Commit 26e7a3da authored by Andreas Jung's avatar Andreas Jung

removed the ZopeTutorial

parent 9b8ecc03
...@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ Zope Changes ...@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ Zope Changes
Features added Features added
- removed ZopeTutorial (Elvis is now really dead)
- ZClasses are deprecated and should no longer be used. - ZClasses are deprecated and should no longer be used.
- ZGadyFlyDA/Gadfly is deprecated - ZGadyFlyDA/Gadfly is deprecated
...@@ -67,17 +67,6 @@ web applications. ...@@ -67,17 +67,6 @@ web applications.
</p> </p>
</li> </li>
There is a built-in interactive <strong>Zope Tutorial</strong> which
gets you started with some simple tasks using the Zope managment
interface. To use the tutorial, go to any Folder and select
<em>Zope Tutorial</em> from the add list and click the <em>Add</em>
button. Provide a name for the tutorial and click <em>Add</em> to
begin working with the tutorial.
<li> <li>
<p> <p>
<a href="manage_importObject?file=Examples.zexp&amp;set_owner:int=1">Import</a> <a href="manage_importObject?file=Examples.zexp&amp;set_owner:int=1">Import</a>
...@@ -90,8 +79,8 @@ applications that you can copy and modify. ...@@ -90,8 +79,8 @@ applications that you can copy and modify.
<li> <li>
<p> <p>
Go to the main <a href="" target="_new"> Go to the main <a href="" target="_new">
Documentation Overview</a> on Here you will find pointers to Documentation Overview</a> on <a href="" target="_new"></a>.
official and community contributed documentation. Here you will find pointers to official and community contributed documentation.
</p> </p>
</li> </li>
Zope Tutorial 1.2
Bug Fixes
* Fix niglet in step 7.
Zope Tutorial 1.1
* Updates lessions to use ZPT in place of DTML. This required
extensive reworking in some lessons.
* Update the examples .zexp file.
* Updated likes to the Zope book to refer to the current online
* Updated the glossary.
* Added a ZPT reference link feature for the glossary.
Zope Tutorial 1.0a6
Bug Fixes
* Rearranged things a bit for 2.2 release.
* Improved missing cookie behavior.
* Improved descriptions of management screen navigation.
* Many typos and nits fixed in lessons and examples.
Known Limitations
* Requires Zope 2.1.6 or higher.
* Works better with HTTP cookies.
Zope Tutorial 1.0a5
* Changed the way examples are installed. Now the examples are
installed by adding a Zope object. This resolves a lot of security
* Added some preliminary API docs, and an API documentation
Bug Fixes
* Miscellaneous restructuring and fixing.
Known Limitations
* Requires Zope 2.1.6 or higher.
* Requires HTTP cookies.
Zope Tutorial 1.0a4
* Added an introduction.
* Improved installation location and verification.
Bug Fixes
* More information about how to navigate between management
* Many typos fixed thanks to Karl Ulbrich.
Known Bugs
* Requires Zope 2.1.6 or higher.
Zope Tutorial 1.0a3
* Glossary greatly improved and linked into lessons.
Bug Fixes
* Install now correctly sets up gadfly database.
* Some DTML typos fixed thanks to Didier Georgieff.
Known Bugs
* Requires Zope 2.1.6 or higher.
Zope Tutorial 1.0a2
* Improved PRE formatting. Examples now look nice.
* Improved examples navigation, no longer requires Javascript.
* Added more information to the glossary.
* Added feedback link.
Bug Fixes
* Grammar and typo fixes.
Known Bugs
* Requires Zope 2.1.6 or higher.
Zope Tutorial 1.0a1
Initial preview release.
\ No newline at end of file
# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
import OFS.Folder
from HelpSys.HelpTopic import TextTopic
from Globals import HTML, DTMLFile, MessageDialog
from cgi import escape
import DateTime
import DocumentTemplate
import StructuredText
import re
pre_pat=re.compile(r'<PRE>(.+?)</PRE>', re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL)
class TutorialTopic(TextTopic):
A Tutorial Help Topic
def __init__(self, id, title, text):
self.obj=HTML(pre_pat.sub(clean_pre, text))
index_html=DTMLFile('dtml/lessonView', globals())
def checkInstallation(self, REQUEST):
Returns false if the tutorial examples are not correctly
installed. Also sets the 'hide_next' variable in the request
if the examples are not installed.
if REQUEST.has_key('tutorialExamplesURL'):
if url.index(base) == 0:
if not ok:
REQUEST.set('hide_next', 1)
return ok
def lessonURL(self, id, REQUEST):
URL of the examples for a lesson
return '%s/lesson%d' % (REQUEST['tutorialExamplesURL'], id)
except KeyError:
return ""
def tutorialShowLesson(self, id, REQUEST):
Navigate management frame to a given lesson's screen.
url=self.lessonURL(id, REQUEST)
if not url or not self.checkInstallation(REQUEST):
REQUEST.set('hide_next', 0)
return """\
<p class="warning">
Zope cannot find the tutorial examples.
You should install the tutorial examples before
continuing. Choose "Zope Tutorial" from the product
add list in the Zope management screen to install
the examples.
<p class="warning">
If you have already installed the tutorial, you can either
follow along manually, or reinstall the tutorial examples.
