Commit 9f1e4eef authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

Use argparse instead of optparse

Besides the use of another module for option parsing, the main change is that
there's no more Config class that mixes configuration for different components.
Application classes now takes a simple 'dict' with parsed values.

The changes in 'neoctl' are somewhat ugly, because command-line options are not
defined on the command-line class, but this component is likely to disappear
in the future.

It remains possible to pass options via a configuration file. The code is a bit
complex but isolated in neo.lib.config

For SSL, the code may be simpler if we change for a single --ssl option that
takes 3 paths. Not done to not break compatibility. Hence, the hack with
an extra OptionList class in

A new functional test tests the 'neomigrate' script, instead of just the
internal API to migrate data.
parent 56d0b764
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from neo.lib import logging
from import BaseApplication
from import BaseApplication, buildOptionParser
from neo.lib.connection import ListeningConnection
from neo.lib.exception import PrimaryFailure
from .handler import AdminEventHandler, MasterEventHandler, \
......@@ -25,24 +25,35 @@ from import PartitionTable
from neo.lib.protocol import ClusterStates, Errors, NodeTypes, Packets
from neo.lib.debug import register as registerLiveDebugger
class Application(BaseApplication):
"""The storage node application."""
def _buildOptionParser(cls):
_ = cls.option_parser
_.description = "NEO Admin node"
cls.addCommonServerOptions('admin', '')
_ ='admin')'u', 'uuid',
help="specify an UUID to use for this process (testing purpose)")
def __init__(self, config):
super(Application, self).__init__(
config.getSSL(), config.getDynamicMasterList())
for address in config.getMasters():
config.get('ssl'), config.get('dynamic_master_list'))
for address in config['masters']:
self.nm.createMaster(address=address) = config.getCluster()
self.server = config.getBind() = config['cluster']
self.server = config['bind']
logging.debug('IP address is %s, port is %d', *self.server)
# The partition table is initialized after getting the number of
# partitions. = None
self.uuid = config.getUUID()
self.uuid = config.get('uuid')
self.request_handler = MasterRequestEventHandler(self)
self.master_event_handler = MasterEventHandler(self)
self.cluster_state = None
......@@ -14,16 +14,57 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from . import logging
from . import logging, util
from .config import OptionList
from .event import EventManager
from .node import NodeManager
def buildOptionParser(cls):
parser = cls.option_parser = cls.OptionList()
_ = parser.path
_('l', 'logfile',
help="log debugging information to specified SQLite DB")
_('ca', help="(SSL) certificate authority in PEM format")
_('cert', help="(SSL) certificate in PEM format")
_('key', help="(SSL) private key in PEM format")
return cls
class BaseApplication(object):
class OptionList(OptionList):
def parse(self, argv=None):
config = OptionList.parse(self, argv)
ssl = (
config.pop('ca', None),
config.pop('cert', None),
config.pop('key', None),
if any(ssl):
config['ssl'] = ssl
return config
server = None
ssl = None
def addCommonServerOptions(cls, section, bind, masters=''):
_ ='server node')
_.path('f', 'file', help='specify a configuration file')
_('s', 'section', default=section,
help='specify a configuration section')
_('c', 'cluster', required=True, help='the cluster name')
_('m', 'masters', default=masters, parse=util.parseMasterList,
help='master node list')
_('b', 'bind', default=bind,
parse=lambda x: util.parseNodeAddress(x, 0),
help='the local address to bind to')
_.path('D', 'dynamic-master-list',
help='path of the file containing dynamic master node list')
def __init__(self, ssl=None, dynamic_master_list=None):
if ssl:
if not all(ssl):
......@@ -14,139 +14,187 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import os
from optparse import OptionParser
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser, NoOptionError
from . import util
from .util import parseNodeAddress
def getOptionParser():
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-l', '--logfile',
help='log debugging information to specified SQLite DB')
parser.add_option('--ca', help='certificate authority in PEM format')
parser.add_option('--cert', help='certificate in PEM format')
parser.add_option('--key', help='private key in PEM format')
return parser
def getServerOptionParser():
parser = getOptionParser()
parser.add_option('-f', '--file', help='specify a configuration file')
parser.add_option('-s', '--section', help='specify a configuration section')
parser.add_option('-c', '--cluster', help='the cluster name')
parser.add_option('-m', '--masters', help='master node list')
parser.add_option('-b', '--bind', help='the local address to bind to')
parser.add_option('-D', '--dynamic-master-list',
help='path of the file containing dynamic master node list')
return parser
class ConfigurationManager(object):
Configuration manager that load options from a configuration file and
command line arguments
def __init__(self, defaults, options, section):
self.argument_list = options = {k: v
for k, v in options.__dict__.iteritems()
if v is not None}
self.defaults = defaults
config_file = options.pop('file', None)
if config_file:
self.parser = SafeConfigParser(defaults)
self.parser = None
self.section = options.pop('section', section)
def __get(self, key, optional=False):
value = self.argument_list.get(key)
if value is None:
if self.parser is None:
value = self.defaults.get(key)
import argparse, os, sys
from functools import wraps
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
class _Required(object):
def __init__(self, *args):
self._option_list, self._name = args
def __nonzero__(self):
with_required = self._option_list._with_required
