Commit 030db5c3 authored by Rémy Coutable's avatar Rémy Coutable

Merge branch 'remove-unused-templates-from-gitlab-ci' into 'master'

Clean up some unused templates imported from GitLab CI

## What does this MR do?

Clean up some unused templates imported from GitLab CI, for new developers to easily understand the file/directory structure of Gitlab CE.

## Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?

Be sure if removed files are not used now while the committer checked them once.

## Why was this MR needed?

Because the file/directory structure of the repository should be clear and simple and if so new developers can easily understand the file/directory structure of Gitlab CE.

## What are the relevant issue numbers?

Closes #19158 

## Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?

- CHANGELOG won't be updated due to repository maintenance
- No documentation created/updated
- No API support added
- Tests
  - [skipped] Added for this feature/bug
  - [x] All builds are passing
- [x] Conform by the [style guides](
- [x] Branch has no merge conflicts with `master` (if you do - rebase it please)
- [x] [Squashed related commits together](

See merge request !4922
parents c5295f96 ed713c81
%h4 How to setup CI for this project
Add at least one runner to the project.
Go to #{link_to 'Runners page', runners_path(@project), target: :blank} for instructions.
Put the .gitlab-ci.yml in the root of your repository. Examples can be found in
#{link_to "Configuring project (.gitlab-ci.yml)", "", target: :blank}.
You can also test your .gitlab-ci.yml in the #{link_to "Lint", ci_lint_path}
Return to this page and refresh it, it should show a new build.
Now you need Runners to process your builds.
Checkout the #{link_to 'GitLab Runner section', '', target: '_blank'} to install it
- if current_user && current_user.is_admin? &&
= render 'ci/shared/no_runners'
.page-with-sidebar{ class: page_sidebar_class }
= render "layouts/broadcast"
.sidebar-wrapper.nicescroll{ class: nav_sidebar_class }
- if defined?(sidebar) && sidebar
= render "layouts/ci/#{sidebar}"
- elsif current_user
= render 'layouts/nav/dashboard'
= render partial: 'layouts/collapse_button'
- if current_user
= link_to current_user, class: 'sidebar-user', title: "Profile" do
= image_tag avatar_icon(current_user, 60), alt: 'Profile', class: 'avatar avatar s36'
= current_user.username
= render "layouts/flash"
= render 'layouts/ci/info'
%div{ class: container_class }
= yield
%html{lang: "en"}
%meta{content: "text/html; charset=utf-8", "http-equiv" => "Content-Type"}
GitLab CI
= yield :header
%table{align: "left", border: "0", cellpadding: "0", cellspacing: "0", style: "padding: 10px 0;", width: "100%"}
%td{align: "left", style: "margin: 0; padding: 10px;"}
= yield
%td{align: "left", style: "margin: 0; padding: 10px;"}
%p{style: "font-size:small;color:#777"}
- if @project
You're receiving this notification because you are the one who triggered a build on the #{} project.
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