diff --git a/product/Coramy/tests/__init__.py b/product/Coramy/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4817854199f1c3a8d9dab48b99b3dcff94216e8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/product/Coramy/tests/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Unit test package for CMFCategory
+To run all tests type 'python runalltests.py'
diff --git a/product/Coramy/tests/coramy_order.zexp b/product/Coramy/tests/coramy_order.zexp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9927d64c0bc8a97898a4ae715bbc54d90320066c
Binary files /dev/null and b/product/Coramy/tests/coramy_order.zexp differ
diff --git a/product/Coramy/tests/erp5_crm.zexp b/product/Coramy/tests/erp5_crm.zexp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..974f5f9f92dfb8195f9d69bfefa3cf74f127ffe4
Binary files /dev/null and b/product/Coramy/tests/erp5_crm.zexp differ
diff --git a/product/Coramy/tests/framework.py b/product/Coramy/tests/framework.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c36e5abb811a3731c59a710dfa3d877e323ae1f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/product/Coramy/tests/framework.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# ZopeTestCase 
+# This version of framework.py will use the SOFTWARE_HOME
+# environment variable to locate Zope and the Testing package.
+# If the tests are run in an INSTANCE_HOME installation of Zope,
+# Products.__path__ and sys.path with be adjusted to include the
+# instance's Products and lib/python directories respectively.
+# If you explicitly set INSTANCE_HOME prior to running the tests,
+# auto-detection is disabled and the specified path will be used 
+# instead.
+# If the 'tests' directory contains a custom_zodb.py file, INSTANCE_HOME
+# will be adjusted to use it.
+# If you set the ZEO_INSTANCE_HOME environment variable a ZEO setup 
+# is assumed, and you can attach to a running ZEO server (via the 
+# instance's custom_zodb.py).
+# The following code should be at the top of every test module:
+# import os, sys
+# if __name__ == '__main__':
+#     execfile(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'framework.py'))
+# ...and the following at the bottom:
+# if __name__ == '__main__':
+#     framework()
+__version__ = '0.2.1'
+# Save start state
+__SOFTWARE_HOME = os.environ.get('SOFTWARE_HOME', '')
+__INSTANCE_HOME = os.environ.get('INSTANCE_HOME', '')
+if __SOFTWARE_HOME.endswith(os.sep):
+    __SOFTWARE_HOME = os.path.dirname(__SOFTWARE_HOME)
+if __INSTANCE_HOME.endswith(os.sep):
+    __INSTANCE_HOME = os.path.dirname(__INSTANCE_HOME)
+# Find and import the Testing package
+if not sys.modules.has_key('Testing'):
+    p0 = sys.path[0]
+    if p0 and __name__ == '__main__':
+        os.chdir(p0)
+        p0 = ''
+    s = __SOFTWARE_HOME
+    p = d = s and s or os.getcwd()
+    while d:
+        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(p, 'Testing')):
+            zope_home = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(p))
+	    # Do not add the parent directory into the path list.
+	    # Why did the author put it? -yo
+	    if 0:
+                sys.path[:1] = [p0, os.pardir, p, zope_home]
+	    else:
+                sys.path[:1] = [p0, p, zope_home]
+            break
+        p, d = s and ('','') or os.path.split(p)
+    else:
+        print 'Unable to locate Testing package.',
+        print 'You might need to set SOFTWARE_HOME.'
+        sys.exit(1)
+import Testing, unittest
+execfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(Testing.__file__), 'common.py'))
+# Include ZopeTestCase support
+if 1:   # Create a new scope
+    p = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(Testing.__file__), 'ZopeTestCase')
+    if not os.path.isdir(p):
+        print 'Unable to locate ZopeTestCase package.',
+        print 'You might need to install ZopeTestCase.'