return with_required is not None and self._name not in with_required
class _Option(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
if len(args) > 1:
self.short, = args
else:, = args
def _asArgparse(self, parser, option_list):
kw = self._argument_kw()
args = ['--' +]
value = self.parser.get(self.section, key)
except NoOptionError:
args.insert(0, '-' + self.short)
except AttributeError:
if value is None and not optional:
raise RuntimeError("Option '%s' is undefined'" % (key, ))
kw['help'] =
action = parser.add_argument(*args, **kw)
if action.required:
assert not hasattr(self, 'default')
action.required = _Required(option_list,
def fromConfigFile(self, cfg, section):
return self(cfg.get(section,'-', '_')))
def parse(value):
return value
class BoolOption(_Option):
def _argument_kw(self):
return {'action': 'store_true'}
def __call__(self, value):
return value
def __getPath(self, *args, **kw):
path = self.__get(*args, **kw)
if path:
return os.path.expanduser(path)
def fromConfigFile(self, cfg, section):
return cfg.getboolean(section,
def getLogfile(self):
return self.__getPath('logfile', True)
class Option(_Option):
def getSSL(self):
r = [self.__getPath(key, True) for key in ('ca', 'cert', 'key')]
if any(r):
return r
def __name__(self):
return self.type.__name__
def getMasters(self):
""" Get the master node list except itself """
return util.parseMasterList(self.__get('masters'))
def _argument_kw(self):
kw = {'type': self}
for x in 'default', 'metavar', 'required', 'choices':
kw[x] = getattr(self, x)
except AttributeError:
return kw
def type(value):
if value:
return value
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('value is empty')
def getBind(self):
""" Get the address to bind to """
bind = self.__get('bind')
return parseNodeAddress(bind, 0)
def __call__(self, value):
return self.type(value)
def getDisableDropPartitions(self):
return self.__get('disable_drop_partitions', True)
class OptionGroup(object):
def getDatabase(self):
return self.__get('database')
def __init__(self, description=None):
self.description = description
self._options = []
def getEngine(self):
return self.__get('engine', True)
def _asArgparse(self, parser, option_list):
g = parser.add_argument_group(self.description)
for option in self._options:
option._asArgparse(g, option_list)
def set_defaults(self, **kw):
option_dict = self.getOptionDict()
for k, v in kw.iteritems():
option_dict[k].default = v
def getOptionDict(self):
option_dict = {}
for option in self._options:
if isinstance(option, OptionGroup):
option_dict['-', '_')] = option
return option_dict
def getWait(self):
# XXX: see also DatabaseManager.__init__
return self.__get('wait')
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
self._options.append(Option(*args, **kw))
def getDynamicMasterList(self):
return self.__getPath('dynamic_master_list', optional=True)
def __option_type(t):
return wraps(t)(lambda self, *args, **kw: self(type=t, *args, **kw))
def getAdapter(self):
return self.__get('adapter')
float = __option_type(float)
int = __option_type(int)
path = __option_type(os.path.expanduser)
def getCluster(self):
cluster = self.__get('cluster')
assert cluster != '', "Cluster name must be non-empty"
return cluster
def bool(self, *args, **kw):
self._options.append(BoolOption(*args, **kw))
def getReplicas(self):
return int(self.__get('replicas'))
class Argument(Option):
def getPartitions(self):
return int(self.__get('partitions'))
def __init__(self, name, **kw):
super(Argument, self).__init__(name, **kw)
def getReset(self):
# only from command line
return self.argument_list.get('reset', False)
def _asArgparse(self, parser, option_list):
kw = {'help':, 'type': self}
for x in 'default', 'metavar', 'nargs', 'choices':
kw[x] = getattr(self, x)
except AttributeError:
parser.add_argument(, **kw)
def getUUID(self):
# only from command line
uuid = self.argument_list.get('uuid', None)
if uuid:
return int(uuid)
class OptionList(OptionGroup):
def getUpstreamCluster(self):
return self.__get('upstream_cluster', True)
_with_required = None
def getUpstreamMasters(self):
return util.parseMasterList(self.__get('upstream_masters'))
def argument(self, *args, **kw):
self._options.append(Argument(*args, **kw))
def getAutostart(self):
n = self.__get('autostart', True)
if n:
return int(n)
def group(self, description):
group = OptionGroup(description)
return group
def getDedup(self):
return self.__get('dedup', True)
def parse(self, argv=None):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=self.description,
for option in self._options:
option._asArgparse(parser, self)
_format_help = parser.format_help
def format_help():
self._with_required = ()
return _format_help()
del self._with_required
parser.format_help = format_help
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv[1:]
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
option_dict = self.getOptionDict()
config_file = args.file
except AttributeError:
d = ()
cfg = SafeConfigParser()
section = args.section
d = {}
for name in cfg.options(section):
option = option_dict[name]
except KeyError:
d[name] = option.fromConfigFile(cfg, section)
self._with_required = d
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
del self._with_required
return {name: option.parse(getattr(args, name))
for name, option in option_dict.iteritems()
if hasattr(args, name)}
......@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from time import time
from neo.lib import logging
from import BaseApplication
from neo.lib import logging, util
from import BaseApplication, buildOptionParser
from neo.lib.debug import register as registerLiveDebugger
from neo.lib.protocol import uuid_str, UUID_NAMESPACES, ZERO_TID
from neo.lib.protocol import ClusterStates, NodeStates, NodeTypes, Packets
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ from .transactions import TransactionManager
from .verification import VerificationManager
class Application(BaseApplication):
"""The master node application."""
