# Controller for viewing a file's blame class Projects::BlobController < Projects::ApplicationController include ExtractsPath include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper # Raised when given an invalid file path class InvalidPathError < StandardError; end before_action :require_non_empty_project, except: [:new, :create] before_action :authorize_download_code! before_action :authorize_push_code!, only: [:destroy, :create] before_action :assign_blob_vars before_action :commit, except: [:new, :create] before_action :blob, except: [:new, :create] before_action :from_merge_request, only: [:edit, :update] before_action :require_branch_head, only: [:edit, :update] before_action :editor_variables, except: [:show, :preview, :diff] before_action :after_edit_path, only: [:edit, :update] def new commit unless @repository.empty? end def create result = Files::CreateService.new(@project, current_user, @commit_params).execute if result[:status] == :success flash[:notice] = "The changes have been successfully committed" respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to namespace_project_blob_path(@project.namespace, @project, File.join(@target_branch, @file_path)) } format.json { render json: { message: "success", filePath: namespace_project_blob_path(@project.namespace, @project, File.join(@target_branch, @file_path)) } } end else flash[:alert] = result[:message] respond_to do |format| format.html { render :new } format.json { render json: { message: "failed", filePath: namespace_project_blob_path(@project.namespace, @project, @id) } } end end end def show end def edit @last_commit = Gitlab::Git::Commit.last_for_path(@repository, @ref, @path).sha end def update result = Files::UpdateService.new(@project, current_user, @commit_params).execute if result[:status] == :success flash[:notice] = "Your changes have been successfully committed" respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to after_edit_path } format.json { render json: { message: "success", filePath: after_edit_path } } end else flash[:alert] = result[:message] respond_to do |format| format.html { render :edit } format.json { render json: { message: "failed", filePath: namespace_project_new_blob_path(@project.namespace, @project, @id) } } end end end def preview @content = params[:content] diffy = Diffy::Diff.new(@blob.data, @content, diff: '-U 3', include_diff_info: true) @diff_lines = Gitlab::Diff::Parser.new.parse(diffy.diff.scan(/.*\n/)) render layout: false end def destroy result = Files::DeleteService.new(@project, current_user, @commit_params).execute if result[:status] == :success flash[:notice] = "Your changes have been successfully committed" redirect_to namespace_project_tree_path(@project.namespace, @project, @target_branch) else flash[:alert] = result[:message] render :show end end def diff @form = UnfoldForm.new(params) @lines = @blob.data.lines[@form.since - 1..@form.to - 1] if @form.bottom? @match_line = '' else lines_length = @lines.length - 1 line = [@form.since, lines_length].join(',') @match_line = "@@ -#{line}+#{line} @@" end render layout: false end private def blob @blob ||= @repository.blob_at(@commit.id, @path) if @blob @blob else if tree = @repository.tree(@commit.id, @path) if tree.entries.any? redirect_to namespace_project_tree_path(@project.namespace, @project, File.join(@ref, @path)) and return end end return render_404 end end def commit @commit = @repository.commit(@ref) return render_404 unless @commit end def assign_blob_vars @id = params[:id] @ref, @path = extract_ref(@id) rescue InvalidPathError render_404 end def after_edit_path @after_edit_path ||= if from_merge_request diffs_namespace_project_merge_request_path(from_merge_request.target_project.namespace, from_merge_request.target_project, from_merge_request) + "#file-path-#{hexdigest(@path)}" elsif @target_branch.present? namespace_project_blob_path(@project.namespace, @project, File.join(@target_branch, @path)) else namespace_project_blob_path(@project.namespace, @project, @id) end end def from_merge_request # If blob edit was initiated from merge request page @from_merge_request ||= MergeRequest.find_by(id: params[:from_merge_request_id]) end def sanitized_new_branch_name @new_branch ||= sanitize(strip_tags(params[:new_branch])) end def editor_variables @current_branch = @ref @target_branch = params[:new_branch].present? ? sanitized_new_branch_name : @ref @file_path = if action_name.to_s == 'create' if params[:file].present? params[:file_name] = params[:file].original_filename end File.join(@path, params[:file_name]) else @path end if params[:file].present? params[:content] = Base64.encode64(params[:file].read) params[:encoding] = 'base64' end @commit_params = { file_path: @file_path, current_branch: @current_branch, target_branch: @target_branch, commit_message: params[:commit_message], file_content: params[:content], file_content_encoding: params[:encoding] } end end