Commit 4f997c7e authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

*** empty log message ***

parent ad6ca610
#!/bin/env python
# Copyright
# Copyright 1996 Digital Creations, L.C., 910 Princess Anne
# Street, Suite 300, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 U.S.A. All
# rights reserved. Copyright in this software is owned by DCLC,
# unless otherwise indicated. Permission to use, copy and
# distribute this software is hereby granted, provided that the
# above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear. Note that
# any product, process or technology described in this software
# may be the subject of other Intellectual Property rights
# reserved by Digital Creations, L.C. and are not licensed
# hereunder.
# Trademarks
# Digital Creations & DCLC, are trademarks of Digital Creations, L.C..
# All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies.
# No Warranty
# The software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
# either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the
# implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular
# purpose, or non-infringement. This software could include
# technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are
# periodically made to the software; these changes will be
# incorporated in new editions of the software. DCLC may make
# improvements and/or changes in this software at any time
# without notice.
# Limitation Of Liability
# In no event will DCLC be liable for direct, indirect, special,
# incidental, economic, cover, or consequential damages arising
# out of the use of or inability to use this software even if
# advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not
# allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or
# limitation of liability for incidental or consequential
# damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to
# you.
# If you have questions regarding this software, contact:
# Digital Creations, L.C.
# 910 Princess Ann Street
# Fredericksburge, Virginia 22401
# (540) 371-6909
__doc__='''Python implementations of document template some features
$Id:,v 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:47 jim Exp $'''
__version__='$Revision: 1.1 $'[11:-2]
import regex, string
for name in ['BuiltinFunctionType', 'BuiltinMethodType', 'ClassType',
'FunctionType', 'LambdaType', 'MethodType']:
try: isFunctionType[getattr(types,name)]=1
except: pass
try: # Add function and method types from Extension Classes
import ExtensionClass
except: pass
class InstanceDict:
def __init__(self,o,namespace):
def has_key(self,key):
return hasattr(self.self,key)
def keys(self):
return self.self.__dict__.keys()
def __repr__(self): return 'InstanceDict(%s)' % str(self.self)
def __getitem__(self,key):
# sys.stderr.write("Inst %s\n" % str((key,self)))
if key[:1]=='_':
if key != '__str__':
raise KeyError, key # Don't divuldge private data
try: r=getattr(self.self,key)
except AttributeError: raise KeyError, key
if isFunctionType(type(r)):
try: isDocTemp=r.isDocTemp
except: isDocTemp=0
if isDocTemp:
# There's no point in passing self, since we're
# already in the name space
# We won't cache results of rendering
# sys.stderr.write("RI %s\n" % str((key,r)))
return r
class MultiMapping:
def __init__(self): self.dicts=[]
def __getitem__(self, key):
for d in self.dicts:
try: return d[key]
except KeyError, AttributeError: pass
raise KeyError, key
def push(self,d): self.dicts.insert(0,d)
def pop(self,n): del self.dicts[:n]
def keys(self):
kz = []
for d in self.dicts:
kz = kz + d.keys()
return kz
class TemplateDict:
def __init__(self):
try: self.keys=m.keys
except: pass
# if names is None: self._names = {}
# else: self._names = names
# self._validator = validator
# self._do_validation=names or validator
def setValidation(self,names,validator):
r=self._names, self._validator
if names is None: self._names = {}
else: self._names = names
self._validator = validator
self._do_validation=names or validator
return r
def __getitem__(self,key):
# sys.stderr.write("MD %s\n" % str((key,self)))
# do_validation=self._do_validation
# validate before calling?
# if do_validation: self.validate(key, v)
# if isFunctionType(type(v)):
try: isDocTemp=v.isDocTemp
except: isDocTemp=None
if isDocTemp: v=v(None,self)
try: v=v()
except (AttributeError,TypeError): pass
return v
_namepat = regex.compile('[^a-z0-9_]', regex.casefold)
def validate(self, key, value=None):
"Check key/value for access - raise KeyError if invalid access."