packing = None
......@@ -72,26 +73,47 @@ class Application(BaseApplication):
if self.primary and self.cluster_state == ClusterStates.RECOVERING:
return self.primary
def _buildOptionParser(cls):
_ = cls.option_parser
_.description = "NEO Master node"
cls.addCommonServerOptions('master', '', '')
_ ='master')'r', 'replicas', default=0, help="replicas number")'p', 'partitions', default=100, help="partitions number")'A', 'autostart',
help="minimum number of pending storage nodes to automatically"
" start new cluster (to avoid unwanted recreation of the"
" cluster, this should be the total number of storage nodes)")
_('C', 'upstream-cluster',
help='the name of cluster to backup')
_('M', 'upstream-masters', parse=util.parseMasterList,
help='list of master nodes in the cluster to backup')'u', 'uuid',
help="specify an UUID to use for this process (testing purpose)")
def __init__(self, config):
super(Application, self).__init__(
config.getSSL(), config.getDynamicMasterList())
config.get('ssl'), config.get('dynamic_master_list')) = TransactionManager(self.onTransactionCommitted) = config.getCluster()
self.server = config.getBind()
self.autostart = config.getAutostart() = config['cluster']
self.server = config['bind']
self.autostart = config.get('autostart')
self.storage_ready_dict = {}
self.storage_starting_set = set()
for master_address in config.getMasters():
for master_address in config['masters']:
self._node = self.nm.createMaster(address=self.server,
logging.debug('IP address is %s, port is %d', *self.server)
# Partition table
replicas, partitions = config.getReplicas(), config.getPartitions()
replicas = config['replicas']
partitions = config['partitions']
if replicas < 0:
raise RuntimeError, 'replicas must be a positive integer'
if partitions <= 0:
......@@ -107,13 +129,13 @@ class Application(BaseApplication):
self._current_manager = None
# backup
upstream_cluster = config.getUpstreamCluster()
upstream_cluster = config.get('upstream_cluster')
if upstream_cluster:
if upstream_cluster ==
raise ValueError("upstream cluster name must be"
" different from cluster name")
self.backup_app = BackupApplication(self, upstream_cluster,
self.administration_handler = administration.AdministrationHandler(
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import sys
from .neoctl import NeoCTL, NotReadyException
from neo.lib.util import p64, u64, tidFromTime, timeStringFromTID
from neo.lib.protocol import uuid_str, formatNodeList, \
......@@ -266,18 +267,18 @@ class Application(object):
# state (RUNNING, DOWN...) and modify the partition if asked
# set cluster name [shutdown|operational] : either shutdown the
# cluster or mark it as operational
if not args:
return self.usage()
current_action = action_dict
level = 0
while current_action is not None and \
level < len(args) and \
while level < len(args) and \
isinstance(current_action, dict):
current_action = current_action.get(args[level])
current_action = current_action[args[level]]
level += 1
action = None
if isinstance(current_action, basestring):
action = getattr(self.neoctl, current_action, None)
if action is None:
return self.usage('unknown command')
except KeyError:
sys.exit('invalid command: ' + ' '.join(args))
action = getattr(self.neoctl, current_action)
return action(args[level:])
except NotReadyException, message:
......@@ -312,8 +313,8 @@ class Application(object):
for x in docstring_line_list])
return '\n'.join(result)
def usage(self, message):
output_list = (message, 'Available commands:', self._usage(action_dict),
def usage(self):
output_list = ('Available commands:', self._usage(action_dict),
"TID arguments can be either integers or timestamps as floats,"
" e.g. '257684787499560686', '0x3937af2eeeeeeee' or '1325421296.'"
" for 2012-01-01 12:34:56 UTC")
......@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from import BaseApplication
import argparse
from neo.lib import util
from import BaseApplication, buildOptionParser
from neo.lib.connection import ClientConnection, ConnectionClosed
from neo.lib.protocol import ClusterStates, NodeStates, ErrorCodes, Packets
from .handler import CommandEventHandler
......@@ -22,11 +24,24 @@ from .handler import CommandEventHandler
class NotReadyException(Exception):
class NeoCTL(BaseApplication):
connection = None
connected = False
def _buildOptionParser(cls):
# XXX: Use argparse sub-commands.
parser = cls.option_parser
parser.description = "NEO Control node"
parser('a', 'address', default='',
parse=lambda x: util.parseNodeAddress(x, 9999),
help="address of an admin node")
parser.argument('cmd', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
help="command to execute; if not supplied,"
" the list of available commands is displayed")
def __init__(self, address, **kw):
super(NeoCTL, self).__init__(**kw)
self.server = self.nm.createAdmin(address=address)
......@@ -18,27 +18,15 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from neo.lib import logging
from neo.lib.config import getServerOptionParser, ConfigurationManager
parser = getServerOptionParser()
parser.add_option('-u', '--uuid', help='specify an UUID to use for this ' \
defaults = dict(
bind = '',
masters = '',
def main(args=None):
# build configuration dict from command line options
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=args)
config = ConfigurationManager(defaults, options, 'admin')
from import Application
config = Application.option_parser.parse(args)
# setup custom logging
# and then, load and run the application
from import Application
app = Application(config)
......@@ -18,30 +18,22 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from neo.lib import logging
from neo.lib.config import getOptionParser
from neo.lib.util import parseNodeAddress
parser = getOptionParser()
parser.add_option('-a', '--address', help = 'specify the address (ip:port) ' \
'of an admin node', default = '')
def main(args=None):
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=args)
if options.address is not None:
address = parseNodeAddress(options.address, 9999)
address = ('', 9999)
from neo.neoctl.neoctl import NeoCTL
config = NeoCTL.option_parser.parse(args)
if options.logfile:
logfile = config.get('logfile')
if logfile:
