsEqual(os.listdir(cron_directory),
+                              ['pulltest', 'pushtest'])
+        shutil.rmtree(promises_directory)
+        shutil.rmtree(wrappers_directory)
+        shutil.rmtree(directory)
+        shutil.rmtree(feeds_directory)
+        shutil.rmtree(run_directory)
+        shutil.rmtree(cron_directory)