Note: make sure that you have cookies turned on in your browser.
return """\
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
<!--"%s/manage_main", "manage_main");
<p class="information">
<a href="%s/manage_main" target="manage_main"
onClick="'%s/manage_main', 'manage_main').focus()"
>Show lesson examples</a> in another window.
</p>""" % (url.replace('"', '\\"'), escape(url, 1),
escape(url, 1).replace("'", "\\'"))
tutorialNavigation=DTMLFile('dtml/tutorialNav', globals())
class GlossaryTopic(TutorialTopic):
A Tutorial Glossary Help Topic
def __init__(self, id, title, text):
index_html=DTMLFile('dtml/glossaryView', globals())
def formatted_content(self, REQUEST):
Custom stx formatting for tutorial topics
text=self.obj(self, REQUEST)
pre_pat.sub(clean_pre, text)
return text
def apiLink(self, klass, REQUEST):
Returns the URL to a API documentation for a given class.
url="%s/Control_Panel/Products/%s/Help/" % (REQUEST['SCRIPT_NAME'],
names[0], names[1], names[2])
return '<a href="%s">API Documentation</a>' % url
def dtmlLink(self, tag, REQUEST):
Returns the URL to a DTML Reference page for a given tag.
url="%s/Control_Panel/Products/OFSP/Help/dtml-%s.stx" % (REQUEST['SCRIPT_NAME'], tag)
return '<a href="%s">DTML Reference</a>' % url
def zptLink(self, tag, REQUEST):
Returns the URL to a ZPT Reference page for a given topic.
url="%s/Control_Panel/Products/PageTemplates/Help/%s.stx" % (REQUEST['SCRIPT_NAME'], tag)
return '<a href="%s">ZPT Reference</a>' % url
addTutorialForm=DTMLFile('dtml/tutorialAdd', globals())
def addTutorial(self, id, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None):
Install tutorial examples.
ob.title='Zope Tutorial Examples'
id=self._setObject(id, ob)
folder=getattr(self, id)
# make sure that Gadfly is initialized
from Products.ZGadflyDA.DA import data_sources
raise 'Bad Request', 'The ZGadflyDA product must be installed!'
# work around old Zope bug in importing
# acquire REQUEST if necessary
if REQUEST is None:
# Set local roles on examples
changeOwner(folder, REQUEST['AUTHENTICATED_USER'])
# Run lesson setup methods -- call Setup.setup methods in lesson folders
for lesson in examples.objectValues():
if hasattr(lesson, 'Setup'):
lesson.Setup.setup(lesson.Setup, REQUEST)
if RESPONSE is not None:
e=(DateTime.DateTime('GMT') + 365).rfc822()
RESPONSE.setCookie('tutorialExamplesURL', folder.absolute_url() + '/examples',
RESPONSE.redirect(folder.absolute_url() + '/examples')
def changeOwner(obj, owner):
Recursively changes the Owner of an object and all its subobjects.
for user, roles in obj.get_local_roles():
if 'Owner' in roles:
obj.manage_setLocalRoles(owner.getId(), ['Owner'])
for subobj in obj.objectValues():
changeOwner(subobj, owner)
def clean_pre(match):
Reformat a pre tag to get rid of extra indentation
and extra blank lines.
for line in lines:
indent=len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
if min_indent is None or indent < min_indent:
if line.strip():
for line in lines:
while 1:
if not nlines[0].strip():
while 1:
if not nlines[-1].strip():
return "<PRE>%s</PRE>" % '\n'.join(nlines)
# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
import TutorialTopic
import App.Common
import os.path
import os
import stat
from DateTime import DateTime
from urllib import quote_plus
from cgi import escape
import re
from HelpSys import APIHelpTopic
def initialize(context):
# abuse registerClass to get a tutorial constructor
# in the product add list
meta_type='Zope Tutorial',
constructors=(TutorialTopic.addTutorialForm, TutorialTopic.addTutorial),
from App.Product import doInstall
if not doInstall():
# create tutorial help topics
lesson_path=os.path.join(App.Common.package_home(globals()), 'tutorial.stx')
glossary_path=os.path.join(App.Common.package_home(globals()), 'glossary.stx')
# test to see if nothing has changed since last registration
if help.lastRegistered is not None and \
help.lastRegistered >= DateTime(os.stat(lesson_path)[stat.ST_MTIME]):
# delete old help topics
for id in help.objectIds('Help Topic'):
# create glossary
text=term_pat.sub(defineTerm, text)
'Zope Tutorial Glossary', text)
context.registerHelpTopic('tutorialGlossary', glossary)
# create lessons
while 1:
line = f.readline()
if (line.strip() and line.find(' ') != 0) or line=='':
# new topic
if lines:
id = id + 1
topic_id = 'topic_%02d' % id
text=term_pat.sub(glossaryTerm, text)
topic=TutorialTopic.TutorialTopic(topic_id, lines[0].strip(), spacestrip(text))
context.registerHelpTopic(topic_id, topic)
if line == '':
def spacestrip(txt):
""" dedent text by 2 spaces !
We need this to workaround a nasty bug in STXNG.