# Contrary to daemons, we log everything to disk automatically
# because a user using -l option here:
# - is certainly debugging an issue and wants everything,
# - would not have to time to send SIGRTMIN before neoctl exits.
from import Application
ssl =, options.cert, options.key
r = Application(address, ssl=ssl if any(ssl) else None).execute(args)
from import Application
app = Application(config['address'], ssl=config.get('ssl'))
r = app.execute(config['cmd'])
if r is not None:
print r
......@@ -18,38 +18,14 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from neo.lib import logging
from neo.lib.config import getServerOptionParser, ConfigurationManager
parser = getServerOptionParser()
parser.add_option('-u', '--uuid', help='the node UUID (testing purpose)')
parser.add_option('-r', '--replicas', help = 'replicas number')
parser.add_option('-p', '--partitions', help = 'partitions number')
parser.add_option('-A', '--autostart',
help='minimum number of pending storage nodes to automatically start'
' new cluster (to avoid unwanted recreation of the cluster,'
' this should be the total number of storage nodes)')
parser.add_option('-C', '--upstream-cluster',
help='the name of cluster to backup')
parser.add_option('-M', '--upstream-masters',
help='list of master nodes in cluster to backup')
defaults = dict(
bind = '',
masters = '',
replicas = 0,
partitions = 100,
def main(args=None):
# build configuration dict from command line options
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=args)
config = ConfigurationManager(defaults, options, 'master')
from import Application
config = Application.option_parser.parse(args)
# setup custom logging
# and then, load and run the application
from import Application
app = Application(config)
......@@ -17,51 +17,62 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from neo.lib.config import getOptionParser
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import os
from import buildOptionParser
# register options
parser = getOptionParser()
parser.add_option('-s', '--source', help='the source database')
parser.add_option('-d', '--destination', help='the destination database')
parser.add_option('-c', '--cluster', help='the NEO cluster name')
import_warning = (
"WARNING: This is not the recommended way to import data to NEO:"
" you should use the Importer backend instead.\n"
"NEO also does not implement IStorageRestoreable interface, which"
" means that undo information is not preserved when using this tool:"
" conflict resolution could happen when undoing an old transaction."
def main(args=None):
# parse options
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=args)
source = options.source or None
destination = options.destination or None
cluster = options.cluster or None
class NEOMigrate(object):
from neo.lib.config import OptionList
def _buildOptionParser(cls):
parser = cls.option_parser
parser.description = "NEO <-> FileStorage conversion tool"
parser('c', 'cluster', required=True, help='the NEO cluster name')
parser.bool('q', 'quiet', help='print nothing to standard output')
parser.argument('source', help='the source database')
parser.argument('destination', help='the destination database')
# check options
if source is None or destination is None:
raise RuntimeError('Source and destination databases must be supplied')
if cluster is None:
raise RuntimeError('The NEO cluster name must be supplied')
def __init__(self, config): = config.pop('cluster')
self.source = config.pop('source')
self.destination = config.pop('destination')
self.quiet = config.pop('quiet', False)
# open storages
from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
from neo.client.Storage import Storage as NEOStorage
if os.path.exists(source):
print("WARNING: This is not the recommended way to import data to NEO:"
" you should use the Importer backend instead.\n"
"NEO also does not implement IStorageRestoreable interface,"
" which means that undo information is not preserved when using"
" this tool: conflict resolution could happen when undoing an"
" old transaction.")
src = FileStorage(file_name=source, read_only=True)
dst = NEOStorage(master_nodes=destination, name=cluster,
if os.path.exists(self.source):
if not self.quiet:
self.src = FileStorage(file_name=self.source, read_only=True)
self.dst = NEOStorage(master_nodes=self.destination,,
src = NEOStorage(master_nodes=source, name=cluster,
logfile=options.logfile, read_only=True)
dst = FileStorage(file_name=destination)
self.src = NEOStorage(master_nodes=self.source,,
read_only=True, **config)
self.dst = FileStorage(file_name=self.destination)
# do the job
print "Migrating from %s to %s" % (source, destination)
def run(self):
if not self.quiet:
print("Migrating from %s to %s" % (self.source, self.destination))
start = time.time()
if not self.quiet:
elapsed = time.time() - start
print "Migration done in %3.5f" % (elapsed, )
print("Migration done in %3.5f" % elapsed)
def main(args=None):
config = NEOMigrate.option_parser.parse(args)
......@@ -18,49 +18,15 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from neo.lib import logging
from neo.lib.config import getServerOptionParser, ConfigurationManager
parser = getServerOptionParser()
parser.add_option('-u', '--uuid', help='specify an UUID to use for this ' \
'process. Previously assigned UUID takes precedence (ie ' \
'you should always use --reset with this switch)')
parser.add_option('-a', '--adapter', help = 'database adapter to use')
parser.add_option('-d', '--database', help = 'database connections string')
parser.add_option('-e', '--engine', help = 'database engine')
parser.add_option('-w', '--wait', help='seconds to wait for backend to be '
'available, before erroring-out (-1 = infinite)', type='float', default=0)
parser.add_option('--dedup', action='store_true',
help = 'enable deduplication of data when setting'
' up a new storage node (for RocksDB, check'
parser.add_option('--disable-drop-partitions', action='store_true',
help = 'do not delete data of discarded cells, which is'
' useful for big databases because the current'
' implementation is inefficient (this option should'
' disappear in the future)')
parser.add_option('--reset', action='store_true',
help='remove an existing database if any, and exit')
defaults = dict(
bind = '',
masters = '',
adapter = 'MySQL',
def main(args=None):
