Commit 668ebfca authored by James Lopez's avatar James Lopez

fix wording

parent 621b4eaf
require 'spec_helper'
# Integration test that exports a file using the Import/EXport feature
# Integration test that exports a file using the Import/Export feature
# It looks up for any sensitive word inside the JSON, so if a sensitive word is found
# we''l have to either include it adding the model containing it to the +safe_list+
# we''l have to either include it adding the model that includes it to the +safe_list+
# or make sure the attribute is blacklisted in the +import_export.yml+ configuration
feature 'project export', feature: true, js: true do
include Select2Helper
require 'spec_helper'
# Part of the Import/Export feature security testing
# Part of the test security suite for the Import/Export feature
# Checks whether there are new attributes in models that are currently being exported as part of the
# project Import/Export feature.
# If there are new attributes, these will have to either be added to this spec in case we want them
require 'spec_helper'
# Part of the Import/Export feature security testing
# Part of the test security suite for the Import/Export feature
# Finds if a new model has been added that can potentially be part of the Import/Export
# If it finds a new model, it will show a +failure_message+ with the options available.
describe 'Model configuration', lib: true do
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