STXNG creates empty <pre>..</pre> when then text start
if a level > 1. This fix is lame. The problem should be fixed
inside STXNG
l = []
for x in txt.split("\n"):
if len(x)>2 and x[:2]==' ':
else: l.append(x)
return '\n'.join(l)
# Glossary functions
# ----------------
def glossaryTerm(match):
A linked glossary term
if name in terms:
return """<a href="../tutorialGlossary#%s">%s</a>""" % \
(quote_plus(name), escape(name))
return """[%s]""" % name
def defineTerm(match):
Define a glossary term
return """<a name="%s"></a>\n\n<strong>%s</strong>""" % \
(quote_plus(name), escape(name))
<dtml-var standard_html_header>
<style type="text/css">
background-color : #FFFFAA;
border : thin solid;
white-space : pre;
padding-bottom : 10pt;
padding-left : 10pt;
padding-right : 10pt;
padding-top : 10pt;
.feedback {
font-size: 9pt;
.warning {
font-size: 9pt;
font-weight: bold;
color: red;
.information {
font-size: 9pt;
font-weight: bold;
<dtml-var expr="formatted_content(REQUEST)">
<p class="feedback">Comments on this lesson?
<a href=";">Email feedback</a>.
<dtml-var standard_html_footer>
<dtml-var standard_html_header>
<style type="text/css">
background-color : #FFFFAA;
border : thin solid;
white-space : pre;
padding-bottom : 10pt;
padding-left : 10pt;
padding-right : 10pt;
padding-top : 10pt;
.feedback {
font-size: 9pt;
.warning {
font-size: 9pt;
font-weight: bold;
color: red;
.information {
font-size: 9pt;
font-weight: bold;
<dtml-var obj>
<dtml-var tutorialNavigation>
<dtml-var standard_html_footer>
<dtml-var manage_page_header>
<dtml-var "manage_form_title(this(), _,
form_title='Add Zope Tutorial',
<p class="form-help">
This tutorial show you the basics of using Zope. You will
learn how to create and manage Zope resources by builting
a web site devoted to tracking Elvis sightings. Each lesson
includes working examples in Zope that allow you to learn
by hands on experimentation.
<p class="form-help">
The tutorial assumes that you are familiar with basic Internet
technologies such as <a href="">HTML</a>,
URLs, and web browers.
<form action="addTutorial" method="post">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">
<td align="left" valign="top">
<div class="form-label">
<td align="left" valign="top">
<input type="text" name="id" size="40" value="" />
<td align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" valign="top">
<div class="form-element">
<input class="form-element" type="submit" name="submit"
value=" Add " />
<dtml-var manage_page_footer>
<dtml-unless "id=='tutorialGlossary'">
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('ids', aq_parent.objectIds())">
<dtml-call "ids.remove('tutorialGlossary')">
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('i', ids.index(id))">
<table width="100%" border="0" padding="0" spacing="0">
<tr valign="top"><td width="50%" align="right">
<dtml-if "i > 0">
<form action="../<dtml-var "ids[i-1]" url_quote>">
<div class="form-element">
<input class="form-element" type="submit" value=" &lt; Back ">
<td width="50%">
<dtml-unless hide_next>
<dtml-if "i < _.len(ids) -1 ">
<form action="../<dtml-var "ids[i+1]" url_quote>">
<div class="form-element">
<input class="form-element" type="submit" value=" Next &gt; ">
For general information about Zope <a href=""
For Zope documentation try the <a href=""
target="_blank">Zope Documentation Project</a> site and the <a
target="_blank">documentation area</a> on
[DateTime] -- A DTML function to get the current time or to create a
date time object given a string.
<dtml-var "dtmlLink('funcs', REQUEST)">
[DTML] -- A tag-based reporting language, like ASP
or PHP. It allows you to perform operations on Zope objects and insert the
results in web pages.
For more information on DTML see the <a
target="_blank">DTML chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
[DTML Document] -- A Zope object for a web page.
You can use DTML tags in a DTML document.
For more information on DTML Documents see the <a
target="_blank">Basic Objects chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
<dtml-var "apiLink('OFSP.DTMLDocument.DTMLDocument', REQUEST)">
[DTML Method] -- A Zope object that holds a piece of content that can
be inserted into a web page. You can use DTML tags in a DTML Method.
For more information on DTML Methods see the <a
target="_blank">Basic Objects chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
<dtml-var "apiLink('OFSP.DTMLMethod.DTMLMethod', REQUEST)">
[Delete] -- Remove an object from the current Folder. Unlike Cut, this
does not place a copy of the object in the clipboard.
[Cut] -- Remove a Zope object from its current location and place it
in the clipboard.
[Copy] -- Copy a Zope object to the clipboard.
[Database Connection] -- A Zope object to connect to a relational
For more information on Database Connections see the <a
target="_blank">Relational Database chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
[<dtml-call>] -- A DTML tag that allows your to perform an
action without inserting anything into a web page.
For more information on &lt;dtml-call&gt; tag see the <a
target="_blank">Advanced DTML chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
<dtml-var "dtmlLink('call', REQUEST)">
[<dtml-if>] -- A DTML tag that allows you to conditionally insert
objects into a DTML Document or DTML Method.
For more information on &lt;dtml-if&gt; tag see the <a
target="_blank">DTML chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
<dtml-var "dtmlLink('if', REQUEST)">
[<dtml-in>] -- A DTML tag that allows you to loop over a sequence
of objects.
For more information on &lt;dtml-in&gt; tag see the <a
target="_blank">DTML chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
<dtml-var "dtmlLink('in', REQUEST)">
[<dtml-var>] -- A DTML tag that allows you to insert objects
into a DTML Document or DTML Method.
For more information on &lt;dtml-var&gt; tag see the <a
target="_blank">DTML chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
<dtml-var "dtmlLink('var', REQUEST)">
[<dtml-sendmail>] -- A DTML tag that sends email.
For more information on &lt;dtml-sendmail&gt; tag see the <a
target="_blank">Advanced DTML chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
<dtml-var "dtmlLink('sendmail', REQUEST)">
[File] -- A Zope object that contains binary or textual data. Files
don't contain dynamic data.
For more information on Folders see the <a
target="_blank">Basic Objects chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
[Folder] -- A Zope object that contains other Zope objects. You can
move objects between Folders by cutting and pasting them. You can
add new objects to Folders with the product add list.
For more information on Folders see the <a
target="_blank">Basic Objects chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
<dtml-var "apiLink('OFSP.Folder.Folder', REQUEST)">
[HTTP Cookies] -- Cookies allow you to record information in a visitor's
browser. This is commonly used to provide personalization for a web site.
[id] -- All Zope objects have an identifier known as the id. The id is a
short string that contains letters and numbers, spaces, underscores, dashes,
commas and tildes. Here are some example ids: 'index.html', 'My Page',
[Image] -- A Zope object for a picture.
For more information on Images see the <a
target="_blank">Basic Objects chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
<dtml-var "apiLink('OFSP.Image.Image', REQUEST)">
[index_html] -- The name of the default Zope object in a Folder.
When you view a Folder the index_html object will be displayed
unless you specify otherwise. This is just like the 'index.html'
or 'default.htm' default web page with a normal web server.
[Mail Host] -- A Zope object that allows you to send email.
Use the &lt;dtml-sendmail&gt; tag to send email.
<dtml-var "apiLink('MailHost.MailHost.MailHost', REQUEST)">
[Page Template] -- A dynamic web page object.
For more information on ZPT see the <a
target="_blank">Page Templates chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
[Page Template Macro] -- A device for sharing presentation between
page templates.
For more information on macros see the <a
target="_blank">Page Templates chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
[Page Template Statements] -- Special attributes that connect
templates to other components and dynamically tailor the HTML of the
For more information on ZPT see the <a
target="_blank">Page Templates chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
<dtml-var "zptLink('tal', REQUEST)">
[Paste] -- Insert the objects from the clipboard into the current Folder.
[product add list] -- The list of addable objects. Select an object
from the product add list to create a new object in the current
[Properties] -- Properties contain small pieces of content.
For more information on Properties see the <a
target="_blank">Basic Objects chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
<dtml-var "apiLink('OFSP.PropertyManager.PropertyManager', REQUEST)">
[standard_html_header] -- The standard Zope header object. By
convention this object displays an HTML header.
[standard_html_footer] -- The standard Zope footer object. By
convention this object displays an HTML footer.
[] -- The standard Zope macro template. By
convention this object defines a whole page macro and a number of
slots. Other templates then use the macro and fill one or more
[tal:attributes] -- A ZTP statement that sets one or more tag
For more information on ZPT see the <a
target="_blank">Page Templates chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
[tal:condition] -- A ZTP statement that conditionally includes a tag.
For more information on ZPT see the <a
target="_blank">Page Templates chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
<dtml-var "zptLink('tal-condition', REQUEST)">
[tal:content] -- A ZPT statement that replaces the content of a tag.
For more information on ZPT see the <a
target="_blank">Page Templates chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
<dtml-var "zptLink('tal-content', REQUEST)">
[tal:define] -- A ZPT statement that defines one or more variables.
For more information on ZPT see the <a
target="_blank">Page Templates chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
<dtml-var "zptLink('tal-define', REQUEST)">
[tal:repeat] -- A ZPT statement that loops over a list of objects
inserting a copy of the statement element for each item in the list.
For more information on ZPT see the <a
target="_blank">Page Templates chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
<dtml-var "zptLink('tal-repeat', REQUEST)">
[tal:replace] -- A ZPT statement that replaces a tag and its
contents entirely.
For more information on ZPT see the <a
target="_blank">Page Templates chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
<dtml-var "zptLink('tal-replace', REQUEST)">
[title] -- Most Zope objects can have titles. Titles are optional
one line descriptions.
[Undo] -- Allows you to recover from mistakes by undoing a
[ZSQL Method] -- A Zope object to get data into or out of a relational
For more information on ZSQL Methods see the <a
target="_blank">Relational Database chapter</a> of The Zope Book.
<dtml-var "apiLink('ZSQLMethods.ZSQLMethod.ZSQLMethod', REQUEST)">
Welcome to the Zope Tutorial
This tutorial shows you the basics of using Zope. You will learn how
to create and manage Zope resources by building a web site devoted
to tracking Elvis sightings. Each lesson includes working examples
that allow you to learn by hands-on experimentation.
The tutorial assumes that you are familiar with basic Internet
technologies such as <a href=""
target="_blank">HTML</a>, URLs, and web browsers.
The "Back" and "Next" buttons on the bottom of each tutorial
page allow you to navigate the tutorial.
If you get lost you can use your browser's back button to
return to an earlier lesson.
If you want to quit the tutorial close your browser window.
You can return to the tutorial later by visiting the tutorial
object you created in the Zope management screen, and viewing
its "README" document.
<dtml-unless expr="checkInstallation(REQUEST)">
Install Tutorial Examples
Before you can begin the tutorial you must install the tutorial
1. Go to the Zope management screen and choose 'Zope Tutorial' from
the "Select type to add..." list.