# TODO: Forbid using "reset" along with any unneeded argument.
# "reset" is too dangerous to let user a chance of accidentally
# letting it slip through in a long option list.
# We should drop support configuration files to make such check useful.
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=args)
config = ConfigurationManager(defaults, options, 'storage')
from import Application
config = Application.option_parser.parse(args)
# setup custom logging
# and then, load and run the application
from import Application
app = Application(config)
if not config.getReset():
if not config.get('reset'):
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import argparse
import traceback
import unittest
import time
......@@ -274,41 +275,43 @@ class NeoTestRunner(unittest.TextTestResult):
class TestRunner(BenchmarkRunner):
def add_options(self, parser):
parser.add_option('-c', '--coverage', action='store_true',
x = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group().add_argument
x('-c', '--coverage', action='store_true',
help='Enable coverage')
parser.add_option('-C', '--cov-unit', action='store_true',
x('-C', '--cov-unit', action='store_true',
help='Same as -c but output 1 file per test,'
' in the temporary test directory')
parser.add_option('-L', '--log', action='store_true',
_ = parser.add_argument
_('-L', '--log', action='store_true',
help='Force all logs to be emitted immediately and keep'
' packet body in logs of successful threaded tests')
parser.add_option('-l', '--loop', type='int', default=1,
_('-l', '--loop', type=int, default=1,
help='Repeat tests several times')
parser.add_option('-f', '--functional', action='store_true',
_('-f', '--functional', action='store_true',
help='Functional tests')
parser.add_option('-s', '--stop-on-error', action='store_false',
x = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group().add_argument
x('-s', '--stop-on-error', action='store_false',
dest='stop_on_success', default=None,
help='Continue as long as tests pass successfully.'
' It is usually combined with --loop, to check that tests'
' do not fail randomly.')
parser.add_option('-S', '--stop-on-success', action='store_true',
x('-S', '--stop-on-success', action='store_true', default=None,
help='Opposite of --stop-on-error: stop as soon as a test'
' passes. Details about errors are not printed at exit.')
parser.add_option('-r', '--readable-tid', action='store_true',
_('-r', '--readable-tid', action='store_true',
help='Change master behaviour to generate readable TIDs for easier'
' debugging (rather than from current time).')
parser.add_option('-u', '--unit', action='store_true',
_('-u', '--unit', action='store_true',
help='Unit & threaded tests')
parser.add_option('-z', '--zodb', action='store_true',
_('-z', '--zodb', action='store_true',
help='ZODB test suite running on a NEO')
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
_('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
help='Verbose output')
parser.usage += " [[!] module [test...]]"
parser.format_epilog = lambda _: """
Filter by given module/test. These arguments are shell patterns.
This implies -ufz if none of this option is passed.
_('only', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, metavar='[[!] module [test...]]',
help="Filter by given module/test. These arguments are shell"
" patterns. This implies -ufz if none of this option is"
" passed.")
parser.epilog = """
Environment Variables:
NEO_TESTS_ADAPTER Default is SQLite for threaded clusters,
MySQL otherwise.
......@@ -329,25 +332,23 @@ Environment Variables:
""" % neo_tests__dict__
def load_options(self, options, args):
if options.coverage and options.cov_unit:
sys.exit('-c conflicts with -C')
if not (options.unit or options.functional or options.zodb):
if not args:
def load_options(self, args):
if not (args.unit or args.functional or args.zodb):
if not args.only:
sys.exit('Nothing to run, please give one of -f, -u, -z')
options.unit = options.functional = options.zodb = True
args.unit = args.functional = args.zodb = True
return dict(
log = options.log,
loop = options.loop,
unit = options.unit,
functional = options.functional,
zodb = options.zodb,
verbosity = 2 if options.verbose else 1,
coverage = options.coverage,
cov_unit = options.cov_unit,
only = args,
stop_on_success = options.stop_on_success,
readable_tid = options.readable_tid,
log = args.log,
loop = args.loop,
unit = args.unit,
functional = args.functional,
zodb = args.zodb,
verbosity = 2 if args.verbose else 1,
coverage = args.coverage,
cov_unit = args.cov_unit,
only = args.only,
stop_on_success = args.stop_on_success,
readable_tid = args.readable_tid,
def start(self):
......@@ -15,9 +15,8 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import inspect, random
import argparse, inspect, random
from logging import getLogger, INFO
from optparse import OptionParser
from neo.lib import logging
from neo.tests import functional
......@@ -26,9 +25,9 @@ del logging.default_root_handler.handle
def main():
args, _, _, defaults = inspect.getargspec(functional.NEOCluster.__init__)
option_list = zip(args[-len(defaults):], defaults)
parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] [db...]",
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Quickly setup a simple NEO cluster for testing purpose.")
parser.add_option('--seed', help="settings like node ports/uuids and"
parser.add_argument('--seed', help="settings like node ports/uuids and"
" cluster name are random: pass any string to initialize the RNG")
defaults = {}
for option, default in sorted(option_list):
......@@ -39,14 +38,15 @@ def main():
elif default is not None:
defaults[option] = default
if isinstance(default, int):
kw['type'] = "int"
parser.add_option('--' + option, **kw)
kw['type'] = int
parser.add_argument('--' + option, **kw)
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if options.seed:
functional.random = random.Random(options.seed)
parser.add_argument('db', nargs='+')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.seed:
functional.random = random.Random(args.seed)
cluster = functional.NEOCluster(args, **{x: getattr(options, x)
cluster = functional.NEOCluster(args.db, **{x: getattr(args, x)
for x, _ in option_list})
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import sys
from collections import deque
from neo.lib import logging
from import BaseApplication
from import BaseApplication, buildOptionParser
from neo.lib.protocol import uuid_str, \
CellStates, ClusterStates, NodeTypes, Packets
from neo.lib.connection import ListeningConnection
......@@ -27,35 +27,80 @@ from import PartitionTable
from neo.lib.util import dump
from neo.lib.bootstrap import BootstrapManager
from .checker import Checker
from .database import buildDatabaseManager
from .database import buildDatabaseManager, DATABASE_MANAGER_DICT
from .handlers import identification, initialization, master
from .replicator import Replicator
from .transactions import TransactionManager
from neo.lib.debug import register as registerLiveDebugger
option_defaults = {
'adapter': 'MySQL',
'wait': 0,
assert option_defaults['adapter'] in DATABASE_MANAGER_DICT
class Application(BaseApplication):
"""The storage node application."""
