Commit c244e98a authored by Nikolay Kim's avatar Nikolay Kim

replace has_key with in operator

parent 05f73bda
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ class ApplicationManager(Folder,CacheManager):
return '%.1fM' % (s/1048576.0)
return '%.1fK' % (s/1024.0)
if os.environ.has_key('ZMANAGED'):
if 'ZMANAGED' in os.environ:
manage_restartable = 1
def manage_restart(self, URL1, REQUEST=None):
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class ProductContext:
aliased = 0
if not OM.__dict__.has_key(name):
if name not in OM.__dict__:
setattr(OM, name, method)
setattr(OM, name+'__roles__', pr)
if aliased:
......@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ class ProductContext:
name, method = method
if not productObject.__dict__.has_key(name):
if name not in productObject.__dict__:
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class ProductRegistryMixin:
for mt in self._getProductRegistryMetaTypes():
if mt.has_key('product'):
if 'product' in mt:
if mt['product']==pid and (
meta_type is None or meta_type==mt['name']):
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class ProductRegistryMixin:
for mt in meta_types:
if mt['name']==meta_type:
if not mt.has_key('product'): mt['product']=pid
if 'product' not in mt: mt['product']=pid
if mt['product'] != pid:
raise ValueError, (
'The type <em>%s</em> is already defined.' % meta_type)
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class ClassicHTMLFile(DocumentTemplate.HTMLFile,MethodObject.Method,):
elif type(_prefix) is not type(''):
_prefix = Common.package_home(_prefix)
args=(self, os.path.join(_prefix, name + '.dtml'))
if not kw.has_key('__name__'):
if '__name__' not in kw:
kw['__name__'] = os.path.split(name)[-1]
apply(ClassicHTMLFile.inheritedAttribute('__init__'), args, kw)
......@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ class File(Persistent, Implicit, PropertyManager,
def _get_content_type(self, file, body, id, content_type=None):
headers=getattr(file, 'headers', None)
if headers and headers.has_key('content-type'):
if headers and 'content-type' in headers:
if not isinstance(body, str):
......@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ class ObjectManager(CopyContainer,
all = self.all_meta_types
for meta_type in all:
if meta_type.has_key('permission'):
if 'permission' in meta_type:
if sm.checkPermission(meta_type['permission'], self):
......@@ -476,7 +476,6 @@ class ObjectManager(CopyContainer,
relativePhysicalPath = ()
while x < 100:
if not hasattr(obj,'_getOb'): break
......@@ -486,7 +485,7 @@ class ObjectManager(CopyContainer,
physicalPath = relativePhysicalPath + (id,)
if (not have(physicalPath)) and (i['meta_type'] in t):
if (physicalPath not in seen) and (i['meta_type'] in t):
except: pass
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ class PropertyManager(Base, ElementWithAttributes):
raise BadRequest, 'The property %s does not exist' % escape(id)
if type(value)==type(''):
proptype=self.getPropertyType(id) or 'string'
if type_converters.has_key(proptype):
if proptype in type_converters:
self._setPropValue(id, value)
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ class PropertyManager(Base, ElementWithAttributes):
Sets a new property with the given id, type, and value.
if type_converters.has_key(type):
if type in type_converters:
self._setProperty(id.strip(), value, type)
if REQUEST is not None:
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class PropertySheet(Traversable, Persistent, Implicit):
if hasattr(aq_base(self),id):
if not (id=='title' and not self.__dict__.has_key(id)):
if not (id=='title' and not id in self.__dict__):
raise BadRequest, (
'Invalid property id, <em>%s</em>. It is in use.' %
......@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ class PropertySheet(Traversable, Persistent, Implicit):
raise BadRequest, '%s cannot be changed.' % escape(id)
if type(value)==type(''):
proptype=propinfo.get('type', 'string')
if type_converters.has_key(proptype):
if proptype in type_converters:
if meta is not None:
......@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ class PropertySheet(Traversable, Persistent, Implicit):
# property name and value for the requested property.
if not propdict.has_key(name):
if name not in propdict:
if xml_id:
prop='<n:%s xmlns:n="%s"/>\n' % (name, xml_id)
......@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ class PropertySheet(Traversable, Persistent, Implicit):
def manage_addProperty(self, id, value, type, REQUEST=None):
"""Add a new property via the web. Sets a new property with
the given id, type, and value."""
if type_converters.has_key(type):
if type in type_converters:
self._setProperty(id, value, type)
if REQUEST is not None:
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
from zope.publisher.browser import isCGI_NAME
from ZPublisher.HTTPRequest import isCGI_NAMEs
from zope.i18n.interfaces import IUserPreferredCharsets
# taken and adapted from zope.publisher.browser.BrowserRequest
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ def processInputs(request, charsets=None):
charsets = envadapter.getPreferredCharsets() or ['utf-8']
for name, value in request.form.items():
if not (isCGI_NAME(name) or name.startswith('HTTP_')):
if not (name in isCGI_NAMEs or name.startswith('HTTP_')):
request.form[name] = processInputValue(value, charsets)
def setPageEncoding(request):
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class PageTemplateFile(SimpleItem, Script, PageTemplate, Traversable):
def _exec(self, bound_names, args, kw):
"""Call a Page Template"""
if not kw.has_key('args'):
if 'args' not in kw:
kw['args'] = args
bound_names['options'] = kw
......@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ class ZopePageTemplate(Script, PageTemplate, Historical, Cacheable,
def _exec(self, bound_names, args, kw):
"""Call a Page Template"""
if not kw.has_key('args'):
if 'args' not in kw:
kw['args'] = args
bound_names['options'] = kw
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class VirtualHostMonster(Persistent, Item, Implicit):
host_map = fixed_map
hostname, port = (host.split( ':', 1) + [None])[:2]
if not host_map.has_key(hostname):
if hostname not in host_map:
host_map[hostname] = {}
host_map[hostname][port] = pp
except 'LineError', msg:
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class NameAssignments:
asgns = {}
_isLegalName = self._isLegalName
for name, expr in self._exprs:
if mapping.has_key(name):
if name in mapping:
assigned_name = string.strip(mapping[name])
if not assigned_name:
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class NameAssignments:
return 0
def isNameAssigned(self, name):
return self._asgns.has_key(name)
return name in self._asgns
def getAssignedName(self, name, default=_marker):
val = self._asgns.get(name, default)
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class NameAssignments:
rval = []
asgns = self._asgns
for name, expr in self._exprs:
if asgns.has_key(name):
if name in asgns:
assigned_name = asgns[name]
return rval
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class NameAssignments:
assigned_names = []
asgns = self._asgns
for name, expr in self._exprs:
if asgns.has_key(name):
if name in asgns:
assigned_name = asgns[name]
exprtext.append('"%s":%s,' % (assigned_name, expr))
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class NameAssignments:
passedLastBoundArg = 1
for name, expr in self._exprs:
# Provide a value for the available exprs.
if asgns.has_key(name):
if name in asgns:
assigned_name = asgns[name]
if assigned_name == argName:
# The value for this argument will be filled in.
......@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ def old_validation(groups, request, auth,
if auth: name,password = auth
elif roles is None: return ''
else: return None
elif request.environ.has_key('REMOTE_USER'):
elif 'REMOTE_USER' in request.environ:
......@@ -693,11 +693,11 @@ def old_validation(groups, request, auth,
if roles is UNSPECIFIED_ROLES: roles=keys()
for role in roles:
if groups.has_key(role): g.append(groups[role])
if role in groups: g.append(groups[role])
for d in groups:
if d.has_key(name) and (d[name]==password or password is None):
if name in d and (d[name]==password or password is None):
return name
if keys is None:
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class BaseResponse:
cookie in the Response object.
cookies = self.cookies
if cookies.has_key(name):
if name in cookies:
cookie = cookies[name]
cookie = cookies[name] = {}
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ base64 = None
# This may get overwritten during configuration
default_encoding = 'iso-8859-15'
isCGI_NAME = {
isCGI_NAMEs = {
......@@ -78,9 +78,11 @@ isCGI_NAME = {
isCGI_NAME = isCGI_NAMEs.has_key
default_port = {'http': '80', 'https': '443'}
......@@ -321,14 +323,13 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
if not clean:
environ = sane_environment(environ)
if environ.has_key('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'):
if 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' in environ:
self._auth = environ['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']
response._auth = 1
self.stdin = stdin
self.environ = environ
have_env = environ.has_key
get_env = environ.get
self.response = response
other = self.other = {'RESPONSE': response}
......@@ -341,9 +342,9 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
# We don't set up the locale initially but just on first access
self._locale = _marker
if environ.has_key('REMOTE_ADDR'):
if 'REMOTE_ADDR' in environ:
self._client_addr = environ['REMOTE_ADDR']
if (environ.has_key('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') and
if ('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' in environ and
self._client_addr in trusted_proxies):
# REMOTE_ADDR is one of our trusted local proxies.
# Not really very remote at all. The proxy can tell us the
......@@ -382,16 +383,16 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
if server_url is not None:
other['SERVER_URL'] = server_url = server_url.strip()
if have_env('HTTPS') and (
if 'HTTPS' in environ and (
environ['HTTPS'] == "on" or environ['HTTPS'] == "ON"):
protocol = 'https'
elif (have_env('SERVER_PORT_SECURE') and
elif ('SERVER_PORT_SECURE' in environ and
environ['SERVER_PORT_SECURE'] == "1"):
protocol = 'https'
protocol = 'http'
if have_env('HTTP_HOST'):
if 'HTTP_HOST' in environ:
host = environ['HTTP_HOST'].strip()
hostname, port = splitport(host)
......@@ -401,7 +402,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
# the commented code here in case we care enough to come
# back and do anything with it later.
# if port is None and environ.has_key('SERVER_PORT'):
# if port is None and 'SERVER_PORT' in environ:
# s_port = environ['SERVER_PORT']
# if s_port not in ('80', '443'):
# port = s_port
......@@ -486,17 +487,17 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
# If 'QUERY_STRING' is not present in environ
# FieldStorage will try to get it from sys.argv[1]
# which is not what we need.
if not environ.has_key('QUERY_STRING'):
if 'QUERY_STRING' not in environ:
environ['QUERY_STRING'] = ''
meth = None
fs = ZopeFieldStorage(fp=fp,environ=environ,keep_blank_values=1)
if not hasattr(fs,'list') or fs.list is None:
if environ.has_key('HTTP_SOAPACTION'):
if 'HTTP_SOAPACTION' in environ:
# Stash XML request for interpretation by a SOAP-aware view
other['SOAPXML'] = fs.value
# Hm, maybe it's an XML-RPC
elif (fs.headers.has_key('content-type') and
elif ('content-type' in fs.headers and
'text/xml' in fs.headers['content-type'] and
method == 'POST'):
# Ye haaa, XML-RPC!
......@@ -513,7 +514,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
fslist = fs.list
tuple_items = {}
lt = type([])
CGI_name = isCGI_NAME
CGI_name = isCGI_NAMEs
defaults = {}
tainteddefaults = {}
converter = None
......@@ -605,7 +606,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
l = -1
# Filter out special names from form:
if CGI_name(key) or key[:5] == 'HTTP_':
if key in CGI_name or key[:5] == 'HTTP_':
# If the key is tainted, mark it so as well.
......@@ -670,13 +671,13 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
if (not item and not (flags & DEFAULT) and
key in defaults):
item = defaults[key]
if flags & RECORD:
item = getattr(item,attr)
if flags & RECORDS:
item = getattr(item[-1], attr)
if tainteddefaults.has_key(tainted_key):
if tainted_key in tainteddefaults:
tainted = tainteddefaults[tainted_key]
if flags & RECORD:
tainted = getattr(tainted, attr)
......@@ -703,7 +704,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
tainted_mapping = taintedform
#Insert in dictionary
if mapping_object.has_key(key):
if key in mapping_object:
if flags & RECORDS:
#Get the list and the last record
#in the list. reclist is mutable.