2. Choose an id for the tutorial and click the 'Add' button.
3. Now you should be taken to the tutorial.
Lesson 1. "Elvis Lives" Home Page
<dtml-var "tutorialShowLesson(1, REQUEST)">
Let's create a home page for "Elvis Lives", an organization that
tracks Elvis sightings.
First you need to create a [Page Template]
for the home page. Zope uses 'Page Templates' for web pages.
1. Select 'Page Template' from the "Select type to add..." list.
2. Type 'home.html' for the template [id].
3. Click the 'Add and Edit' button.
You should now see a screen
where you can edit your web page.
1. Change the title of the template to 'Elvis Lives'.
1. Change the contents of the template to::
<img tal:replace="structure container/header.gif">
Welcome to <i tal:content="template/title">title</i>,
your source for information about Elvis and
Elvis sightings.
2. Click the 'Save Changes' button.
The contents of the template is HTML along with special attributes
called [Page Template Statements].
The [tal:content] and [tal:replace] statements inserts things into
tags. In this page we use these statement to insert an image and
a title.
Now let's see what our page
looks like.
1. Click the 'Test' tab at the top of the screen.
Congratulations you've created
a web page with Zope.
Zope allows you to create and manage objects through
the web.
* Zope uses [Page Template]s
for web pages.
* You can create Zope objects by choosing them from the "Select
type to add..." list.
* You can insert content in web pages with the
[tal:content] and [tal:replace] statements.
In the next lesson you'll expand
your web site.
Lesson 2. Going to Graceland
<dtml-var "tutorialShowLesson(2, REQUEST)">
Elvis loved his home, Graceland. Let's link an existing
page to our web site with information about Graceland.
1. Click on the 'graceland' [Folder].
2. Inside you should see a number of objects including an
'index_html' page.
If a [Folder] contains an object named [index_html], that object
provides the folder's default view. This is just like how an
'index.html' or a 'default.htm' file works with a conventional
web server.
At the top of the management screen, you will find a folder icon
followed by "Folder at", and the URL of the current folder. In
addition to being informative, this URL is a navigation aid. Each
part of this URL is a link, and can be used to go to the management
screens of parent folders.
3. Return to the enclosing folder by clicking the 'lesson2' link
in the folder's URL.
4. Click on the 'home.html' template to edit it.
5. Change the contents of the 'home.html' template to::
<img tal:replace="structure container/header.gif">
Welcome to <i tal:content="template/title">title</i>,
your source for information about Elvis and
Elvis sightings.
Elvis was born in
<a href="graceland">Graceland</a>.
6. Click the 'Save Changes' button.
This adds a link the the 'graceland' folder. Now let's test
out the link.
7. Click the 'Test' tab.
You've successfully created a multi-page site with a link between two
Zope objects.
Zope files and templates have a lot in common with conventional
web pages--they have names, are arranged in hierarchies, and have
URLs that correspond to their locations.
* [Folder]s contain other Zope objects.
* The default object for a Folder is named [index_html].
* The Zope management screens allow you to navigate between folders
and determine the URLs of objects.
In the next lesson you'll learn about moving
pages around in Zope.
Lesson 3. Elvis's Favorite Foods
<dtml-var "tutorialShowLesson(3, REQUEST)">
Elvis really liked to eat. Right now we have a of couple pages about
foods Elvis liked. But as our web site grows we'll need a whole area
devoted to food. Let's create a [Folder] for food information.
1. Select 'Folder' from the "Select type to add..." list.
2. Type 'food' for the folder id.
3. Type 'Elvis and Food' for the folder title.
4. Click the 'Add' button.
Now we've got some place to put our food related resources. Let's
move some objects into this folder.
1. Select the 'sandwiches.html', 'pie.html', and 'meatloaf.html'
templates by clicking their check boxes.
2. Click the 'Cut' button.
3. Click the 'food' folder to enter it.
4. Click the 'Paste' button.
Now that we've moved some objects, we need to update the links to
them because an object's URL is related to its location.
1. Return to the 'home.html' template in the 'lesson3' folder,
by clicking on the 'lesson3' location link and then clicking
on the 'home.html' page.
2. Change the links to the sandwiches, pie and cake templates
Elvis liked to eat
<a href="food/sandwiches.html">sandwiches</a>,
<a href="food/pie.html">pie</a>, and
<a href="food/meatloaf.html">meatloaf</a>.
3. Click the 'Save Changes' button.
4. Click the 'Test' tab at the top of the screen.
Notice that the food resources are now correctly linked from the home
page in their new location.
Congratulations you've performed your first
web site overhaul!
You can organize Zope object in folders. You can create
new folders and move objects between folders.
* Move Zope objects around with [Cut] and [Paste].
* Folders contain other Zope objects.
* Moving a Zope object between folders changes its URL.
In the next lesson you'll learn how to change
the look and feel of your site.
Lesson 4. Site Contact Information
<dtml-var "tutorialShowLesson(4, REQUEST)">
Part of running an Elvis web site is getting in touch with Elvis
fans the world over. One way to do this is to provide contact
information on your site so that visitors can email you. Let's
create an email link at the bottom of each page on your site that
lets people send you feedback.
1. Click the 'Properties' tab.
2. Type 'mail_link' in the Name field.
3. Type a mail link to your email address
(e.g. '') in the Value field.
4. Click the 'Add' button.
You have created a property that holds your e-mail address and that
can be used throughout your site. Let's see how we can use this
address on each web page by changing the standard web page footer.
