Commit 4c615b75 authored by Martijn Pieters's avatar Martijn Pieters

New method setStateFunction for TreeMaker.

- Refactor tree method to allow callback function (set with
  setStateFunction) to influence node state.

- hasChildren now stores the result of getChildren in a local cache, which
  getChildren uses and clears on a subsequent call. This was needed to avoid
  generating the children list for open nodes twice.

- hasChildren now flattens its return value to a boolean; tree relies on
parent a694a566
......@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ Zope Changes
various flags and attributes that influence how the tree is built,
making these aspects accessible to PythonScripts.
- ZTUtils.Tree.TreeMaker has a new method setStateFunction, which
allows you to set a callback function that can influence the state
(open, closed, leaf) of each node in the tree.
Zope 2.6.0 beta 1
Bugs Fixed
......@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
__doc__='''Tree manipulation classes
$Id:,v 1.12 2002/10/05 02:10:01 mj Exp $'''
__version__='$Revision: 1.12 $'[11:-2]
$Id:,v 1.13 2002/10/05 21:24:03 mj Exp $'''
__version__='$Revision: 1.13 $'[11:-2]
from Acquisition import Explicit
from ComputedAttribute import ComputedAttribute
......@@ -64,8 +64,11 @@ class TreeMaker:
_assume_children = 0
_values_filter = None
_values_function = None
_state_function = None
_expand_root = 1
_cached_children = None
def setChildAccess(self, attrname=_marker, filter=_marker,
'''Set the criteria for fetching child nodes.
......@@ -120,6 +123,23 @@ class TreeMaker:
self._assume_children = assume and True or False
def setStateFunction(self, function):
"""Set the expansion state function.
This function will be called to determine if a node should be open or
collapsed, or should be treated as a leaf node. The function is passed
the current object, and the intended state for that object. It should
return the actual state the object should be in. State is encoded as an
integer, meaning:
-1: Node closed. Children will not be processed.
0: Leaf node, cannot be opened or closed, no children are
1: Node opened. Children will be processed as part of the tree.
self._state_function = function
def tree(self, root, expanded=None, subtree=0):
'''Create a tree from root, with specified nodes expanded.
......@@ -134,14 +154,17 @@ class TreeMaker:
# Assume a mapping
expanded = expanded.has_key(
child_exp = child_exp.get(
if expanded or (not subtree and self._expand_root):
children = self.getChildren(root)
if children:
node.state = 1 # expanded
for child in children:
expanded = expanded or (not subtree and self._expand_root)
# Set state to 0 (leaf), 1 (opened), or -1 (closed)
state = self.hasChildren(root) and (expanded or -1)
if self._state_function is not None:
state = self._state_function(node.object, state)
node.state = state
if state > 0:
for child in self.getChildren(root):
node._add_child(self.tree(child, child_exp, 1))
elif self.hasChildren(root):
node.state = -1 # collapsed
if not subtree:
node.depth = 0
return node
......@@ -164,9 +187,18 @@ class TreeMaker:
def hasChildren(self, object):
if self._assume_children:
return 1
return self.getChildren(object)
# Cache generated children for a subsequent call to getChildren
self._cached_children = (object, self.getChildren(object))
return not not self._cached_children[1]
def getChildren(self, object):
# Check and clear cache first
if self._cached_children is not None:
ob, children = self._cached_children
self._cached_children = None
if ob is object:
return children
if self._values_function is not None:
return self._values_function(object)
......@@ -165,6 +165,24 @@ class TreeTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(len(treeroot), 2)
def testStateFunction(self):
def stateFunction(object, state):
if == 'b':
return 1
if == 'd':
return -1
return state
treeroot =
self.assertEqual(treeroot.size, 5)
self.assertEqual(treeroot.state, 1)
self.assertEqual(treeroot[0].state, 1)
self.assertEqual(treeroot[0][0].state, -1)
self.assertEqual(treeroot[0][1].state, 0)
self.assertEqual(treeroot[1].state, -1)
def testEncodeDecode(self):
treeroot1 =, self.expansionmap)
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