%h3.page-title Group membership - if current_user.can_create_group? %span.pull-right = link_to new_group_path, class: "btn btn-new" do %i.icon-plus New Group %p.light Members of group have access to all group projects. %hr .ui-box .title %strong Groups (#{@user_groups.count}) %ul.well-list - @user_groups.each do |user_group| - group = user_group.group %li .pull-right - if can?(current_user, :manage_group, group) = link_to edit_group_path(group), class: "btn-small btn grouped" do %i.icon-cogs Settings = link_to leave_profile_group_path(group), confirm: "Are you sure you want to leave #{group.name} group?", method: :delete, class: "btn-small btn grouped", title: 'Remove user from group' do %i.icon-signout Leave = link_to group, class: 'group-name' do = group.name as #{user_group.human_access} = paginate @user_groups