# Copyright (c) 2005 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#                    Yoshinori Okuji <yo@nexedi.com>
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Multi-Queue Cache Algorithm.

from math import log

class Element(object):
      This class defines an element of a FIFO buffer.

class FIFO(object):
      This class implements a FIFO buffer.

    def __init__(self):
        self._head = None
        self._tail = None
        self._len = 0
        self.prev = None
        self.data = None
        self.next = None
        self.level = None
        self.counter = None
        self.value = None
        self.element = None
        self.key = None
        self.expire_time = None

    def __len__(self):
        return self._len

    def append(self):
        element = Element()
        element.next = None
        element.prev = self._tail
        if self._tail is not None:
            self._tail.next = element
        self._tail = element
        if self._head is None:
            self._head = element
        self._len += 1
        return element

    def head(self):
        return self._head

    def tail(self):
        return self._tail

    def shift(self):
        element = self._head
        if element is None:
            return None
        del self[element]
        del element.next
        del element.prev
        return element

    def __delitem__(self, element):
        if element.next is None:
            self._tail = element.prev
            element.next.prev = element.prev

        if element.prev is None:
            self._head = element.next
            element.prev.next = element.next

        self._len -= 1

class Data(object):
      Data for each element in a FIFO buffer.

def sizeof(o):
    """This function returns the estimated size of an object."""
    if isinstance(o, tuple):
        return sum((len(s)+16 for s in o))
        return len(o)+16

class MQ(object):
      This class manages cached data by a variant of Multi-Queue.

      This class caches various sizes of objects. Here are some considerations:

      - Expired objects are not really deleted immediately. But if GC is invoked too often,
        it degrades the performance significantly.

      - If large objects are cached, the number of cached objects decreases. This might affect
        the cache hit ratio. It might be better to tweak a buffer level according to the size of
        an object.

      - Stored values must be strings.

      - The size calculation is not accurate.

      Quick description of Multi-Queue algorythm:
      - There are multiple "regular" queues, plus a history queue
      - The queue to store an object in depends on its access frequency
      - The queue an object is in defines its lifespan (higher-index queue eq.
        longer lifespan)
        -> The more often an object is accessed, the higher lifespan it will
      - Upon a cache miss, the oldest entry of first non-empty queue is
        transfered to history queue
      - Upon cache or history hit, object frequency is increased and object
        might get moved to longer-lived queue
      - Each access "ages" objects in cache, and an aging object is moved to
        shorter-lived queue as it ages without being accessed

    def __init__(self, life_time=10000, buffer_levels=9,
            max_history_size=100000, max_size=20*1024*1024):
        self._history_buffer = FIFO()
        self._cache_buffers = []
        for level in range(buffer_levels):
        self._data = {}
        self._time = 0
        self._life_time = life_time
        self._buffer_levels = buffer_levels
        self._max_history_size = max_history_size
        self._max_size = max_size
        self._size = 0

    def has_key(self, key):
        if key in self._data:
            data = self._data[key]
            if data.level >= 0:
                return 1
        return 0

    __contains__ = has_key

    def fetch(self, key):
          Fetch a value associated with the key.
        data = self._data[key]
        if data.level >= 0:
            value = data.value
            self._size -= sizeof(value)
            self.store(key, value)
            return value
        raise KeyError(key)

    __getitem__ = fetch

    def get(self, key, d=None):
            return self.fetch(key)
        except KeyError:
            return d

    def _evict(self, key):
          Evict an element to the history buffer.
        data = self._data[key]
        self._size -= sizeof(data.value)
        del self._cache_buffers[data.level][data.element]
        element = self._history_buffer.append()
        data.level = -1
        data.element = element
        del data.value
        del data.expire_time
        element.data = data
        if len(self._history_buffer) > self._max_history_size:
            element = self._history_buffer.shift()
            del self._data[element.data.key]

    def store(self, key, value):
        cache_buffers = self._cache_buffers

            data = self._data[key]
            level, element, counter = data.level, data.element, data.counter + 1
            if level >= 0:
                del cache_buffers[level][element]
                del self._history_buffer[element]
        except KeyError:
            counter = 1

        # XXX It might be better to adjust the level according to the object
        # size.
        level = min(int(log(counter, 2)), self._buffer_levels - 1)
        element = cache_buffers[level].append()
        data = Data()
        data.key = key
        data.expire_time = self._time + self._life_time
        data.level = level
        data.element = element
        data.value = value
        data.counter = counter
        element.data = data
        self._data[key] = data
        self._size += sizeof(value)
        del value

        self._time += 1

        # Expire old elements.
        time = self._time
        for level in xrange(self._buffer_levels):
            cache_buffer = cache_buffers[level]
            head = cache_buffer.head()
            if head is not None and head.data.expire_time < time:
                del cache_buffer[head]
                data = head.data
                if level > 0:
                    new_level = level - 1
                    element = cache_buffers[new_level].append()
                    element.data = data
                    data.expire_time = time + self._life_time
                    data.level = new_level
                    data.element = element

        # Limit the size.
        size = self._size
        max_size = self._max_size
        if size > max_size:
            for cache_buffer in cache_buffers:
                while size > max_size:
                    element = cache_buffer.shift()
                    if element is None:
                    data = element.data
                    del self._data[data.key]
                    size -= sizeof(data.value)
                    del data.value
                if size <= max_size:
                self._size = size

    __setitem__ = store

    def invalidate(self, key):
        if key in self._data:
            data = self._data[key]
            if data.level >= 0:
                del self._cache_buffers[data.level][data.element]
        raise KeyError, "%s was not found in the cache" % key

    __delitem__ = invalidate

# Here is a test.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import hotshot, hotshot.stats

    def test():
        cache = MQ(life_time=100, buffer_levels=9, max_history_size=10000,

        cache[0] = 'foo'
        assert cache[0] == 'foo', '0 should be present'
        del cache[0]
        assert cache.get(0) is None, '0 should not be present'

        for i in xrange(10000):
            assert cache.get(i) is None, '%d should not be present' % i

        for i in xrange(10000):
            cache[i] = str(i)
            assert cache.get(i) == str(i), '%d does not exist' % i

        for i in xrange(10000 - 100 - 1):
            assert cache.get(i) is None, '%d should not be present' % i

        for i in xrange(10):
            cache[i] = str(i)

        for _ in xrange(1000):
            for i in xrange(10):
                assert cache.get(i) == str(i), '%d does not exist' % i

        for i in xrange(10, 500):
            cache[i] = str(i)

        for i in xrange(10):
            assert cache.get(i) == str(i), '%d does not exist' % i

    prof = hotshot.Profile("mq.prof")
    stats = hotshot.stats.load("mq.prof")
    stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls')