Commit 1c15b793 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

Update git revisions

parent 782d86b2
......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ extends =
# Test Suite: ERP5.UnitTest-Master ran at 2020/02/05 04:48:32.624539 UTC
# 2 failures, 0 errors, 6504 total, status: FAIL
# Test Suite: ERP5.UnitTest-Master ran at 2020/02/05 16:35:55.220682 UTC
# 3 failures, 1 errors, 6504 total, status: FAIL
revision = a43e825d7671c6408e1ad26496d9969dc6d0388b
revision = c1deaaed9ee3db969e737e026786e2e7d8a570f3
......@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ zdaemon = 4.2.0
funcsigs = 1.0.2
# Test Suite: NEO.UnitTest-Master ran at 2020/02/05 01:14:22.739499 UTC
# 22 failures, 0 errors, 843 total, status: PASS
# Test Suite: NEO.UnitTest-Master ran at 2020/02/05 16:38:13.957686 UTC
# 11 failures, 2 errors, 400 total, status: FAIL
revision = 5ee0b0a3cc5f22af1a5b1c496f446d96c08f2250
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