1. Click the 'Contents' tab to return to the list of items in the
folder, then click the '' [Page Template] to
edit it.
2. Change the contents of the template to add a mail to link at
the bottom of the page::
<html metal:define-macro="page">
<div metal:define-slot="body">
This is where the page's body text goes.
<a tal:attributes="href container/mail_link">mail
3. Click the 'Save Changes' button.
We've change the standard Zope page macro. Now let's verify that
this change is reflected in our web pages.
1. Navigate to the 'home.html' template in the 'lesson4' folder
by clicking on the 'lesson4' location link and then clicking
on the 'home.html' page.
2. Now click the 'Test' tab to view the web site.
Notice that there is now an email link at the bottom of every web
page. The email link uses the property you defined and includes the
title of the web page as the email subject.
The email link appears on every page because every page template
uses a [Page Template Macro] defined in the ''
template. Macros provide a way of sharing presentation elements
between pages. The '' template gives you a
convention for making pages share a common structure.
By consolidating content into components such as a common footer
you can provide a uniform look and feel for your web site.
* [Properties] contain small pieces of content.
* Use the [tal:attributes] statement to change tag attributes.
* [] is used to provide shared look and feel
between templates.
In the next lesson you'll see how to organize content
with a collection of Zope objects.
Lesson 5. Recent Elvis Sightings
<dtml-var "tutorialShowLesson(5, REQUEST)">
Elvis sightings happen all the time. You'd like to record them and
list them on your web site. Let's look at a simple system for
organizing sightings and displaying them on your web site.
1. Click the 'sightings.html' web page.
2. Click the 'Test' tab to view it.
Notice how the page lists a number of Elvis sightings. Also notice
that these sightings weren't specifically listed in the contents of
the web page. Where did they come from?
1. Click the 'sightingsFolder' folder to enter it.
2. Click on the 'sighting2' file to examine it.
3. Go back the 'sightingsFolder' folder by clicking the
'sightingsFolder' location link.
4. Select the 'sighting2' file by clicking its check box.
5. Click the 'Delete' button.
You just deleted a Zope object that describes an Elvis sighting.
Let's see how this affects the 'sightings' web page.
1. Click the 'sightings.html' web page.
2. Click the 'Test' tab to view it.
The Shelbyville sighting is not longer listed. So the list of
sightings is somehow built from the files in the 'sightingsFolder'
What if you want the Shelbyville sighting back? Since you deleted
it, you can't just paste it back. You need to [Undo] your action.
1. Click the 'Undo' tab.
2. Select the first transaction (ending with "manage_delObjects")
by clicking its check box.
3. Click the 'Undo' button.
4. Click the 'sightingsFolder' folder to enter it.
Sure enough the 'sighting2' sighting has returned.
Multiple Zope objects can be combined to form complex web pages.
* [File]s contain chunks of textual or binary content.
* Web pages can insert content from 'Files'.
* You can recover from mistakes with [Undo].
In the next lesson you'll learn about
looping over lists of Zope objects.
Lesson 6. Recent Elvis Sightings, cont.
<dtml-var "tutorialShowLesson(6, REQUEST)">
So we've seen that the 'sightings.html' page is built from objects
in the 'sightingsFolder' folder. How does it work?
1. Click the 'sightings.html' template to edit it.
2. Change the contents of the template to::
<h1 tal:content="template/title">title</h1>
<table border="1">
<tr tal:repeat="sighting container/sightingsFolder/objectValues">
<td tal:content="structure sighting">
Sighting goes here
3. Click the 'Save Changes' button.
4. Click the 'Test' tab.
Notice how each sighting now has a box drawn around it.
What's going on? The [tal:repeat] statement iterates over a list of
sightings. The list is defined by the expression
'container/sightingsFolder/objectValues'. The expression calls the
'objectValues' method of the 'sightingsFolder' folder. It returns
all the objects contained by a folder.
Notice the 'sighting' part of the repeat statement. It is a local
variable that takes the value of each object in the list in
turn. This variable is used by the the [tal:content] statement to
insert the contents of each file object inside the table.
You can programmatically build web pages with groups of objects
by looping over them and inserting them.
* [tal:repeat] iterates over a list of objects.
* [tal:repeat] defines a local variable that you can use to get
access to objects in the list.
* You can get the contents of a folder by calling its
'objectValues' method.
In the next lesson you'll learn about how to
manage and display pictures.
Lesson 7. Elvis Photo Archive
<dtml-var "tutorialShowLesson(7, REQUEST)">
The King had many faces. We can offer our site visitors a peek at
the many sides of Elvis with a photo archive.
1. Click the 'photos.html' template.
2. Click the 'Test' tab to view it.
This page shows the photos in the archive one after another. It uses
Image objects stored in the 'photoArchive' folder. It's not very
fancy. Let's improve it to display the title and size of the
1. Click your browser's back button to return to the 'photos.html'
template to edit it.
2. Change the contents to::
<p tal:repeat="photo container/photoArchive/objectValues">
<img tal:replace="structure photo">
<span tal:replace="photo/title">title</span>
(<span tal:replace="photo/getSize">size</span> bytes)
3. Click the 'Save Changes' button.
4. Click the 'Test' tab.
Notice how each photo now includes a title
and size information.
[Image]s can display themselves and can also provide useful
information such as size, title, and URL.
