Commit 9c4e2f0d authored by Andreas Jung's avatar Andreas Jung

some lame solution but that actually works pretty well

parent 68642d31
......@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ for Python expressions, string literals, and paths.
import sys
from zope.interface import implements
from zope.tales.tales import Context, Iterator
from zope.tales.expressions import PathExpr, StringExpr, NotExpr
......@@ -173,6 +176,50 @@ class ZopeContext(Context):
domain, msgid, mapping=mapping,
context=context, default=default)
def evaluateText(self, expr):
""" customized version in order to get rid of unicode
errors for all and ever
text = self.evaluate(expr)
# print expr, repr(text), text.__class__
if text is self.getDefault() or text is None:
return text
if isinstance(text, unicode):
# we love unicode, nothing to do
return text
elif isinstance(text, str):
# waahhh...a standard string
# trying to be somewhat smart...this must be
# replaced with some kind of configurable
# UnicodeEncodingConflictResolver (what a name)
return unicode(text)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# check for management_page_charset property, default to Python's
# default encoding
encoding = getattr(self.contexts['context'], 'management_page_charset', sys.getdefaultencoding())
return unicode(text, encoding)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# errors='replace''s fine for now
return unicode(text, encoding, 'replace')
# This is a weird culprit ...calling unicode() on non-string
# objects
return unicode(text)
class ZopeEngine(
_create_context = ZopeContext
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