Commit a4688911 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

officejs_support_request_ui: prevent submitting comment twice [WIP]

parent ce1eb93d
......@@ -218,8 +218,11 @@
submitButton = gadget.element.querySelector("input[type=submit]");
submitButton.disabled = true;
function enableSubmitButton() {
submitButton.disabled = false;
queue = gadget.notifySubmitted({message: "Posting comment"})
.push(function () {
......@@ -231,6 +234,10 @@
data.append("predecessor", '');
data.append("data", content.comment);
data.append("file", file_blob);
// reset the file upload, otherwise next comment would upload same file again
choose_file_html_element.value = "";
  • HTML5 spec for file input says

    The value IDL attribute is in mode filename.

    which means:

    .. On setting, if the new value is the empty string, empty the list of selected files; ...

    so it should be OK, but I'm a bit worried that some browser may cause a security error if we change the value of a file input

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// XXX: Hack, call jIO.util.ajax directly to pass the file blob
// Because the jio_putAttachment will call readBlobAsText, which
// will broke the binary file. Call the jIO.util.ajax directly
......@@ -248,12 +255,17 @@
return gadget.notifySubmitted({message: "Comment added", status: "success"});
.push(function () {
editor.changeState({value: ''})
// XXX workaround ... because previous state before user start typing was ""
// we first set to "something" to be able to reset to nothing later.
return editor.changeState({value: ' '});
.push(function () {
return editor.changeState({value: ''});
.push(function () {
return gadget.redirect({command: 'reload'});
queue.push(enableSubmitButton, enableSubmitButton);
.push(enableSubmitButton, enableSubmitButton);
return queue;
......@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
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