<script> import { mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex'; import Flash from '../../flash'; import { SYSTEM_NOTE } from '../constants'; import userAvatarLink from '../../vue_shared/components/user_avatar/user_avatar_link.vue'; import noteableNote from './noteable_note.vue'; import noteHeader from './note_header.vue'; import noteSignedOutWidget from './note_signed_out_widget.vue'; import noteEditedText from './note_edited_text.vue'; import noteForm from './note_form.vue'; import placeholderNote from '../../vue_shared/components/notes/placeholder_note.vue'; import placeholderSystemNote from '../../vue_shared/components/notes/placeholder_system_note.vue'; import autosave from '../mixins/autosave'; export default { props: { note: { type: Object, required: true, }, }, data() { return { isReplying: false, }; }, components: { noteableNote, userAvatarLink, noteHeader, noteSignedOutWidget, noteEditedText, noteForm, placeholderNote, placeholderSystemNote, }, mixins: [ autosave, ], computed: { ...mapGetters([ 'getNoteableData', ]), discussion() { return this.note.notes[0]; }, author() { return this.discussion.author; }, canReply() { return this.getNoteableData.current_user.can_create_note; }, newNotePath() { return this.getNoteableData.create_note_path; }, lastUpdatedBy() { const { notes } = this.note; if (notes.length > 1) { return notes[notes.length - 1].author; } return null; }, lastUpdatedAt() { const { notes } = this.note; if (notes.length > 1) { return notes[notes.length - 1].created_at; } return null; }, }, methods: { ...mapActions([ 'saveNote', 'toggleDiscussion', 'removePlaceholderNotes', ]), componentName(note) { if (note.isPlaceholderNote) { if (note.placeholderType === SYSTEM_NOTE) { return placeholderSystemNote; } return placeholderNote; } return noteableNote; }, componentData(note) { return note.isPlaceholderNote ? note.notes[0] : note; }, toggleDiscussionHandler() { this.toggleDiscussion({ discussionId: this.note.id }); }, showReplyForm() { this.isReplying = true; }, cancelReplyForm(shouldConfirm) { if (shouldConfirm && this.$refs.noteForm.isDirty) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to cancel creating this comment?')) { return; } } this.resetAutoSave(); this.isReplying = false; }, saveReply(noteText, form, callback) { const replyData = { endpoint: this.newNotePath, flashContainer: this.$el, data: { in_reply_to_discussion_id: this.note.reply_id, target_type: 'issue', target_id: this.discussion.noteable_id, note: { note: noteText }, }, }; this.isReplying = false; this.saveNote(replyData) .then(() => { this.resetAutoSave(); callback(); }) .catch((err) => { this.removePlaceholderNotes(); this.isReplying = true; this.$nextTick(() => { const msg = 'Your comment could not be submitted! Please check your network connection and try again.'; Flash(msg, 'alert', this.$el); this.$refs.noteForm.note = noteText; callback(err); }); }); }, }, mounted() { if (this.isReplying) { this.initAutoSave(); } }, updated() { if (this.isReplying) { if (!this.autosave) { this.initAutoSave(); } else { this.setAutoSave(); } } }, }; </script> <template> <li class="note note-discussion timeline-entry"> <div class="timeline-entry-inner"> <div class="timeline-icon"> <user-avatar-link :link-href="author.path" :img-src="author.avatar_url" :img-alt="author.name" :img-size="40" /> </div> <div class="timeline-content"> <div class="discussion"> <div class="discussion-header"> <note-header :author="author" :created-at="discussion.created_at" :note-id="discussion.id" :include-toggle="true" @toggleHandler="toggleDiscussionHandler" action-text="started a discussion" class="discussion" /> <note-edited-text v-if="lastUpdatedAt" :edited-at="lastUpdatedAt" :edited-by="lastUpdatedBy" action-text="Last updated" class-name="discussion-headline-light js-discussion-headline" /> </div> </div> <div v-if="note.expanded" class="discussion-body"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="discussion-notes"> <ul class="notes"> <component v-for="note in note.notes" :is="componentName(note)" :note="componentData(note)" :key="note.id" /> </ul> <div :class="{ 'is-replying': isReplying }" class="discussion-reply-holder"> <button v-if="canReply && !isReplying" @click="showReplyForm" type="button" class="js-vue-discussion-reply btn btn-text-field" title="Add a reply">Reply...</button> <note-form v-if="isReplying" save-button-title="Comment" :discussion="note" :is-editing="false" @handleFormUpdate="saveReply" @cancelFormEdition="cancelReplyForm" ref="noteForm" /> <note-signed-out-widget v-if="!canReply" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </template>