Commit 292a41cb authored by Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Fixed comments for snippets. Tests fixed

parent d41d8ffb
......@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ class NotesController < ApplicationController
@notes = case params[:target_type]
when "commit"
then project.commit_notes(project.commit((params[:target_id]))).fresh.limit(20)
when "snippet"
then project.snippets.find(params[:target_id]).notes
when "wall"
then project.common_notes.order("created_at DESC").fresh.limit(20)
when "issue"
......@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ class SnippetsController < ApplicationController
def show
@notes = @snippet.notes
@note = => @snippet)
- if note.valid?
$("#new_note .errors").remove();
$('#new_note textarea').val("");
NoteList.prepend(#{}, "#{escape_javascript(render :partial => "notes/show", :locals => {:note => note})}");
- else
- if note.valid?
$('#new_note textarea').val("");
var trEl = $(".#{note.line_code}").parent();
trEl.after("#{escape_javascript(render :partial => "notes/per_line_show", :locals => {:note => note})}");
trEl.after("#{escape_javascript(render :partial => "notes/reply_button", :locals => {:line_code => note.line_code})}");
- if @note.valid?
- if @note.line_code
$('#new_note textarea').val("");
var trEl = $(".#{@note.line_code}").parent();
trEl.after("#{escape_javascript(render :partial => "notes/per_line_show", :locals => {:note => @note})}");
trEl.after("#{escape_javascript(render :partial => "notes/reply_button", :locals => {:line_code => @note.line_code})}");
- else
$("#new_note .errors").remove();
$('#new_note textarea').val("");
NoteList.prepend(#{}, "#{escape_javascript(render :partial => "notes/show", :locals => {:note => @note})}");
- if @note.line_code
= render "create_line", :note => @note
- else
- unless @note.line_code
= render "create_common", :note => @note
-# Enable submit button
......@@ -14,8 +14,5 @@
<%= raw @snippet.colorize %>
.snippet_notes= render "notes/notes"
= render "notes/notes", :tid =>, :tt => "snippet"
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ describe "Projects", "Wall" do
project.add_access(@user, :read, :write)
describe "View notes on wall" do
describe "View notes on wall", :js => true do
before do
Factory :note, :project => project, :note => "Project specs", :author => @user
visit wall_project_path(project)
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