+        sys.exit(1)
+    ztc_common = 'ztc_common.py'
+    ztc_common_global = os.path.join(p, ztc_common) 
+    f = 0
+    if os.path.exists(ztc_common_global):
+        execfile(ztc_common_global)
+        f = 1
+    if os.path.exists(ztc_common):
+        execfile(ztc_common)
+        f = 1
+    if not f:
+        print 'Unable to locate %s.' % ztc_common
+        sys.exit(1)
+# Debug
+print 'SOFTWARE_HOME: %s' % os.environ.get('SOFTWARE_HOME', 'Not set')
+print 'INSTANCE_HOME: %s' % os.environ.get('INSTANCE_HOME', 'Not set')
diff --git a/product/Coramy/tests/run_test_example.sh b/product/Coramy/tests/run_test_example.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..deb684687fdfd67aa7b90f7d36343eb92311190e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/product/Coramy/tests/run_test_example.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+export INSTANCE_HOME=/home/$USER/zope
+export SOFTWARE_HOME=/usr/lib/zope/lib/python/
+dir="`dirname $0`"
+if test -n "$dir"; then
+  cd $dir
+python runalltests.py
diff --git a/product/Coramy/tests/runalltests.py b/product/Coramy/tests/runalltests.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a0d03daaf59bb81b0578378df7340a134f7ae88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/product/Coramy/tests/runalltests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Runs all tests in the current directory
+# Execute like:
+#   python runalltests.py
+# Alternatively use the testrunner: 
+#   python /path/to/Zope/utilities/testrunner.py -qa
+import os, sys
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    execfile(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'framework.py')) 
+import unittest
+TestRunner = unittest.TextTestRunner
+suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+tests = os.listdir(os.curdir)
+tests = [n[:-3] for n in tests if n.startswith('test') and n.endswith('.py')]
+for test in tests:
+    m = __import__(test)
+    if hasattr(m, 'test_suite'):
+        suite.addTest(m.test_suite())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    TestRunner().run(suite)
diff --git a/product/Coramy/tests/testOrder.py b/product/Coramy/tests/testOrder.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e35247fa3dfd1a44bd95c4f8c1052e5d85a5e53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/product/Coramy/tests/testOrder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+#          Sebastien Robin <seb@nexedi.com>
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Skeleton ZopeTestCase
+from random import randint
+import os, sys
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    execfile(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'framework.py'))
+# Needed in order to have a log file inside the current folder
+os.environ['EVENT_LOG_FILE'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'zLOG.log')
+os.environ['EVENT_LOG_SEVERITY'] = '-300'
+from Testing import ZopeTestCase
+from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase
+from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager, noSecurityManager
+from DateTime import DateTime
+from Acquisition import aq_base, aq_inner
+from zLOG import LOG
+import time
+class TestOrder(ERP5TypeTestCase):
+  # Different variables used for this test
+  run_all_test = 1
+  source_company_id = 'Nexedi'
+  destination_company_id = 'Coramy'
+  component_id = 'brick'
+  sales_order_id = '1'
+  quantity = 10
+  base_price = 0.7832
+  def getBusinessTemplateList(self):
+    """
+      Return the list of business templates.
+      the business template crm give the following things :
+      modules:
+        - person
+        - organisation
+      base categories:
+        - region
+        - subordination
+      /organisation
+    """
+    return ('erp5_crm','coramy_order')
+  def getCategoriesTool(self):
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'portal_categories', None)
+  def getCatalogTool(self):
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'portal_catalog', None)
+  def getSqlConnection(self):
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'erp5_sql_connection', None)
+  def getTypesTool(self):
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'portal_types', None)
+  def getSimulationTool(self):
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'portal_simulation', None)
+  def getRuleTool(self):
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'portal_Rules', None)
+  def getPersonModule(self):
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'person', None)
+  def getOrganisationModule(self):
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'organisation', None)
+  def getSalesModule(self):
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'commande_vente', None)