......@@ -712,7 +713,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
if tainted:
# Store a tainted copy as well
if not tainted_mapping.has_key(tainted_key):
if tainted_key not in tainted_mapping:
tainted_mapping[tainted_key] = deepcopy(
treclist = tainted_mapping[tainted_key]
......@@ -731,7 +732,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
setattr(newrec, attr, tainted)
elif tainted_mapping.has_key(tainted_key):
elif tainted_key in tainted_mapping:
# If we already put a tainted value into this
# recordset, we need to make sure the whole
# recordset is built.
......@@ -791,7 +792,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
# Store a tainted copy as well if necessary
if tainted:
if not tainted_mapping.has_key(tainted_key):
if tainted_key not in tainted_mapping:
tainted_mapping[tainted_key] = deepcopy(
b = tainted_mapping[tainted_key]
......@@ -802,7 +803,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
setattr(b, attr, tainted)
elif tainted_mapping.has_key(tainted_key):
elif tainted_key in tainted_mapping:
# If we already put a tainted value into this
# record, we need to make sure the whole record
# is built.
......@@ -820,7 +821,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
if tainted:
# Store a tainted version if necessary
if not tainted_mapping.has_key(tainted_key):
if tainted_key not in tainted_mapping:
copied = deepcopy(found)
if isinstance(copied, lt):
tainted_mapping[tainted_key] = copied
......@@ -828,7 +829,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
tainted_mapping[tainted_key] = [copied]
elif tainted_mapping.has_key(tainted_key):
elif tainted_key in tainted_mapping:
# We may already have encountered a tainted
# value for this key, and the tainted_mapping
# needs to hold all the values.
......@@ -899,13 +900,13 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
tainted = item
#Insert in dictionary
if mapping_object.has_key(key):
if key in mapping_object:
# it is not a record or list of records
found = mapping_object[key]
if tainted:
# Store a tainted version if necessary
if not taintedform.has_key(tainted_key):
if tainted_key not in taintedform:
copied = deepcopy(found)
if isinstance(copied, lt):
taintedform[tainted_key] = copied
......@@ -916,7 +917,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
elif taintedform.has_key(tainted_key):
elif tainted_key in taintedform:
# We may already have encountered a tainted value
# for this key, and the taintedform needs to hold
# all the values.
......@@ -943,12 +944,12 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
if '<' in key:
tainted_key = TaintedString(key)
if not form.has_key(key):
if key not in form:
# if the form does not have the key,
# set the default
form[key] = value
if tainteddefaults.has_key(tainted_key):
if tainted_key in tainteddefaults:
taintedform[tainted_key] = \
......@@ -960,13 +961,13 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
r = form[key]
# First deal with tainted defaults.
if taintedform.has_key(tainted_key):
if tainted_key in taintedform:
tainted = taintedform[tainted_key]
for k, v in tdefault.__dict__.items():
if not hasattr(tainted, k):
setattr(tainted, k, v)
elif tainteddefaults.has_key(tainted_key):
elif tainted_key in tainteddefaults:
# Find out if any of the tainted default
# attributes needs to be copied over.
missesdefault = 0
......@@ -997,7 +998,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
l = [l]
# First deal with tainted copies
if taintedform.has_key(tainted_key):
if tainted_key in taintedform:
tainted = taintedform[tainted_key]
if not isinstance(tainted, lt):
tainted = [tainted]
......@@ -1012,7 +1013,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
taintedform[tainted_key] = tainted
elif tainteddefaults.has_key(tainted_key):
elif tainted_key in tainteddefaults:
missesdefault = 0
for defitem in tdefault:
if isinstance(defitem, record):
......@@ -1089,7 +1090,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
a = a.split( ":")
a,new = ':'.join(a[:-1]), a[-1]
attr = new
if form.has_key(k):
if k in form:
# If the form has the split key get its value
tainted_split_key = k
if '<' in k:
......@@ -1113,7 +1114,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
# Do the same for the tainted counterpart
if taintedform.has_key(tainted_split_key):
if tainted_split_key in taintedform:
tainted = taintedform[tainted_split_key]
if isinstance(item, record):
seq = tuple(getattr(tainted, attr))
......@@ -1129,19 +1130,19 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
tainted_key = key
if '<' in key:
tainted_key = TaintedString(key)
if form.has_key(key):
if key in form:
# if it has the original key, get the item
# convert it to a tuple
item = form[key]
item = tuple(form[key])
form[key] = item
if taintedform.has_key(tainted_key):
if tainted_key in taintedform:
tainted = tuple(taintedform[tainted_key])
taintedform[tainted_key] = tainted
if meth:
if environ.has_key('PATH_INFO'):
if 'PATH_INFO' in environ:
path = environ['PATH_INFO']
while path[-1:] == '/':
path = path[:-1]
......@@ -1253,7 +1254,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
""" #"
other = self.other
if other.has_key(key):
if key in other:
if key == 'REQUEST':
return self
return other[key]
......@@ -1271,15 +1272,15 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
path = [other['SERVER_URL']] + path[:n]
URL = '/'.join(path)
if other.has_key('PUBLISHED'):
if 'PUBLISHED' in other:
