Commit dc4f7604 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

slap/standalone: let standalone's supervisord control instance supervisord

Instead of letting slapos commands start supervisord in daemon mode, run it
as a program from standalone supervisord daemon.

The $INSTANCE/etc/supervisord.conf will be created by `slapos node instance`
the first time user runs it, until this, the service will restart in a loop,
complaining that config file is not found.

Also review stop to expose timeout argument and use a longer timeout by
default (and cleanup some unused imports).
parent 491336e9
......@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ import logging
import time
import errno
import socket
import shutil
import collections
from six.moves import urllib
from six.moves import http_client
......@@ -142,6 +140,13 @@ class SupervisorConfigWriter(ConfigWriter):
startretries = 0
startsecs = 0
redirect_stderr = true
command = supervisord --nodaemon --configuration {standalone_slapos._instance_root}/etc/supervisord.conf
startretries = 0
startsecs = 0
redirect_stderr = true
for program, program_config in standalone_slapos._slapos_commands.items():
......@@ -198,6 +203,7 @@ class SlapOSConfigWriter(ConfigWriter):
pidfile_software = {standalone_slapos._instance_pid}
pidfile_instance = {standalone_slapos._software_pid}
pidfile_report = {standalone_slapos._report_pid}
forbid_supervisord_automatic_launch = true
host = {standalone_slapos._server_ip}
......@@ -607,42 +613,29 @@ class StandaloneSlapOS(object):
def stop(self):
def stop(self, timeout=300):
# type: (int) -> None
"""Stops all services.
This methods blocks until services are stopped or a timeout is reached.
This methods blocks until the services are stopped or the timeout is reached.
* `timeout`: maximum duration, in seconds, to wait for services to
Error cases:
* `Exception` when unexpected error occurs trying to stop supervisors.
* `RuntimeError` when unexpected error occurs trying to stop supervisors.
""""shutting down")
# shutdown slapos node instance supervisor, if it has been created.
instance_process_alive = []
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._instance_root, 'etc',
with self.instance_supervisor_rpc as instance_supervisor:
instance_supervisor_process = psutil.Process(
# shutdown returns before process is completly stopped,
# so wait for process.
_, instance_process_alive = psutil.wait_procs(
[instance_supervisor_process], timeout=10)
except BaseException as e:"Ignoring exception while stopping instances: %s", e)
with self.system_supervisor_rpc as system_supervisor:
system_supervisor_process = psutil.Process(system_supervisor.getPID())
_, alive = psutil.wait_procs([system_supervisor_process], timeout=10)
if alive + instance_process_alive:
_, alive = psutil.wait_procs([system_supervisor_process], timeout=timeout)
if alive:
raise RuntimeError(
"Could not terminate some processes: {}".format(
alive + instance_process_alive))
"Could not terminate some processes: {}".format(alive))
def waitForSoftware(self, max_retry=0, debug=False, error_lines=30):
"""Synchronously install or uninstall all softwares previously supplied/removed.
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