+  def getComponentModule(self):
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'composant', None)
+  def getPortalId(self):
+    return self.getPortal().getId()
+  def testHasEverything(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
+    # Test if portal_synchronizations was created
+    if not run: return
+    if not quiet:
+      ZopeTestCase._print('\nTest Has Everything ')
+      LOG('Testing... ',0,'testHasEverything')
+    self.failUnless(self.getCategoriesTool()!=None)
+    self.failUnless(self.getPersonModule()!=None)
+    self.failUnless(self.getOrganisationModule()!=None)
+    self.failUnless(self.getSalesModule()!=None)
+    self.failUnless(self.getComponentModule()!=None)
+    self.failUnless(self.getSimulationTool()!=None)
+  #def populate(self, quiet=1, run=1):
+  def afterSetUp(self, quiet=1, run=1):
+    self.login()
+    portal = self.getPortal()
+    portal_catalog = self.getCatalogTool()
+    portal_catalog.manage_catalogClear()
+    # First reindex
+    # portal.ERP5Site_reindexAll()
+    LOG('afterSetup',0,'portal.portal_categories.immediateReindexObject')
+    portal.portal_categories.immediateReindexObject()
+    for o in portal.portal_categories.objectValues():
+      o.recursiveImmediateReindexObject()
+    LOG('afterSetup',0,'portal.portal_simulation.immediateReindexObject')
+    portal.portal_simulation.immediateReindexObject()
+    for o in portal.portal_simulation.objectValues():
+      o.recursiveImmediateReindexObject()
+    LOG('afterSetup',0,'portal.portal_rules.immediateReindexObject')
+    portal.portal_rules.immediateReindexObject()
+    # Then add new components
+    portal.portal_types.constructContent(type_name='Person Module',
+                                       container=portal,
+                                       id='person')
+    portal.portal_types.constructContent(type_name='Organisation Module',
+                                       container=portal,
+                                       id='organisation')
+    portal.portal_types.constructContent(type_name='Sales Order Module',
+                                       container=portal,
+                                       id='commande_vente')
+    portal.portal_types.constructContent(type_name='Purchase Order Module',
+                                       container=portal,
+                                       id='commande_achat')
+    portal.portal_types.constructContent(type_name='Composant Module',
+                                       container=portal,
+                                       id='composant')
+    portal.portal_types.constructContent(type_name='Production Order Module',
+                                       container=portal,
+                                       id='ordre_fabrication')
+    organisation_module = self.getOrganisationModule()
+    o1 = organisation_module.newContent(id=self.source_company_id)
+    o2 = organisation_module.newContent(id=self.destination_company_id)
+    component_module = self.getComponentModule()
+    c1 = component_module.newContent(id=self.component_id)
+    c1.setBasePrice(self.base_price)
+  def login(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
+    uf = self.getPortal().acl_users
+    uf._doAddUser('seb', '', ['Manager'], [])
+    user = uf.getUserById('seb').__of__(uf)
+    newSecurityManager(None, user)
+  def testAddSalesOrder(self, quiet=0, run=0):
+    # Test if we can add a complete sales order
+    if not run: return
+    if not quiet:
+      ZopeTestCase._print('\nTest Add Sales Order ')
+      LOG('Testing... ',0,'testAddSalesOrder')
+    # Test if we can add a complete sales order
+    sales_module = self.getSalesModule()
+    sales_order = sales_module.newContent(id=self.sales_order_id,portal_type='Sales Order')
+    source_company = self.getOrganisationModule()._getOb(self.source_company_id)
+    sales_order.setSourceValue(source_company)
+    destination_company = self.getOrganisationModule()._getOb(self.destination_company_id)
+    sales_order.setDestinationValue(destination_company)
+    # Set date
+    date = DateTime() # the value is now 
+    target_start_date = date + 10 # Add 10 days
+    target_stop_date = date + 12 # Add 12 days
+    sales_order.setTargetStartDate(target_start_date)
+    sales_order.setTargetStopDate(target_stop_date)
+    # Set Profile
+    sales_order.setSourceValue(source_company)
+    sales_order.setSourceSectionValue(source_company)
+    sales_order.setSourceDecisionValue(source_company)
+    sales_order.setSourceAdministrationValue(source_company)
+    sales_order.setSourcePaymentValue(source_company)
+    sales_order.setDestinationValue(destination_company)