# names containing other than normal identifier chars are okay
# names in the programmer-provided list of names are okay
# key/value pairs the validator function approves are okay
if ( != -1 or
self._names.has_key(key) or
(type(self._validator) == FunctionType and
self._validator(key, value))): return
# everything else is verboten...
raise KeyError, key
def render_blocks(self, md):
rendered = []
for section in self.blocks:
if type(section) is not StringType:
if section: rendered.append(section)
rendered=string.join(rendered, '')
return rendered
#!/bin/env python
# Copyright
# Copyright 1996 Digital Creations, L.C., 910 Princess Anne
# Street, Suite 300, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 U.S.A. All
# rights reserved. Copyright in this software is owned by DCLC,
# unless otherwise indicated. Permission to use, copy and
# distribute this software is hereby granted, provided that the
# above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear. Note that
# any product, process or technology described in this software
# may be the subject of other Intellectual Property rights
# reserved by Digital Creations, L.C. and are not licensed
# hereunder.
# Trademarks
# Digital Creations & DCLC, are trademarks of Digital Creations, L.C..
# All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies.
# No Warranty
# The software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
# either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the
# implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular
# purpose, or non-infringement. This software could include
# technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are
# periodically made to the software; these changes will be
# incorporated in new editions of the software. DCLC may make
# improvements and/or changes in this software at any time
# without notice.
# Limitation Of Liability
# In no event will DCLC be liable for direct, indirect, special,
# incidental, economic, cover, or consequential damages arising
# out of the use of or inability to use this software even if
# advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not
# allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or
# limitation of liability for incidental or consequential
# damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to
# you.
# If you have questions regarding this software, contact:
# Digital Creations, L.C.
# 910 Princess Ann Street
# Fredericksburge, Virginia 22401
# (540) 371-6909
__doc__='''Python implementations of document template some features
$Id:,v 1.2 1997/09/02 19:02:51 jim Exp $'''
__version__='$Revision: 1.2 $'[11:-2]
import regex, string
for name in ['BuiltinFunctionType', 'BuiltinMethodType', 'ClassType',
'FunctionType', 'LambdaType', 'MethodType']:
try: isFunctionType[getattr(types,name)]=1
except: pass
try: # Add function and method types from Extension Classes
import ExtensionClass
except: pass
class InstanceDict:
def __init__(self,o,namespace):
def has_key(self,key):
return hasattr(self.self,key)
def keys(self):
return self.self.__dict__.keys()
def __repr__(self): return 'InstanceDict(%s)' % str(self.self)
def __getitem__(self,key):
# sys.stderr.write("Inst %s\n" % str((key,self)))
if key[:1]=='_':
if key != '__str__':
raise KeyError, key # Don't divuldge private data
try: r=getattr(self.self,key)
except AttributeError: raise KeyError, key
if isFunctionType(type(r)):
try: isDocTemp=r.isDocTemp
except: isDocTemp=0
if isDocTemp:
# There's no point in passing self, since we're
# already in the name space
# We won't cache results of rendering
# sys.stderr.write("RI %s\n" % str((key,r)))
return r
class MultiMapping:
def __init__(self): self.dicts=[]
def __getitem__(self, key):
for d in self.dicts:
try: return d[key]
except KeyError, AttributeError: pass
raise KeyError, key
def push(self,d): self.dicts.insert(0,d)
def pop(self,n): del self.dicts[:n]
def keys(self):
kz = []
for d in self.dicts:
kz = kz + d.keys()
return kz
class TemplateDict:
def __init__(self):
try: self.keys=m.keys
except: pass
# if names is None: self._names = {}
# else: self._names = names
# self._validator = validator
# self._do_validation=names or validator
def setValidation(self,names,validator):
r=self._names, self._validator
if names is None: self._names = {}
else: self._names = names
self._validator = validator
self._do_validation=names or validator
return r
def __getitem__(self,key):
# sys.stderr.write("MD %s\n" % str((key,self)))
# do_validation=self._do_validation
# validate before calling?
# if do_validation: self.validate(key, v)
# if isFunctionType(type(v)):
try: isDocTemp=v.isDocTemp
except: isDocTemp=None
if isDocTemp: v=v(None,self)
try: v=v()
except (AttributeError,TypeError): pass
return v
_namepat = regex.compile('[^a-z0-9_]', regex.casefold)
def validate(self, key, value=None):
"Check key/value for access - raise KeyError if invalid access."
# names containing other than normal identifier chars are okay
# names in the programmer-provided list of names are okay
# key/value pairs the validator function approves are okay
if ( != -1 or
self._names.has_key(key) or
(type(self._validator) == FunctionType and
self._validator(key, value))): return
# everything else is verboten...
raise KeyError, key
def render_blocks(self, md):
rendered = []
for section in self.blocks:
if type(section) is not StringType:
if section: rendered.append(section)
rendered=string.join(rendered, '')
return rendered
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.2 1997/09/02 19:02:51 jim
# *** empty log message ***
# Revision 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:47 jim
# initial
# Revision 1.1 1997/08/13 13:24:58 jim
# *** empty log message ***
# Revision 1.1 1997/08/13 13:24:58 jim
# *** empty log message ***
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