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Commit 4b42b138 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

Add tool to dump unreferenced security uids

parent 138e495e
<?xml version="1.0"?>
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<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
portal = context.getPortalObject()\n
req = portal.erp5_sql_connection.manage_test\n
security_uid_field_list = [x + ("_" if x != "" else "") + "security_uid" for x in portal.portal_catalog.getSQLCatalog().getSQLCatalogSecurityUidGroupsColumnsDict().keys()]\n
referenced_uid_set = set()\n
all_uid_set = set()\n
for security_uid_field in security_uid_field_list:\n
referenced_uid_set.union({getattr(row, security_uid_field) for row in req("select distinct %s from catalog where %s is not NULL" % (security_uid_field, security_uid_field))})\n
print(">> useless uids in roles_and_users table <<\\n")\n
if len(referenced_uid_set) > 0:\n
for row in req("select * from roles_and_users where uid not in %s" + tuple(referenced_uid_set)):\n
print row.uid, row.local_roles_group_id, row.allowedRolesAndUsers\n
print("\\n>> uids that should be in roles_and_users table <<\\n")\n
all_uid_set = {row.uid for row in req("select uid from roles_and_users")}\n
for security_uid_field in security_uid_field_list:\n
for row in req("select %s, relative_url from catalog where %s not in %s" % (security_uid_field, security_uid_field, tuple(all_uid_set))):\n
print security_uid_field, getattr(row, security_uid_field, None), row.relative_url\n
print("\\n>> END <<")\n
return printed\n
]]></string> </value>
<key> <string>_params</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<key> <string>id</string> </key>
<value> <string>Base_dumpUnreferencedSecurityUid</string> </value>
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