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Specific # attributions are listed in the accompanying credits file. # ############################################################################## """Demo ZODB storage The Demo storage serves two purposes: - Provide an example implementation of a full storage without distracting storage details, - Provide a volatile storage that is useful for giving demonstrations. The demo strorage can have a "base" storage that is used in a read-only fashion. The base storage must not not to contain version data. There are three main data structures: _data -- Transaction logging information necessary for undo This is a mapping from transaction id to transaction, where a transaction is simply a 5-tuple: packed, user, description, extension_data, records where extension_data is a dictionary or None and records are the actual records in chronological order. Packed is a flag indicating whethe the transaction has been packed or not _index -- A mapping from oid to record _vindex -- A mapping from version name to version data where version data is a mapping from oid to record A record is a tuple: oid, serial, pre, vdata, p, where: oid -- object id serial -- object serial number pre -- The previous record for this object (or None) vdata -- version data None if not a version, ortherwise: version, non-version-record p -- the pickle data or None The pickle data will be None for a record for an object created in an aborted version. It is instructive to watch what happens to the internal data structures as changes are made. Foe example, in Zope, you can create an external method:: import Zope def info(RESPONSE): RESPONSE['Content-type']= 'text/plain' return Zope.DB._storage._splat() and call it to minotor the storage. """ __version__='$Revision: 1.6 $'[11:-2] import base64, POSException, BTree, BaseStorage, time, string, utils from TimeStamp import TimeStamp from cPickle import loads class DemoStorage(BaseStorage.BaseStorage): def __init__(self, name='Demo Storage', base=None, quota=None): BaseStorage.BaseStorage.__init__(self, name, base) # We use a BTree because the items are sorted! self._data=BTree.BTree() self._index={} self._vindex={} self._base=base self._size=0 self._quota=quota self._clear_temp() if base is not None and base.versions(): raise POSException.StorageError, ( "Demo base storage has version data") def __len__(self): base=self._base return (base and len(base) or 0) + len(self._index) def getSize(self): s=100 for tid, (p, u, d, e, t) in self._data.items(): s=s+16+24+12+4+16+len(u)+16+len(d)+16+len(e)+16 for oid, serial, pre, vdata, p in t: s=s+16+24+24+4+4+(p and (16+len(p)) or 4) if vdata: s=s+12+16+len(vdata[0])+4 s=s+16*len(self._index) for v in self._vindex.values(): s=s+32+16*len(v) self._size=s return s def abortVersion(self, src, transaction): if transaction is not self._transaction: raise POSException.StorageTransactionError(self, transaction) self._lock_acquire() try: v=self._vindex.get(src, None) if not v: return tindex=self._tindex oids=[] for r in v.values(): oid, serial, pre, (version, nv), p = r if nv: oids.append(oid) oid, serial, pre, vdata, p = nv tindex.append([oid, serial, r, None, p]) else: # effectively, delete the thing tindex.append([oid, None, r, None, None]) return oids finally: self._lock_release() def commitVersion(self, src, dest, transaction): if transaction is not self._transaction: raise POSException.StorageTransactionError(self, transaction) self._lock_acquire() try: v=self._vindex.get(src, None) if v is None: return tindex=self._tindex oids=[] for r in v.values(): oid, serial, pre, vdata, p = r oids.append(oid) tindex.append([oid, serial, r, None, p]) return oids finally: self._lock_release() def load(self, oid, version): self._lock_acquire() try: try: oid, serial, pre, vdata, p = self._index[oid] except: if self._base: return self._base.load(oid, '') raise KeyError, oid if vdata: oversion, nv = vdata if oversion != version: if nv: oid, serial, pre, vdata, p = nv else: raise KeyError, oid if p is None: raise KeyError, oid return p, serial finally: self._lock_release() def modifiedInVersion(self, oid): self._lock_acquire() try: try: oid, serial, pre, vdata, p = self._index[oid] if vdata: return vdata[0] return '' except: return '' finally: self._lock_release() def store(self, oid, serial, data, version, transaction): if transaction is not self._transaction: raise POSException.StorageTransactionError(self, transaction) self._lock_acquire() try: old=self._index.get(oid, None) if old is None: # Hm, nothing here, check the base version: try: p, oserial = self._base.load(oid, '') except: pass else: old= oid, oserial, None, None, p nv=None if old: oid, oserial, pre, vdata, p = old if vdata: if vdata[0] != version: raise POSException.VersionLockError, oid nv=vdata[1] else: nv=old if serial != oserial: raise POSException.ConflictError serial=self._serial r=[oid, serial, old, version and (version,nv) or None, data] self._tindex.append(r) s=self._tsize s=s+72+(data and (16+len(data)) or 4) if version: s=s+32+len(version) if s > self._quota: raise POSException.StorageError, ( '''<b>Quota Exceeded</b><br> The maximum quota for this demonstration storage has been exceeded.