+    sales_order.setDestinationSectionValue(destination_company)
+    sales_order.setDestinationDecisionValue(destination_company)
+    sales_order.setDestinationAdministrationValue(destination_company)
+    sales_order.setDestinationPaymentValue(destination_company)
+    # Add a sales order line
+    sales_order_line = sales_order.newContent(id='1',portal_type='Sales Order Line')
+    component_module = self.getComponentModule()
+    component = component_module._getOb(self.component_id)
+    sales_order_line.setResourceValue(component)
+    self.assertEquals(sales_order_line.getResourceValue(),component)
+    sales_order_line.setTargetQuantity(self.quantity)
+    # Look if the profile is good 
+    self.failUnless(sales_order.getSourceValue()!=None)
+    self.failUnless(sales_order.getDestinationValue()!=None)
+    self.failUnless(sales_order.getSourceSectionValue()!=None)
+    self.failUnless(sales_order.getDestinationSectionValue()!=None)
+    self.failUnless(sales_order.getSourceDecisionValue()!=None)
+    self.failUnless(sales_order.getDestinationDecisionValue()!=None)
+    self.failUnless(sales_order.getSourceAdministrationValue()!=None)
+    self.failUnless(sales_order.getDestinationAdministrationValue()!=None)
+    self.failUnless(sales_order.getSourcePaymentValue()!=None)
+    self.failUnless(sales_order.getDestinationPaymentValue()!=None)
+    # See what's the output of Order_lightControl
+    result=sales_order.Order_lightControl()
+    self.assertEquals(result,'')
+  def testPlanSimpleOrder(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
+    # Test if we can add a complete sales order
+    if not run: return
+    if not quiet:
+      ZopeTestCase._print('\nTest Plan Simple Order ')
+      LOG('Testing... ',0,'testPlanSimpleOrder')
+    portal = self.getPortal()
+    self.testAddSalesOrder(quiet=1,run=1)
+    sales_module = self.getSalesModule()
+    sales_order = sales_module._getOb(self.sales_order_id)
+    sales_order_line = sales_order._getOb('1')
+    #self.assertEquals(len(sales_order_line.objectValues()),0)
+    # Test Before if there is uid on portal_simulation
+    simulation_tool = self.getSimulationTool()
+    LOG('testPlanSimpleOrder.CHECK',0,portal.portal_simulation.uid)
+    LOG('testPlanSimpleOrder.CHECK2',0,getattr(aq_base(simulation_tool),'uid',None))
+    #LOG('testPlanSimpleOrder',0,'portal.portal_simulation.immediateReindexObject')
+    #LOG('testPlanSimpleOrder, portal_simulation',0,simulation_tool)
+    sql_connection = self.getSqlConnection()
+    sql = 'select uid from catalog'
+    result = sql_connection.manage_test(sql)
+    uid_list = map(lambda x: x['uid'],result)
+    LOG('testPlanSimpleOrder, uid_list',0,uid_list)
+    portal_id = self.getPortalId()
+    #simulation_tool.immediateReindexObject()
+    # Get the movement index
+    #LOG('testPlanSimpleOrder, movementIndex:',0,sales_order.getMovementIndex())
+    sales_order.plan()
+    simulation_tool = self.getSimulationTool()
+    simulation_object_list = simulation_tool.objectValues()
+    self.assertEquals(len(simulation_object_list),1)
+    simulation_object = simulation_object_list[0]
+    self.assertEquals(simulation_object.getCausalityValue(),sales_order)
+    # See what's the output of Order_heavyControl
+    result=sales_order.Order_heavyControl()
+    self.assertEquals(result,'')
+    source_state_list = ('auto_planned', 'planned', 'ordered', 'confirmed', \
+                         'getting_ready', 'ready', 'started', 'stopped', 'delivered', 'invoiced')
+    inventory_list = portal.SimulationTool_getGroupFutureInventoryList(simulation_state=source_state_list)
+    for inventory in inventory_list:
+      LOG('inventory.inventory',0,inventory['inventory'])
+      LOG('inventory.section_title',0,inventory['section_title'])
+      LOG('inventory.resource_title',0,inventory['resource_title'])
+      LOG('inventory.resource_relative_url',0,inventory['resource_relative_url'])
+      LOG('inventory.path',0,inventory['path'])
+      LOG('inventory.variation_text',0,inventory['variation_text'])
+    LOG('Testing... inventory_list',0,inventory_list)
+    portal.SimulationTool_activateRequirementList()
+    #portal.portal_activities.tic()
+# vérifier quand confirmé, que les délivery sont bien créées
+# essayer en mode actif, combiner des morceaux de unit test précédent,
+#a, b, tic, e, tic, f, tic
+# genre on confirme quand l'applied rule n'est pas faite (elle est en faite
+# dans le portal_activities
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    framework()
+    import unittest
+    def test_suite():
+        suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+        suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestOrder))
+        return suite