Commit 9d341845 authored by 's avatar

*** empty log message ***

parent 3f81c293
......@@ -34,6 +34,33 @@ Zope Changes
- The '_' variable in DTML now has the random module
as an attribute and DateTime.DateTime as the attribute DateTime.
- Added keys() and items() methods to the REQUEST object.
- Added get_header() method to the REQUEST object for retrieving
HTTP headers.
- New SearchIndex package and BTree component have been added to
the distribution, providing low-level support for products with
built-in searching such as Tabula and Confera.
- Documents have now been split into two distinct object types:
DTML Documents and DTML Methods. DTML Methods behave exactly
as Document objects did. DTML Documents are similar except that
the "client" or "self" of a DTML Document is the DTML Document
itself rather than its parent, and DTML Documents can have
- DTML Documents, Image and File objects can now have properties.
- A new PropertyManager mixin class allows developers to easily
add properties and property management to non-Folder objects.
- Added a new absolute_url method which can generate an absolute
url for the object on which the method is called.
- Images now generate themselves as html IMG tags, using an absolute
url and correct height and width tags if possible.
Bugs Fixed
- Permissions for manage_clone method were wrong, meaning that
Markdown is supported
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