Test-Runner Recipe ================== This recipe generates zope.testing test-runenr scripts for testing a collection of eggs. The eggs must already be installed (using the zc.recipe.egg recipe) The test-runner recipe has 2 options: - The eggs option takes the names of the eggs to be tested. These are not installed by the recipe. They must be installed by some other recipe (or using the buildout develop option). The distributions are in the form os setuptools requirements. Multiple distributions must be listed on separate lines. This option is required. - The script option gives the name of the script to generate, in the buildout bin directory. Of the option isn't used, the part name will be used. To do ----- - Support specifying testrunner defaults (e.g. verbosity, test file patterns, etc.) Change History ============== 1.0.0a2 ------- Now provide a extra-paths option for including extra paths in test scripts. This is useful when eggs depend on Python packages not packaged as eggs. 1.0.0a1 ------- Initial public version