require 'spec_helper' describe "On a merge request", js: true do let!(:project) { create(:project) } let!(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, project: project) } before do login_as :user << [@user, :master] visit project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request) end subject { page } describe "the note form" do # main target form creation it { should have_css(".js-main-target-form", visible: true, count: 1) } # button initalization it { find(".js-main-target-form input[type=submit]").value.should == "Add Comment" } it { within(".js-main-target-form") { should_not have_link("Cancel") } } # notifiactions it { within(".js-main-target-form") { should have_checked_field("Notify team via email") } } it { within(".js-main-target-form") { should_not have_checked_field("Notify commit author") } } it { within(".js-main-target-form") { should_not have_unchecked_field("Notify commit author") } } describe "without text" do it { within(".js-main-target-form") { should have_css(".js-note-preview-button", visible: false) } } end describe "with text" do before do within(".js-main-target-form") do fill_in "note[note]", with: "This is awesome" end end it { within(".js-main-target-form") { should_not have_css(".js-comment-button[disabled]") } } it { within(".js-main-target-form") { should have_css(".js-note-preview-button", visible: true) } } end describe "with preview" do before do within(".js-main-target-form") do fill_in "note[note]", with: "This is awesome" find(".js-note-preview-button").trigger("click") end end it { within(".js-main-target-form") { should have_css(".js-note-preview", text: "This is awesome", visible: true) } } it { within(".js-main-target-form") { should have_css(".js-note-preview-button", visible: false) } } it { within(".js-main-target-form") { should have_css(".js-note-edit-button", visible: true) } } end end describe "when posting a note" do before do within(".js-main-target-form") do fill_in "note[note]", with: "This is awsome!" find(".js-note-preview-button").trigger("click") click_button "Add Comment" end end # note added it { within(".js-main-target-form") { should have_content("This is awsome!") } } # reset form it { within(".js-main-target-form") { should have_no_field("note[note]", with: "This is awesome!") } } # return from preview it { within(".js-main-target-form") { should have_css(".js-note-preview", visible: false) } } it { within(".js-main-target-form") { should have_css(".js-note-text", visible: true) } } it "should be removable" do find(".js-note-delete").trigger("click") should_not have_css(".note") end end end describe "On a merge request diff", js: true, focus: true do let!(:project) { create(:project) } let!(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request_with_diffs, project: project) } before do login_as :user << [@user, :master] visit diffs_project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request) within '.diffs-tab' do click_link("Diff") end end subject { page } describe "when adding a note" do before do find("#4735dfc552ad7bf15ca468adc3cad9d05b624490_185_185.line_holder .js-add-diff-note-button").trigger("click") end describe "the notes holder" do it { should have_css("#4735dfc552ad7bf15ca468adc3cad9d05b624490_185_185.line_holder + .js-temp-notes-holder") } it { within(".js-temp-notes-holder") { should have_css(".new_note") } } end describe "the note form" do # set up hidden fields correctly it { within(".js-temp-notes-holder") { find("#note_noteable_type").value.should == "MergeRequest" } } it { within(".js-temp-notes-holder") { find("#note_noteable_id").value.should == } } it { within(".js-temp-notes-holder") { find("#note_commit_id").value.should == "" } } it { within(".js-temp-notes-holder") { find("#note_line_code").value.should == "4735dfc552ad7bf15ca468adc3cad9d05b624490_185_185" } } # buttons it { should have_button("Add Comment") } it { should have_css(".js-close-discussion-note-form", text: "Cancel") } # notification options it { should have_checked_field("Notify team via email") } it "shouldn't add a second form for same row" do