Commit 541124a6 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

*** empty log message ***

parent d53167d2
Principia Changes Principia Changes
Principia 1.8.0 beta 6
- The sort attribute of the in tag now accepts
<!--#in results sort=sequence-item-->
Note that this is equivalent to::
<!--#in results sort-->
- The in tag raises an error if asked to iterate over a string.
This is always due to some kind of error.
- The "Record" class used by AQueduct and Tabula to return
tabula data now has a useful string representation that is
equivalent to::
string.join(map(str,aRecord),', ')
Principia 1.8.0 Principia 1.8.0
To-Do before release To-Do before release
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