Commit 601145ab authored by Chris McDonough's avatar Chris McDonough

Better analysis, including:

  - "active" in detailed output is now slightly more meaningful.
    It is > 0 only if other requests started after it started
    but before it finished.  The greater the active count, the
    more likely it is that something was going on at the time
    in which the request ran that caused a slowdown.

  - multiple files may be analyzed at the same time.

Also, script recognizes "U" opcode in big M logs as meaning a restart.
parent c7b741b4
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
""" Request log profiler script """
__version__='$Revision: 1.8 $'[11:-2]
__version__='$Revision: 1.9 $'[11:-2]
import string, sys, time, getopt, tempfile
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class Request:
self.httpcode = None
self.t_end = None
self.elapsed = "I" = "NA" = 0
def put(self, code, t, desc):
if code not in ('A', 'B', 'I', 'E'):
......@@ -202,6 +202,12 @@ class Request:
'Code', 'Act', 'URL')
return self.fmt % body
class StartupRequest(Request):
def endstage(self):
return "U"
def total(self):
return 0
class Cumulative:
def __init__(self, url):
......@@ -291,20 +297,16 @@ def parsebigmlogline(line):
return None
def analyze(f, top, sortf, start=None, end=None, mode='cumulative', resolution='10'):
beginrequests = {}
cumulative = {}
finished = []
unfinished = {}
if verbose:
print "reading logfile"
while 1:
line = f.readline()
def get_earliest_file_data(files):
temp = {}
earliest_fromepoch = 0
earliest = None
retn = None
for file in files:
line = file.readline()
if not line:
linelen = len(line)
line = string.strip(line)
tup = parsebigmlogline(line)
if tup is None:
......@@ -313,21 +315,51 @@ def analyze(f, top, sortf, start=None, end=None, mode='cumulative', resolution='
code, id, timestr, desc = tup
timestr = string.strip(timestr)
fromepoch = getdate(timestr)
temp[file] = linelen
if earliest_fromepoch == 0 or fromepoch < earliest_fromepoch:
earliest_fromepoch = fromepoch
earliest = file
retn = [code, id, fromepoch, desc]
for file, linelen in temp.items():
if file is not earliest: - linelen)
return retn
def analyze(files, top, sortf, start=None, end=None, mode='cumulative',
beginrequests = {}
cumulative = {}
finished = []
unfinished = {}
decidelines = {} # filename to filepos
while 1:
tup = get_earliest_file_data(files)
if tup is None:
code, id, fromepoch, desc = tup
if start is not None and fromepoch < start: continue
if end is not None and fromepoch > end: break
if code == 'U':
request = StartupRequest()
request.url = desc
request.start = int(fromepoch)
request = unfinished.get(id)
if request is None:
if code != "B": continue # garbage at beginning of file
request = Request()
for pending_req in unfinished.values(): = + 1
unfinished[id] = request
request.put(code, int(fromepoch), desc)
if request.isfinished():
del unfinished[id]
finished.append(request) = len(unfinished)
if verbose:
print "reading logfile finished"
requests = finished
......@@ -476,11 +508,12 @@ def detailedusage():
details = usage(0)
pname = sys.argv[0]
details = details + """
Reports are of three types: cumulative,detailed or timed. The default is cumulative.
Data is taken from the Zope detailed request log (the -M log).
Reports are of three types: cumulative,detailed or timed. The default is
cumulative. Data is taken from the one or more Zope detailed request logs
(-M logs).
For cumulative reports, each line in the profile indicates information
about a Zope method (URL) collected via the detailed request log (the -M log).
about a Zope method (URL) collected via a detailed request log.
For detailed reports, each line in the profile indicates information about
a single request.
......@@ -488,7 +521,11 @@ a single request.
For timed reports, each line in the profile indicates informations about
the number of requests and the number of requests/second for a period of time.
'filename' is the path to the '-M' log that contains detailed request data.
Each 'filename' is a path to a '-M' log that contains detailed request data.
Multiple input files can be analyzed at the same time by providing the path
to each file. (Analyzing multiple big M log files at once is useful if you
have more than one Zope client on a single machine and you'd like to
get an overview of all Zope activity on that machine).
If a 'sort' value is specified, sort the profile info by the spec. The sort
order is descending unless indicated. The default cumulative sort spec is
......@@ -518,9 +555,6 @@ For detailed (non-cumulative) reports, the following sort specs are accepted:
'active' -- total num of requests pending at the end of this request
'url' -- the URL/method name (ascending)
NOTE: 'active' count may be fooled by Zope restarts, which aren't
reflected in the -M log.
For timed reports there are no sort specs allowed.
If the 'top' argument is specified, only report on the top 'n' entries in
......@@ -551,6 +585,11 @@ Examples:
Show detailed report statistics sorted by 'start' (by default).
%(pname)s debug.log debug2.log --detailed
Show detailed report statistics for both logs sorted by 'start'
(by default).
%(pname)s debug.log --cumulative --sort=mean --today --verbose
Show cumulative report statistics sorted by mean for entries in the log
......@@ -559,16 +598,16 @@ Examples:
%(pname)s debug.log --detailed --start='2001/05/10 06:00:00'
--end='2001/05/11 23:00:00'
Show timed report statistics for entries in the log for one day
with a resolution of 5 minutes
%(pname)s debug.log --times --resolution=300 --start='2001/05/10 06:00:00'
--end='2001/05/11 23:00:00'
Show detailed report statistics for entries in 'debug.log' which
begin after 6am UTC on May 10, 2001 and which end before
11pm UTC on May 11, 2001.
%(pname)s debug.log --timed --resolution=300 --start='2001/05/10 06:00:00'
--end='2001/05/11 23:00:00'
Show timed report statistics for entries in the log for one day
with a resolution of 5 minutes
%(pname)s debug.log --top=100 --sort=max
Show cumulative report of the the 'top' 100 methods sorted by maximum
......@@ -578,8 +617,7 @@ Examples:
def usage(basic=1):
usage = (
Usage: %s filename [--cumulative|--detailed|--timed]
Usage: %s filename1 [filename2 ...] [--cumulative|--detailed|--timed]
......@@ -587,7 +625,7 @@ Usage: %s filename [--cumulative|--detailed|--timed]
Provides a profile of the detailed (-M) Zope request log.
Provides a profile of one or more Zope "-M" request log files.
""" % sys.argv[0]
if basic == 1:
......@@ -609,9 +647,15 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
start = None
end = None
files = []
i = 1
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if arg[:2] != '--':
i = i + 1
opts, extra = getopt.getopt(
sys.argv[2:], '', ['sort=', 'top=', 'help', 'verbose', 'today',
sys.argv[i:], '', ['sort=', 'top=', 'help', 'verbose', 'today',
'cumulative', 'detailed', 'timed','start=',
......@@ -674,7 +718,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
raise 'Invalid mode'
analyze(open(sys.argv[1]), top, sortf, start, end, mode, resolution)
analyze(files, top, sortf, start, end, mode, resolution)
except AssertionError, val:
a = "%s is not a valid %s sort spec, use one of %s"
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