Commit bea20ffb authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

Initial xml-rpc support. This version doesn't work with ZServer.

This is my fault. Inheritence doesn't really work well for
customizing response behavior here because we may need to customize
multiple request types.  I'll try using delagation instead.
parent 51eab4c4
"""Skeleton XML-RPC support module
"""XML-RPC support module
Written by Eric Kidd at UserLand software, with much help from Jim Fulton
at DC. This code hooks Zope up to Fredrik Lundh's Python XML-RPC library.
See and for more
information about XML-RPC and Zope.
import HTTPResponse
import sys
from string import replace
from HTTPResponse import HTTPResponse
import xmlrpclib
def parse_input(data):
"""Parse input data and return a method path and argument tuple
The data is a string (but maybe it should be a file, oh well,
we'll come back to this if necessary.
The data is a string.
# For example, with the input:
......@@ -25,8 +33,11 @@ def parse_input(data):
# the function should return:
# ('examples.getStateName', (41,))
return '', ()
print '>>>>', data
params, method = xmlrpclib.loads(data)
# Translate '.' to '/' in meth to represent object traversal.
method = replace(method, '.', '/')
return method, params
def response(anHTTPResponse):
"""Return a valid ZPublisher response object
......@@ -45,13 +56,64 @@ def response(anHTTPResponse):
# Possible implementation helpers:
class Response(HTTPResponse.HTTPResponse):
"""Customized HTTPResponse that handles XML-RPC-specific details
class Response(HTTPResponse):
"""Customized HTTPResponse that handles XML-RPC-specific details.
I'm just guessing here. XML-RPC wants all errors to be converted
to XML and returned with an 200 OK status.
We override setBody to marhsall Python objects into XML-RPC. We
also override exception to convert errors to XML-RPC faults.
You'll probably need to override a bunch of the error
handling logic.
If these methods stop getting called, make sure that ZPublisher is
using the xmlrpc.Response object created above and not the original
HTTPResponse object from which it was cloned.
It's probably possible to improve the 'exception' method quite a bit.
The current implementation, however, should suffice for now.
def setBody(self, body, title='', is_error=0, bogus_str_search=None):
if isinstance(body, xmlrpclib.Fault):
# Convert Fault object to XML-RPC response.
body=xmlrpclib.dumps(body, methodresponse=1)
# Marshall our body as an XML-RPC response. Strings will be sent
# strings, integers as integers, etc. We do *not* convert
# everything to a string first.
body = xmlrpclib.dumps((body,), methodresponse=1)
# Set our body to the XML-RPC message, and fix our MIME type.
HTTPResponse.setBody(self, body)
self.setHeader('content-type', 'text/xml')
print 'setBody', body
return self
def exception(self, fatal=0, info=None,
absuri_match=None, tag_search=None):
# Fetch our exception info. t is type, v is value and tb is the
# traceback object.
if type(info) is type(()) and len(info)==3: t,v,tb = info
else: t,v,tb = sys.exc_info()
# Abort running transaction, if any:
try: get_transaction().abort()
except: pass
# Create an appropriate Fault object. Unfortunately, we throw away
# most of the debugging information. More useful error reporting is
# left as an exercise for the reader.
if isinstance(v, Fault):
elif isinstance(v, Exception):
f=Fault(-1, "Unexpected Zope exception: " + str(v))
f=Fault(-2, "Unexpected Zope error value: " + str(v))
f=Fault(-3, "Unknown Zope fault type")
# Do the damage.
print 'Exception', f
return tb
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