context'with an unchanged line on the left and an unchanged line on the right'do
context'with an unchanged line on the left and an unchanged line on the right'do
let(:line_holder){first:xpath,'//*[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " line_holder ") and child::*[contains(concat(" ", @class, " ")," line_content ") and not(contains(concat(" ", @class, " ")," old ")) and not(contains(concat(" ", @class, " ")," new ")) and not(contains(concat(" ", @class, " ")," match ")) and boolean(node()[1])] and child::*[contains(concat(" ", @class, " ")," line_content ") and not(contains(concat(" ", @class, " ")," old ")) and not(contains(concat(" ", @class, " ")," new ")) and not(contains(concat(" ", @class, " ")," match ")) and boolean(node()[1])]]'}
let(:line_holder){first:xpath,'//*[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " line_holder ") and child::*[contains(concat(" ", @class, " ")," line_content ") and not(contains(concat(" ", @class, " ")," old ")) and not(contains(concat(" ", @class, " ")," new ")) and not(contains(concat(" ", @class, " ")," match ")) and boolean(node()[1])] and child::*[contains(concat(" ", @class, " ")," line_content ") and not(contains(concat(" ", @class, " ")," old ")) and not(contains(concat(" ", @class, " ")," new ")) and not(contains(concat(" ", @class, " ")," match ")) and boolean(node()[1])]]'}