checker = replicator = tm = None
def _buildOptionParser(cls):
parser = cls.option_parser
parser.description = "NEO Storage node"
cls.addCommonServerOptions('storage', '')
_ ='storage')
_('a', 'adapter', choices=sorted(DATABASE_MANAGER_DICT),
help="database adapter to use")
_('d', 'database', required=True,
help="database connections string")
_.float('w', 'wait',
help="seconds to wait for backend to be available,"
" before erroring-out (-1 = infinite)")
help="do not delete data of discarded cells, which is useful for"
" big databases because the current implementation is"
" inefficient (this option should disappear in the future)")
_ ='database creation')'u', 'uuid',
help="specify an UUID to use for this process. Previously"
" assigned UUID takes precedence (i.e. you should"
" always use reset with this switch)")
_('e', 'engine', help="database engine (MySQL only)")
help="enable deduplication of data"
" when setting up a new storage node")
# TODO: Forbid using "reset" along with any unneeded argument.
# "reset" is too dangerous to let user a chance of accidentally
# letting it slip through in a long option list.
# It should even be forbidden in configuration files.
help="remove an existing database if any, and exit")
def __init__(self, config):
super(Application, self).__init__(
config.getSSL(), config.getDynamicMasterList())
config.get('ssl'), config.get('dynamic_master_list'))
# set the cluster name = config.getCluster() = config['cluster'] = buildDatabaseManager(config.getAdapter(),
(config.getDatabase(), config.getEngine(), config.getWait()), = buildDatabaseManager(config['adapter'],
(config['database'], config.get('engine'), config['wait']),
self.disable_drop_partitions = config.getDisableDropPartitions()
self.disable_drop_partitions = config.get('disable_drop_partitions',
# load master nodes
for master_address in config.getMasters():
for master_address in config['masters']:
# set the bind address
self.server = config.getBind()
self.server = config['bind']
logging.debug('IP address is %s, port is %d', *self.server)
# The partition table is initialized after getting the number of
......@@ -69,13 +114,14 @@ class Application(BaseApplication):
# operation related data
self.operational = False, dedup=config.getDedup())'reset', False),
dedup=config.get('dedup', False))
self.devpath =
# force node uuid from command line argument, for testing purpose only
if config.getUUID() is not None:
self.uuid = config.getUUID()
if 'uuid' in config:
self.uuid = config['uuid']
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ except ImportError:
_protocol = 1
from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
from import option_defaults
from . import buildDatabaseManager, DatabaseFailure
from .manager import DatabaseManager
from neo.lib import compress, logging, patch, util
......@@ -359,8 +360,7 @@ class ImporterDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
config = SafeConfigParser()
sections = config.sections()
# XXX: defaults copy & pasted from elsewhere - refactoring needed
main = self._conf = {'adapter': 'MySQL', 'wait': 0}
main = self._conf = option_defaults.copy()
self.zodb = [(x, dict(config.items(x))) for x in sections]
x = main.get('compress', 'true')
......@@ -255,14 +255,14 @@ class NeoUnitTestBase(NeoTestBase):
assert master_number >= 1 and master_number <= 10
masters = ([(self.local_ip, 10010 + i)
for i in xrange(master_number)])
return Mock({
'getCluster': cluster,
'getBind': masters[0],
'getMasters': masters,
'getReplicas': replicas,
'getPartitions': partitions,
'getUUID': uuid,
return {
'cluster': cluster,
'bind': masters[0],
'masters': masters,
'replicas': replicas,
'partitions': partitions,
'uuid': uuid,
def getStorageConfiguration(self, cluster='main', master_number=2,
index=0, prefix=DB_PREFIX, uuid=None):
......@@ -277,15 +277,15 @@ class NeoUnitTestBase(NeoTestBase):
db = os.path.join(getTempDirectory(), 'test_neo%s.sqlite' % index)
assert False, adapter
return Mock({
'getCluster': cluster,
'getBind': (masters[0], 10020 + index),
'getMasters': masters,
'getDatabase': db,
'getUUID': uuid,
'getReset': False,
'getAdapter': adapter,
return {
'cluster': cluster,
'bind': (masters[0], 10020 + index),
'masters': masters,
'database': db,
'uuid': uuid,
'adapter': adapter,
'wait': 0,
def getNewUUID(self, node_type):
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import sys
import smtplib
import optparse
import platform
import datetime
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
......@@ -22,28 +22,28 @@ class BenchmarkRunner(object):
def __init__(self):
self._successful = True
self._status = []
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
# register common options
parser.add_option('', '--title')
parser.add_option('', '--mail-to', action='append')
parser.add_option('', '--mail-from')
parser.add_option('', '--mail-server')
parser.add_option('', '--repeat', type='int', default=1)
_ = parser.add_argument
_('--mail-to', action='append')
# check common arguments
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if bool(options.mail_to) ^ bool(options.mail_from):
args = parser.parse_args()
if bool(args.mail_to) ^ bool(args.mail_from):
sys.exit('Need a sender and recipients to mail report')
