Commit 97186004 authored by Hanno Schlichting's avatar Hanno Schlichting

Added automatic inline migration for the root user folder

parent d2bb4b34
......@@ -445,13 +445,27 @@ class AppInitializer:
def install_inituser(self):
app = self.getApp()
# Install the initial user.
if hasattr(app, 'acl_users'):
users = app.acl_users
if hasattr(users, '_createInitialUser'):
self.commit('Created initial user')
users = aq_base(users)
migrated = getattr(users, '_ofs_migrated', False)
if not migrated:
klass = users.__class__
from OFS.userfolder import UserFolder
if klass is UserFolder:
# zope.deferredimport does a thourough job, so the class
# looks like it's from the new location already. And we
# don't want to migrate any custom user folders here.
users.__class__ = UserFolder
users._ofs_migrated = True
users._p_changed = True
app._p_changed = True
transaction.get().note('Migrated user folder')
def install_errorlog(self):
app = self.getApp()
......@@ -303,6 +303,11 @@ class UserFolder(accesscontrol_userfolder.UserFolder, BasicUserFolder):
users and binding them to a collection of roles."""
icon = 'p_/UserFolder'
_ofs_migrated = False
def __init__(self):
super(UserFolder, self).__init__()
self._ofs_migrated = True
def _createInitialUser(self):
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