<br>Have a nice day.''') finally: self._lock_release() return serial def supportsUndo(self): return 1 def supportsVersions(self): return 1 def _clear_temp(self): self._tindex=[] self._tsize=self._size+160 def _begin(self, tid, u, d, e): self._tsize=self._size+120+len(u)+len(d)+len(e) def _finish(self, tid, user, desc, ext): index=self._index tindex=self._tindex vindex=self._vindex self._size=self._tsize self._data[tid]=None, user, desc, ext, tuple(tindex) for r in tindex: oid, serial, pre, vdata, p = r old=index.get(oid, None) if old is not None: oldvdata=old[3] if oldvdata: v=vindex[oldvdata[0]] del v[oid] if not v: del vindex[oldvdata[0]] index[oid]=r if vdata: version=vdata[0] v=vindex.get(version, None) if v is None: v=vindex[version]={} v[oid]=r def undo(self, transaction_id): self._lock_acquire() try: transaction_id=base64.decodestring(transaction_id+'\n') try: t=self._data[transaction_id][4] except KeyError: raise UndoError, 'Invalid undo transaction id' index=self._index vindex=self._vindex vindex_get=self._vindex.get for r in t: if index[r[0]] is not r: raise POSException.UndoError, 'non-undoable transaction' oids=[] for r in t: oid, serial, pre, vdata, p = r if pre: index[oid] = pre oids.append(oid) # Delete old version data if vdata: version=vdata[0] v=vindex.get(version, None) if v: del v[oid] # Add new version data (from pre): oid, serial, prepre, vdata, p = pre if vdata: version=vdata[0] v=vindex.get(version, None) if v is None: v=vindex[version]={} v[oid]=pre else: del index[oid] if vdata: version=vdata[0] v=vindex.get(version, None) if v: del v[oid] if not v: del vindex[version] del self._data[transaction_id] return oids finally: self._lock_release() def undoLog(self, first, last, filter=None): self._lock_acquire() try: transactions=self._data.items() pos=len(transactions) encode=base64.encodestring r=[] append=r.append i=0 while i < last and pos: pos=pos-1 if i < first: i = i+1 continue tid, (p, u, d, e, t) = transactions[pos] if p: continue d={'id': encode(tid)[:-1], 'time': TimeStamp(tid).timeTime(), 'user_name': u, 'description': d} if e: d.update(loads(e)) if filter is None or filter(d): append(d) i=i+1 return r finally: self._lock_release() def versionEmpty(self, version): return not self._vindex.get(version, None) def versions(self, max=None): r=[] a=r.append for version in self._vindex.keys()[:max]: if self.versionEmpty(version): continue a(version) if max and len(r) >= max: return r return r def _build_indexes(self, stop='\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377'): # Rebuild index structures from transaction data index={} vindex={} _data=self._data for tid, (p, u, d, e, t) in _data.items(): if tid >= stop: break for r in t: oid, serial, pre, vdata, p = r old=index.get(oid, None) if old is not None: oldvdata=old[3] if oldvdata: v=vindex[oldvdata[0]] del v[oid] if not v: del vindex[oldvdata[0]] index[oid]=r if vdata: version=vdata[0] v=vindex.get(version, None) if v is None: v=vindex[version]={} vindex[vdata[0]][oid]=r return index, vindex def pack(self, t, referencesf): # Packing is hard, at least when undo is supported. # Even for a simple storage like this one, packing # is pretty complex. self._lock_acquire() try: stop=`apply(TimeStamp, time.gmtime(t)[:5]+(t%60,))` _data=self._data # Build indexes up to the pack time: index, vindex = self._build_indexes(stop) # Now build an index of *only* those objects reachable # from the root. rootl=['\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0'] pop=rootl.pop pindex={} referenced=pindex.has_key while rootl: oid=pop() if referenced(oid): continue # Scan non-version pickle for references r=index.get(oid, None) if r is None: # Base storage p, s = self._base.load(oid, '') referencesf(p, rootl) else: pindex[oid]=r oid, serial, pre, vdata, p = r referencesf(p, rootl) if vdata: nv=vdata[1] if nv: oid, serial, pre, vdata, p = nv referencesf(p, rootl) # Now we're ready to do the actual packing. # We'll simply edit the transaction data in place. # We'll defer deleting transactions till the end # to avoid messing up the BTree items. deleted=[] for tid, (p, u, d, e, t) in _data.items(): if tid >= stop: break o=[] for r in t: c=pindex.get(r[0]) if c is None: # GC this record, no longer referenced continue elif c is not r: # This record is not the indexed record, # so it may not be current. Let's see. oid, serial, pre, vdata, p = r if vdata: # Version record are current *only* if they # are indexed continue else: # OK, this isn't a version record, so it may be the # non-version record for the indexed record. oid, serial, pre, vdata, p = c if vdata: if vdata[1] != r: # This record is not the non-version # record for the indexed record continue else: # The indexed record is not a version record, # so this record can not be the non-version # record for it. continue o.append(r) if o: if len(o) != len(t): _data[tid]=1, u, d, e, tuple(o) # Reset data else: deleted.append(tid) # Now delete empty transactions for tid in deleted: del _data[tid] # Now reset previous pointers for "current" records: for r in pindex.values(): r[2]=None # Previous record if r[3]: # vdata r[3][1][2]=None pindex=None # Finally, rebuild indexes from transaction data: self._index, self._vindex = self._build_indexes() finally: self._lock_release() self.getSize() def _splat(self): """Spit out a string showing state. """ o=[] o.append('Transactions:') for tid, (p, u, d, e, t) in self._data.items(): o.append(" %s %s" % (TimeStamp(tid), p)) for r in t: oid, serial, pre, vdata, p = r oid=utils.u64(oid) if serial is not None: serial=str(TimeStamp(serial)) pre=id(pre) if vdata and vdata[1]: vdata=vdata[0], id(vdata[1]) if p: p='' o.append(' %s: %s' % (id(r), `(oid, serial, pre, vdata, p)`)) o.append('\nIndex:') items=self._index.items() items.sort() for oid, r in items: if r: r=id(r) o.append(' %s: %s' % (utils.u64(oid), r)) o.append('\nVersion Index:') items=self._vindex.items() items.sort() for version, v in items: o.append(' '+version) vitems=v.items() vitems.sort() for oid, r in vitems: if r: r=id(r) o.append(' %s: %s' % (utils.u64(oid), r)) return string.join(o,'\n')