mail_server = options.mail_server or MAIL_SERVER
mail_server = args.mail_server or MAIL_SERVER
# check specifics arguments
self._config = AttributeDict()
self._config.update(self.load_options(options, args))
title = options.title or self.__class__.__name__,
mail_from = options.mail_from,
mail_to = options.mail_to,
title = args.title or self.__class__.__name__,
mail_from = args.mail_from,
mail_to = args.mail_to,
mail_server = mail_server.split(':'),
repeat = options.repeat,
def add_status(self, key, value):
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class BenchmarkRunner(object):
""" Append options to command line parser """
raise NotImplementedError
def load_options(self, options, args):
def load_options(self, args):
""" Check options and return a configuration dict """
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -122,9 +122,10 @@ class Process(object):
_coverage_index = 0
pid = 0
def __init__(self, command, arg_dict={}):
def __init__(self, command, *args, **kw):
self.command = command
self.arg_dict = arg_dict
self.args = args
self.arg_dict = kw
def _args(self):
args = []
......@@ -132,6 +133,7 @@ class Process(object):
args.append('--' + arg)
if param is not None:
args += self.args
return args
def start(self):
......@@ -239,8 +241,8 @@ class Process(object): = 0
if result:
raise NodeProcessError('%r %r exited with status %r' % (
self.command, self.arg_dict, result))
raise NodeProcessError('%r %r %r exited with status %r' % (
self.command, self.args, self.arg_dict, result))
return result
def stop(self):
......@@ -255,18 +257,18 @@ class Process(object):
class NEOProcess(Process):
def __init__(self, command, uuid, arg_dict):
def __init__(self, command, *args, **kw):
__import__('neo.scripts.' + command, level=0)
except ImportError:
raise NotFound(command + ' not found')
super(NEOProcess, self).__init__(command, arg_dict)
self.setUUID(kw.pop('uuid', None))
super(NEOProcess, self).__init__(command, *args, **kw)
def _args(self):
args = super(NEOProcess, self)._args()
if self.uuid:
args += '--uuid', str(self.uuid)
args[:0] = '--uuid', str(self.uuid)
return args
def run(self):
......@@ -360,7 +362,7 @@ class NEOCluster(object):
if self.SSL:
kw['ca'], kw['cert'], kw['key'] = self.SSL
self.process_dict.setdefault(node_type, []).append(
NEOProcess(command_dict[node_type], uuid, kw))
NEOProcess(command_dict[node_type], uuid=uuid, **kw))
def setupDB(self, clear_databases=True):
if self.adapter == 'MySQL':
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import unittest
import transaction
......@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ from neo.lib.util import makeChecksum, u64
from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
from ZODB.tests.StorageTestBase import zodb_pickle
from persistent import Persistent
from . import NEOCluster, NEOFunctionalTest
from . import NEOCluster, NEOFunctionalTest, NEOProcess
......@@ -120,13 +121,13 @@ class ClientTests(NEOFunctionalTest):
self.__checkTree(tree.right, depth)
self.__checkTree(tree.left, depth)
def __getDataFS(self, reset=False):
def __getDataFS(self):
name = os.path.join(self.getTempDirectory(), 'data.fs')
if reset and os.path.exists(name):
if os.path.exists(name):
return FileStorage(file_name=name)
def __populate(self, db, tree_size=TREE_SIZE):
def __populate(self, db, tree_size=TREE_SIZE, with_undo=True):
if isinstance(, FileStorage):
from base64 import b64encode as undo_tid
......@@ -146,6 +147,7 @@ class ClientTests(NEOFunctionalTest):
t2 = db.lastTransaction()
ob.left = left
if with_undo:
t4 = db.lastTransaction()
......@@ -174,10 +176,37 @@ class ClientTests(NEOFunctionalTest):
(neo_db, neo_conn) = self.neo.getZODBConnection()
def __dump(self, storage):
return {u64(t.tid): [(u64(o.oid), o.data_txn and u64(o.data_txn),
def testMigrationTool(self):
dfs_storage = self.__getDataFS()
dfs_db = ZODB.DB(dfs_storage)
self.__populate(dfs_db, with_undo=False)
dump = self.__dump(dfs_storage)
fs_path = dfs_storage.__name__
neo = self.neo
kw = {'cluster': neo.cluster_name, 'quiet': None}
master_nodes = neo.master_nodes.replace('/', ' ')
if neo.SSL:
kw['ca'], kw['cert'], kw['key'] = neo.SSL
p = NEOProcess('neomigrate', fs_path, master_nodes, **kw)
p = NEOProcess('neomigrate', master_nodes, fs_path, **kw)
self.assertEqual(dump, self.__dump(FileStorage(fs_path)))
def __dump(self, storage, sorted=sorted):
return {u64(t.tid): sorted((u64(o.oid), o.data_txn and u64(o.data_txn),
None if is None else makeChecksum(
for o in t]
for o in t)
for t in storage.iterator()}
def testExport(self):
......@@ -186,10 +215,10 @@ class ClientTests(NEOFunctionalTest):
(neo_db, neo_conn) = self.neo.getZODBConnection()
dump = self.__dump(
dump = self.__dump(, list)
# copy neo to data fs
dfs_storage = self.__getDataFS(reset=True)
dfs_storage = self.__getDataFS()
neo_storage = self.neo.getZODBStorage()
......@@ -209,7 +238,7 @@ class ClientTests(NEOFunctionalTest):
neo_db, neo_conn = self.neo.getZODBConnection()
self.assertEqual(dump, self.__dump(
self.assertEqual(dump, self.__dump(, list))
def testIPv6Client(self):
""" Test the connectivity of an IPv6 connection for neo client """
......@@ -270,10 +270,6 @@ class TestSerialized(Serialized):
