parts =

recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron
cron-entries = ${logrotate-directory:cron-entries}
dcrond-binary = {{ dcron_location }}/sbin/crond
crontabs = ${logrotate-directory:crontabs}
cronstamps = ${logrotate-directory:cronstamps}
catcher = ${cron-simplelogger:wrapper}
binary = ${logrotate-directory:services}/crond

recipe = slapos.cookbook:simplelogger
wrapper = ${logrotate-directory:bin}/cron_simplelogger
log = ${logrotate-directory:log}/cron.log

gzip-binary = {{ gzip_location }}/bin/gzip
gunzip-binary = {{ gzip_location }}/bin/gunzip
logrotate-entries = ${logrotate-directory:logrotate-entries}

recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
template = {{ logrotate_conf_template }}
rendered = ${logrotate-directory:etc}/logrotate.conf
context =
  section parameter_dict logrotate-conf-parameter

# User must define keys:
# - "name" to generate configuration path (must be unique in partition)
# - "log" space-separated list of file paths to be rotated
# User may override keys:
# - "post" with commands to execute after rotation
# - "pre" with commands to execute before rotation
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
template = {{ logrotate_entry_template }}
rendered = ${logrotate-conf-parameter:logrotate-entries}/${:name}
context =
  key backup logrotate-directory:logrotate-backup
  key log :log
  key post :post
  key pre :pre
  key frequency :frequency
  key rotate_num :rotate-num
  key nocompress :nocompress
post =
pre =
frequency = daily
rotate-num = 3650
nocompress = 

recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
parameters-extra = true
command-line = {{ logrotate_location }}/sbin/logrotate -s "${logrotate-directory:srv}/logrotate.status" "${logrotate-conf:rendered}"
wrapper-path = ${logrotate-directory:bin}/logrotate

recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron.d
cron-entries = ${cron:cron-entries}
name = logrotate
frequency = 0 0 * * *
command = ${logrotate:wrapper-path}

<= logrotate-entry-base
name = crond
log = ${cron-simplelogger:log}

recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
cron-entries = ${:etc}/cron.d
cronstamps = ${:etc}/cronstamps
crontabs = ${:etc}/crontabs
logrotate-backup = ${:backup}/logrotate
logrotate-entries = ${:etc}/logrotate.d
bin = ${buildout:directory}/bin
srv = ${buildout:directory}/srv
backup = ${:srv}/backup
etc = ${buildout:directory}/etc
services = ${:etc}/run
log = ${buildout:directory}/var/log