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Commit d4749251 authored by Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw

checkPackUnlinkFromRoot(): Add another test that might illustrate some

interesting root reachability properties.
parent 9e8c76de
......@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
import time
from ZODB import DB
from Persistence import Persistent
from ZODB.referencesf import referencesf
......@@ -42,6 +44,9 @@ class Object:
return self._oid
class C(Persistent):
# Here's where all the magic occurs. Sadly, the pickle module is a bit
# underdocumented, but here's what happens: by setting the persistent_id
# attribute to getpersid() on the pickler, that function gets called for every
......@@ -159,8 +164,10 @@ class PackableStorage(PackableStorageBase):
eq(pobj.value, 3)
# Now pack all transactions; need to sleep a second to make
# sure that the pack time is greater than the last commit time.
self._storage.pack(time.time(), referencesf)
now = packtime = time.time()
while packtime <= now:
packtime = time.time()
self._storage.pack(packtime, referencesf)
# All revisions of the object should be gone, since there is no
# reference from the root object to this object.
raises(KeyError, self._storage.loadSerial, oid, revid1)
......@@ -210,8 +217,10 @@ class PackableStorage(PackableStorageBase):
eq(pobj.value, 3)
# Now pack just revisions 1 and 2. The object's current revision
# should stay alive because it's pointed to by the root.
self._storage.pack(time.time(), referencesf)
now = packtime = time.time()
while packtime <= now:
packtime = time.time()
self._storage.pack(packtime, referencesf)
# Make sure the revisions are gone, but that object zero and revision
# 3 are still there and correct
data, revid = self._storage.load(ZERO, '')
......@@ -287,8 +296,10 @@ class PackableStorage(PackableStorageBase):
# Now pack just revisions 1 and 2 of object1. Object1's current
# revision should stay alive because it's pointed to by the root, as
# should Object2's current revision.
self._storage.pack(time.time(), referencesf)
now = packtime = time.time()
while packtime <= now:
packtime = time.time()
self._storage.pack(packtime, referencesf)
# Make sure the revisions are gone, but that object zero, object2, and
# revision 3 of object1 are still there and correct.
data, revid = self._storage.load(ZERO, '')
......@@ -312,3 +323,43 @@ class PackableStorage(PackableStorageBase):
pobj = pickle.loads(data)
eq(pobj.getoid(), oid2)
eq(pobj.value, 11)
def checkPackUnlinkedFromRoot(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
db = DB(self._storage)
conn =
root = conn.root()
txn = get_transaction()
now = packtime = time.time()
while packtime <= now:
packtime = time.time()
obj = C()
obj.value = 7
root['obj'] = obj
txn = get_transaction()
txn.note('root -> o1')
del root['obj']
txn = get_transaction()
txn.note('root -x-> o1')
self._storage.pack(packtime, referencesf)
log = self._storage.undoLog()
tid = log[0]['id']
txn = get_transaction()
txn.note('undo root -x-> o1')
eq(root['obj'].value, 7)
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