class Node(object):
def convertInitArgs(**kw):
return {'get' + k.capitalize(): v for k, v in kw.iteritems()}
def getConnectionList(self, *peers):
addr = lambda c: c and (c.addr if c.is_server else c.getAddress())
addr_set = {addr(c.connector) for peer in peers
......@@ -337,18 +333,17 @@ class ServerNode(Node):
self.daemon = True
self.node_name = '%s_%u' % (self.node_type, port)
kw.update(getCluster=name, getBind=address,
getMasters=master_nodes and parseMasterList(master_nodes))
super(ServerNode, self).__init__(Mock(kw))
kw.update(cluster=name, bind=address,
masters=master_nodes and parseMasterList(master_nodes))
super(ServerNode, self).__init__(kw)
def getVirtualAddress(self):
return self._init_args['address']
def resetNode(self, **kw):
assert not self.is_alive()
kw = self.convertInitArgs(**kw)
init_args = self._init_args
init_args['getReset'] = False
init_args['reset'] = False
assert set(kw).issubset(init_args), (kw, init_args)
......@@ -403,7 +398,7 @@ class StorageApplication(ServerNode,
def getAdapter(self):
return self._init_args['getAdapter']
return self._init_args['adapter']
def getDataLockInfo(self):
dm =
......@@ -663,15 +658,15 @@ class NEOCluster(object):
master_list = [MasterApplication.newAddress()
for _ in xrange(master_count)]
self.master_nodes = ' '.join('%s:%s' % x for x in master_list)
kw = Node.convertInitArgs(replicas=replicas, adapter=adapter,
kw = dict(replicas=replicas, adapter=adapter,
partitions=partitions, reset=clear_databases, dedup=dedup)
kw['cluster'] = weak_self = weakref.proxy(self)
kw['getSSL'] = self.SSL
kw['ssl'] = self.SSL
if upstream is not None:
self.upstream = weakref.proxy(upstream)
self.master_list = [MasterApplication(getAutostart=autostart,
self.master_list = [MasterApplication(autostart=autostart,
address=x, **kw)
for x in master_list]
if db_list is None:
......@@ -693,8 +688,9 @@ class NEOCluster(object):
db = os.path.join(getTempDirectory(), '%s.conf')
with open(db % tuple(db_list), "w") as f:
kw["getAdapter"] = "Importer"
self.storage_list = [StorageApplication(getDatabase=db % x, **kw)
kw["adapter"] = "Importer"
kw['wait'] = 0
self.storage_list = [StorageApplication(database=db % x, **kw)
for x in db_list]
self.admin_list = [AdminApplication(**kw)]
......@@ -969,7 +965,7 @@ class NEOThreadedTest(NeoTestBase):
def getLoopbackConnection(self):
app = MasterApplication(address=BIND,
getSSL=NEOCluster.SSL, getReplicas=0, getPartitions=1)
ssl=NEOCluster.SSL, replicas=0, partitions=1)
handler = EventHandler(app)
app.listening_conn = ListeningConnection(app, handler, app.server)
......@@ -16,25 +16,28 @@ class MatrixImportBenchmark(BenchmarkRunner):
_size = None
def add_options(self, parser):
parser.add_option('-d', '--datafs')
parser.add_option('-z', '--zeo', action="store_true")
parser.add_option('', '--min-storages', type='int', default=1)
parser.add_option('', '--max-storages', type='int', default=2)
parser.add_option('', '--min-replicas', type='int', default=0)
parser.add_option('', '--max-replicas', type='int', default=1)
parser.add_option('', '--threaded', action="store_true")
_ = parser.add_argument
_('-d', '--datafs')
_('-z', '--zeo', action="store_true")
_('--min-storages', type=int, default=1)
_('--max-storages', type=int, default=2)
_('--min-replicas', type=int, default=0)
_('--max-replicas', type=int, default=1)
_('--repeat', type=int, default=1)
_('--threaded', action="store_true")
def load_options(self, options, args):
if options.datafs and not os.path.exists(options.datafs):
def load_options(self, args):
if args.datafs and not os.path.exists(args.datafs):
sys.exit('Missing or wrong data.fs argument')
return dict(
datafs = options.datafs,
min_s = options.min_storages,
max_s = options.max_storages,
min_r = options.min_replicas,
max_r = options.max_replicas,
threaded = options.threaded,
zeo = options.zeo,
datafs = args.datafs,
min_s = args.min_storages,
max_s = args.max_storages,
min_r = args.min_replicas,
max_r = args.max_replicas,
repeat = args.repeat,
threaded = args.threaded,
zeo = args.zeo,
def start(self):
......@@ -16,21 +16,22 @@ class ImportBenchmark(BenchmarkRunner):
""" Test import of a datafs """
def add_options(self, parser):
parser.add_option('-d', '--datafs')
parser.add_option('-m', '--masters')
parser.add_option('-s', '--storages')
parser.add_option('-p', '--partitions')
parser.add_option('-r', '--replicas')
def load_options(self, options, args):
if options.datafs and not os.path.exists(options.datafs):
_ = parser.add_argument
_('-d', '--datafs')
_('-m', '--masters', type=int, default=1)
_('-s', '--storages', type=int, default=1)
_('-p', '--partitions', type=int, default=10)
_('-r', '--replicas', type=int, default=0)
def load_options(self, args):
if args.datafs and not os.path.exists(args.datafs):
sys.exit('Missing or wrong data.fs argument')
return dict(
datafs = options.datafs,
masters = int(options.masters or 1),
storages = int(options.storages or 1),
partitions = int(options.partitions or 10),
replicas = int(options.replicas or 0),
datafs = args.datafs,
masters = args.masters,
storages = args.storages,
partitions = args.partitions,
replicas = args.replicas,
def start(self):
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