Commit 92fa1b0d authored by Chris McDonough's avatar Chris McDonough

Added domainAuthModeEnabled method used by dtml files.

Corrected domainSpecValidate method... it was previously failing due to improper dependency of the addr_match and host_match regexes returning an integer.
parent d1dd52c7
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
"""Access control package"""
__version__='$Revision: 1.152 $'[11:-2]
__version__='$Revision: 1.153 $'[11:-2]
import Globals, socket, SpecialUsers,re
import os
......@@ -753,7 +753,14 @@ class BasicUserFolder(Implicit, Persistent, Navigation, Tabs, RoleManager,
def domainSpecValidate(self, spec):
for ob in spec:
if not ((addr_match(ob) == sz) or (host_match(ob) == sz)):
am = addr_match(ob)
hm = host_match(ob)
if am or hm:
if am: am = am.end()
else: am = -1
if hm: hm = hm.end()
else: hm = -1
if not ( (am == sz) or (hm == sz) ):
return 0
return 1
......@@ -911,8 +918,9 @@ class BasicUserFolder(Implicit, Persistent, Navigation, Tabs, RoleManager,
v = self._domain_auth_mode = domain_auth_mode and 1 or 0
return 'Domain authentication mode set to %d' % v
def domainAuthModeEnabled(self):
""" returns true if domain auth mode is set to true"""
return getattr(self, '_domain_auth_mode', None)
class UserFolder(BasicUserFolder):
"""Standard UserFolder object
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