* Get the contents of a Folder with the 'objectValues' method.
* Get the size of an [Image] with the 'getSize' method.
In the next lesson you'll learn how to create
pictures with Python scripting.
Lesson 8. Elvis Photo Archive, cont.
<dtml-var "tutorialShowLesson(8, REQUEST)">
Now that we have a working photo archive, let's enhance it to handle
submissions from site visitors.
1. Click the 'form.html' template.
2. Click the 'Test' tab to view it.
3. Upload a picture (JPG, GIF, PNG or other graphics format supported
by your browser.)
4. Now return to the 'lesson8' folder in the Zope management screen
using your browser's back button.
5. Click the 'photoArchive' folder to enter it.
Notice that there is now a new [Image] object in the folder. This
image was created when you uploaded your photo.
Let's investigate how this works, and add the ability to give our
uploaded photo a title.
1. Click the 'form.html' template.
2. Change the contents to::
<h1 tal:content="template/title">title</h1>
<p>Upload a picture to the Elvis Photo Archive.</p>
<form action="" method="post"
<p>File: <input type="file" name="file"></p>
<p>Title: <input type="text" name="title"></p>
<input type="submit">
3. Click the 'Save Changes' button.
This page collects data needed to create an Image. It calls the
'' script with that data. The '' script actually
creates the Image. Now let's customize the script to handle the
image title.
1. Click the '' script to edit it.
2. Change the parameter list to 'file, title'.
3. Change the contents of the script to::
Create a new image in the photo archive folder.
Then return a confirmation page.
folder.manage_addImage(id='', file=file, title=title)
return page()
The script collects the form data, creates an image object in a
folder and then returns a thanks page. It gets access to form data
through its parameters. It calls the 'manage_addImage' folder method
on the photo archive folder to create a new image there. Finally it
locates the thanks page and renders and returns it.
* You can use forms to pass information between Zope objects.
You can programmatically create new Zope objects.
* Scripts can be the action of HTML forms.
* Create new [Image]s in folder with the 'manage_addImage' method.
* Scripts can render and return templates.
In the next lesson you'll learn about [HTTP Cookies] and
personalizing your web site.
Lesson 9. Elvis, Up Close and Personal
<dtml-var "tutorialShowLesson(9, REQUEST)"> People who come to your
site want a personal relationship with Elvis. You can provide this
by tailoring your site to the needs and preferences of your viewers.
Let's add the ability to bring new Elvis sightings to the attention
of site visitors. This way when a visitor comes to your site they'll
immediately know which sightings are new since they last visited.
1. Click the 'sightings.html' template to edit it.
2. Click the 'Test' tab to view it.
All the sightings should be
marked as new.
3. Reload the page.
Now none of the sightings should be marked as new. This is because
you've already seen them.
4. Click the 'sightingsFolder' folder to enter it.
5. Choose 'File' from the "Select type to add..." list.
6. Type 'Seattle' for the id.
7. Click the 'Add' button.
8. Now click on the new file to edit it.
9. Change the content type to "text/html'.
10. Change the contents of the file to::
<p>6/1/2003 -- Seattle</p>
<p>Elvis spotted spare changing on Broadway.
He denied being the King.</p>
11. Click the 'Save Changes' button.
Now you've created a new sighting. Let's see if it is marked as new
by the sightings page.
12. Click the 'sightings.html' page in the 'lesson9' folder.
13. Click the 'Test' tab.
Sure enough our new sighting is marked new.
How does this work? It uses [HTTP Cookies]. When you visit the
'sightings.html' page a cookie is set that records the current
time. Then each time you return to the page sightings that are newer
than the cookie will be marked as new.
Let's look at
how this works.
1. Click the 'sightings.html' template to view its contents.
Notice that the page uses the [tal:define] statement to defines a
'lastVisit' variable. It is defined by calling the ''
script. This variable holds the time that the user last visited the
page as recorded in a cookie.
Later in the template this time is compared to the modification time
of each sighting object. If the sighting is new then it is marked as
such by including a bold tag. The bold tag uses the [tal:condition]
statement to optionally include its contents. In this case the
condition checks to see whether the 'bobobase_modification_date' of
the sighting is newer than the last visit. This strangely named
method keeps track of the last modification date of Zope objects.
Now let's examine the
'' script.
2. Click on the '' script to view it.
Notice how it includes comments explaining its functioning. Comments
begin with a number sign. The script does two things: it retrieves a
cookie from the request, and it sets a new cookie using the
You can use cookies to personalize a web page. Zope templates
can dynamically control their presentation.
* You can set cookies with the response 'setCookie' method.
* The [tal:condition] statement allows you to test conditions.
* The [DateTime] function allows you to get the current time.
* The 'bobobase_modification_date' method returns the last
modification time of an object.
In the next lesson you'll learn how to create
a mail feedback form.
Lesson 10. So You've Seen Elvis
<dtml-var "tutorialShowLesson(10, REQUEST)">
What's the first thing you do when you spot Elvis? Report it at the
"Elvis Lives" web site! Let's enhance our site to allow visitors to
report their Elvis sightings.
1. Click the 'mailhost' [Mail Host] object to edit it.
2. Type the name of your mail server in the 'SMTP Host' field.
Your mail server is typically named 'mail' or 'smtp'. For example,
''. If you don't know the name of your mail
server, ask your system administrator, or check the configuration of
your mail client.
3. Click the 'Save Changes' button.
Now Zope can send mail. Next let's edit the mail
sending script.
