Commit 9a9cd260 authored by 's avatar

ui update

parent c1033d7d
<TITLE>Access Control</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#000099" VLINK="#555555" ALINK="#77003B">
<!--#var menu_bar-->
<FONT SIZE="+2">Access Control</FONT>
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<TITLE>Access Control for <!--#var title_or_id--></TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#000099" VLINK="#555555" ALINK="#77003B">
<!--#var manage_tabs-->
<H2>Access Control for <EM><!--#var title_or_id--></EM></H2>
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__doc__="""System management components"""
__version__='$Revision: 1.17 $'[11:-2]
__version__='$Revision: 1.18 $'[11:-2]
import sys,os,time,Globals
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ class ApplicationManager(ObjectManager,SimpleItem.Item,CacheManager):
id ='Control_Panel'
name=title='Control Panel'
meta_type ='Control Panel'
icon ='OFS/ControlPanel_icon.gif'
......@@ -5,12 +5,7 @@
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#000099" VLINK="#555555">
<!--#var manage_tabs-->
<H2><!--#var title--></H2>
<!--#if Principia-Session-->
<EM>You are currently working in session <!--#var Principia-Session--></EM>
<!--#/if Principia-Session-->
The Control Panel allows you to view application status information.
It also allows you to perform maintenance tasks such as process control,
database packing, and &quot;undoing&quot; previous changes to your site.
<TITLE>Cache Manager</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#000099" VLINK="#555555">
<!--#var manage_tabs-->
<H2>Cache Manager</H2>
<!--#if Principia-Session-->
<EM>You are currently working in session <!--#var Principia-Session--></EM>
<!--#/if Principia-Session-->
<h3>Cache Statistics</h3>
<h3>Cache Statistics</h3>
<tr><th align=right>Total number of objects in the database:</th>
<td><!--#var database_size--></td></tr>
<TITLE>Access Control</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#000099" VLINK="#555555" ALINK="#77003B">
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the desired role names and click &quot;Change&quot;.
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