Commit 6d896ed5 authored by Jacob Vosmaer's avatar Jacob Vosmaer

Revert "Actually use the 'user_filter' configuration option"

This reverts commit e9d4587f, which is
incompatible with GitLab's built in LDAP user filter: a GitLab LDAP
filter is [added on top of the other filters used to find the

Example GitLab LDAP filter: `(memberOf=cn=foo,dc=bar)`.

In contrast, an omniauth-ldap filter [replaces the 'normal'

Example omniauth-ldap user filter:
parent 13202d82
......@@ -223,7 +223,6 @@ Devise.setup do |config|
method: Gitlab.config.ldap['method'],
bind_dn: Gitlab.config.ldap['bind_dn'],
password: Gitlab.config.ldap['password'],
filter: Gitlab.config.ldap['user_filter'],
name_proc: email_stripping_proc
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