1. Click the '' script to edit it.
This script is called when a site visitor fills out an Elvis
sighting form. It sends you mail telling you about the
sighting. Mail is sent by calling the 'simple_send' method of the
Mail Host object.
To get this script to work you need to change the 'recipient' and
'sender' variables.
2. Change the 'recipient' and 'sender' variables to your email
address in place of 'user@host'.
3. Click the 'Save Changes' button.
4. Now go to the 'form.html' page in the 'lesson10' folder.
5. Click the 'Test' tab to view it.
6. Fill out the Elvis sighting form and submit it.
You should soon receive a piece of email describing the Elvis
Congratulations, you've built a mail form. If you receive a Zope
error, there is a good chance that you haven't set the 'SMTP Host'
setting on your mail host object correctly.
After you create a mail host, you can send mail from any
script by calling its 'simple_send' method.
* [Mail Host]s allow you to send email.
* The scripts format email messages and pass them to the Mail
In the next lesson you'll learn how to use Zope
to put a database on the web.
Lesson 11. The Elvis Files
<dtml-var "tutorialShowLesson(11, REQUEST)">
Everyone knows that serious web sites use databases. We agree. Let's
convert our Elvis sightings system to use a relational database.
This will provide us with scalability and interoperability.
Let's see how Zope gets data
from a database.
1. Click the 'connection' [Database Connection] to edit it.
A [Database Connection] tells Zope how to access a relational
2. Click the 'Browse' tab to examine the database tables.
3. Click the plus box next to the 'ELVIS_SIGHTINGS' table to
expand it.
Now you can see the column names and types for this table. Now let's
see how to get information out of this table.
1. Click the 'getSightings' [ZSQL Method] in the 'lesson11' folder
to edit it.
Notice that the SQL statement used to fetch information about Elvis
sightings is editable in the 'Query template' field.
2. Click the 'Test' tab.
3. Click the 'Submit Query' button.
This shows you what data the ZSQL Method returns.
A [ZSQL Method] is used to get information out of or into a relational
Now let's see how to use
this ZSQL Method in a web page.
1. Click the 'sightings.html' template in the 'lesson11' folder
to edit it.
Notice that the sightings are generated by iterating over the
results of the 'getSightings' ZSQL Method with the [tal:repeat]
2. Add a line after each sighting by changing the contents of
the 'sightings.html' template to::
<div tal:repeat="sighting container/getSightings">
<p><span tal:replace="sighting/date">date</span> --
<span tal:replace="sighting/location">location</span>
<p>Reported by <span tal:replace="sighting/name">name</span>
<p tal:content="sighting/description">description
3. Click the 'Save Changes' button.
4. Click the 'Test' tab to view the page.
Zope can work with data from relational databases in the
same way it treats other Zope objects.
* [Database Connection]s tell Zope about relational databases.
* [ZSQL Method]s get information out of or into a relational
Lesson 12. The Elvis Files, cont.
<dtml-var "tutorialShowLesson(12, REQUEST)"> In the last lesson you
created an Elvis sightings database. Now let's adapt the this
database to allow site visitors to submit their own sightings.
This lesson builds on your experience from the last two lessons. To
allow folks to report sightings you'll need a report form just like
you used in lesson 10.
1. Click on the 'form.html' template to view its contents.
This page is almost exactly like the report form used in Lesson
10. It collects data and calls the '' script to
process the data.
2. Click on the '' Python Script to view its contents.
It calls the 'insertSighting' ZSQL Method with this
insert(name=name, location=location, date=date,
Then it returns a confirmation page.
The real work is done by the
'insertSighting' ZSQL Method. Let's see how.
3. Click on the 'insertSighting' ZSQL Method to view its contents.
The query template contains the following SQL code::
insert into elvis_sightings
<dtml-sqlvar location type="string">,
<dtml-sqlvar date type="string">,
<dtml-sqlvar name type="string">,
<dtml-sqlvar description type="string">
This code inserts a row into the 'elvis_sightings' table. Notice how
the arguments of this ZSQL Method correspond to the form elements in
the 'form.html' template.
You can test this SQL code to make sure it
works correctly.
1. Click on the 'Test' tab.
2. Enter some sample data into the automatically generated form.
3. Click the 'Submit Query' button.
Zope will send the SQL code to the database and will tell you the
SQL code that was sent, and the results that the database
returned. In this case the database will not return anything, since
the SQL 'INSERT' command produces no results.
Now return to the 'sightings.html' page to see if the sample data
was added to the list of sightings. Play with the system a little
bit and see how the links between the 'sightings.html', 'form.html',
and '' objects allow a visitor to navigate the site.
You can easily change data in a relational database with Zope. The
process for inserting data is very similar to the process for
querying a database; you use a ZSQL Method in both cases.
* [ZSQL Method]s can change information in a relational
* You can pass arguments to ZSQL Methods from scripts.
* Many ZSQL Methods can use the same [Database Connection].
Well done! You've finished the Zope Tutorial.
You can return to lesson examples and use these objects as the
basis of your own experiments. Just copy and paste them and start
changing them.
To find out more about Zope visit
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.
You may be especially interested in the Zope <a
target="_blank">Book</a>, <a
target="_blank">How-Tos</a>, <a
target="_blank">mailing lists</a>, example applications (available in
the 'Examples' folder in the root folder, and the <a
href="" target="_blank">Zope Documentation
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