find("#4735dfc552ad7bf15ca468adc3cad9d05b624490_185_185.line_holder .js-add-diff-note-button").trigger("click") should have_css("#4735dfc552ad7bf15ca468adc3cad9d05b624490_185_185.line_holder + .js-temp-notes-holder form", count: 1) end it "should be removed when canceled" do within(".file form[rel$='4735dfc552ad7bf15ca468adc3cad9d05b624490_185_185']") do find(".js-close-discussion-note-form").trigger("click") end should have_no_css(".js-temp-notes-holder") end end end describe "with muliple note forms" do before do find("#4735dfc552ad7bf15ca468adc3cad9d05b624490_185_185.line_holder .js-add-diff-note-button").trigger("click") find("#342e16cbbd482ac2047dc679b2749d248cc1428f_18_17.line_holder .js-add-diff-note-button").trigger("click") end # has two line forms it { should have_css(".js-temp-notes-holder", count: 2) } describe "previewing them separately" do before do # add two separate texts and trigger previews on both within("#4735dfc552ad7bf15ca468adc3cad9d05b624490_185_185.line_holder + .js-temp-notes-holder") do fill_in "note[note]", with: "One comment on line 185" find(".js-note-preview-button").trigger("click") end within("#342e16cbbd482ac2047dc679b2749d248cc1428f_18_17.line_holder + .js-temp-notes-holder") do fill_in "note[note]", with: "Another comment on line 17" find(".js-note-preview-button").trigger("click") end end # check if previews were rendered separately it { within("#4735dfc552ad7bf15ca468adc3cad9d05b624490_185_185.line_holder + .js-temp-notes-holder") { should have_css(".js-note-preview", text: "One comment on line 185") } } it { within("#342e16cbbd482ac2047dc679b2749d248cc1428f_18_17.line_holder + .js-temp-notes-holder") { should have_css(".js-note-preview", text: "Another comment on line 17") } } end describe "posting a note" do before do within("#342e16cbbd482ac2047dc679b2749d248cc1428f_18_17.line_holder + .js-temp-notes-holder") do fill_in "note[note]", with: "Another comment on line 17" click_button("Add Comment") end end # removed form after submit it { should have_no_css("#342e16cbbd482ac2047dc679b2749d248cc1428f_18_17.line_holder + .js-temp-notes-holder") } # added discussion it { should have_content("Another comment on line 17") } it { should have_css("#342e16cbbd482ac2047dc679b2749d248cc1428f_18_17.line_holder + .notes_holder") } it { should have_css("#342e16cbbd482ac2047dc679b2749d248cc1428f_18_17.line_holder + .notes_holder .note", count: 1) } it { should have_link("Reply") } it "should remove last note of a discussion" do within("#342e16cbbd482ac2047dc679b2749d248cc1428f_18_17.line_holder + .notes_holder") do find(".js-note-delete").trigger("click") end # removed whole discussion should_not have_css(".note_holder") should have_css("#342e16cbbd482ac2047dc679b2749d248cc1428f_18_17.line_holder + #342e16cbbd482ac2047dc679b2749d248cc1428f_18_18.line_holder") end end end describe "when replying to a note" do before do # create first note find("#4735dfc552ad7bf15ca468adc3cad9d05b624490_184_184.line_holder .js-add-diff-note-button").trigger("click") within("#4735dfc552ad7bf15ca468adc3cad9d05b624490_184_184.line_holder + .js-temp-notes-holder") do fill_in "note[note]", with: "One comment on line 184" click_button("Add Comment") end # create second note within("#4735dfc552ad7bf15ca468adc3cad9d05b624490_184_184.line_holder + .notes_holder") do find(".js-discussion-reply-button").trigger("click") fill_in "note[note]", with: "An additional comment in reply" click_button("Add Comment") end end # inserted note it { should have_content("An additional comment in reply") } it { within("#4735dfc552ad7bf15ca468adc3cad9d05b624490_184_184.line_holder + .notes_holder") { should have_css(".note", count: 2) } } # removed form after reply it { within("#4735dfc552ad7bf15ca468adc3cad9d05b624490_184_184.line_holder + .notes_holder") { should have_no_css("form") } } it { within("#4735dfc552ad7bf15ca468adc3cad9d05b624490_184_184.line_holder + .notes_holder") { should have_link("Reply") } } end end describe "On merge request discussion", js: true do describe "with merge request diff note" describe "with commit note" describe "with commit diff note" end