Commit ddc71047 authored by dieter's avatar dieter

Drop ZEO tests with storages `DemoStorage`, `FileStorage` and...

Drop ZEO tests with storages `DemoStorage`, `FileStorage` and `HexFileStorage`; `FileStorage` is still tested in the variants with server side blobs and with shared blobs
parent dd8cb37d
......@@ -4,6 +4,18 @@ Changelog
5.4.0 (unreleased)
- Test ZEO only with the following storages
``FileStorage`` with server side blobs,
``FileStorage`` with shared blob directory,
``MappingStorage`` (without blobs).
Those tests cover all storage features with impact on ZEO:
without blobs, with shared blobs and with server side blobs;
load, store, two phase commit, undo.
Therefore, passing tests for those storages provide high confidence that ZEO
works for other properly implemented storages as well.
See `#198 <>`_.
- Lint the code with flake8
- Add support for Python 3.10.
......@@ -1740,9 +1740,13 @@ def can_use_empty_string_for_local_host_on_client():
slow_test_classes = [
BlobAdaptedFileStorageTests, BlobWritableCacheTests,
MappingStorageTests, DemoStorageTests,
FileStorageHexTests, FileStorageClientHexTests,
# keep to test a storage without blobs
# and with in memory store (may have different latency than
# ``FileStorage`` and therefore expose other race conditions)
# DemoStorageTests,
# FileStorageTests,
# FileStorageHexTests, FileStorageClientHexTests,
if not forker.ZEO4_SERVER:
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