# Don't cache URLs until publishing traversal is done.
other[key] = URL
self._urls = self._urls + (key,)
return URL
if isCGI_NAME(key) or key[:5] == 'HTTP_':
if key in isCGI_NAMEs or key[:5] == 'HTTP_':
environ = self.environ
if environ.has_key(key) and (not hide_key(key)):
if key in environ and (key not in hide_key):
return environ[key]
return ''
......@@ -1305,7 +1306,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
v.insert(0, other['SERVER_URL'])
URL = '/'.join(v)
if other.has_key('PUBLISHED'):
if 'PUBLISHED' in other:
# Don't cache URLs until publishing traversal is done.
other[key] = URL
self._urls = self._urls + (key,)
......@@ -1406,7 +1407,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
for key in self.environ.keys():
if (isCGI_NAME(key) or key[:5] == 'HTTP_') and (not hide_key(key)):
if (key in isCGI_NAMEs or key[:5] == 'HTTP_') and (key not in hide_key):
keys[key] = 1
# Cache URLN and BASEN in self.other.
......@@ -1470,7 +1471,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
result = result + "</table><h3>environ</h3><table>"
for k,v in self.environ.items():
if not hide_key(k):
if k not in hide_key:
result = result + row % (escape(k), escape(repr(v)))
return result + "</table>"
......@@ -1509,7 +1510,7 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
result = result + "\nENVIRON\n\n"
for k,v in self.environ.items():
if not hide_key(k):
if k not in hide_key:
result = result + row % (k, v)
return result
......@@ -1575,7 +1576,7 @@ def sane_environment(env):
while key[:9] == 'REDIRECT_':
key = key[9:]
dict[key] = val
if dict.has_key('HTTP_CGI_AUTHORIZATION'):
......@@ -1661,7 +1662,6 @@ def parse_cookie(text,
if result is None:
result = {}
already_have = result.has_key
......@@ -1694,7 +1694,7 @@ def parse_cookie(text,
if not already_have(name):
if name not in result:
result[name] = unquote(value)
return apply(parse_cookie,(text[l:],result))
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ class HTTPResponse(BaseResponse):
if isinstance(status, str):
status = status.lower()
if status_codes.has_key(status):
if status in status_codes:
status = status_codes[status]
status = 500
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ class HTTPResponse(BaseResponse):
self.status = status
if reason is None:
if status_reasons.has_key(status):
if status in status_reasons:
reason = status_reasons[status]
reason = 'Unknown'
......@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ class HTTPResponse(BaseResponse):
value = str(value)
cookies = self.cookies
if cookies.has_key(name):
if name in cookies:
cookie = cookies[name]
cookie = cookies[name] = {}
......@@ -273,11 +273,11 @@ class HTTPResponse(BaseResponse):
value = str(value)
cookies = self.cookies
if cookies.has_key(name):
if name in cookies:
cookie = cookies[name]
cookie = cookies[name] = {}
if cookie.has_key('value'):
if 'value' in cookie:
cookie['value'] = '%s:%s' % (cookie['value'], value)
cookie['value'] = value
......@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ class HTTPResponse(BaseResponse):
name = name.lower()
headers = self.headers
if headers.has_key(name):
if name in headers:
h = headers[name]
h = "%s%s%s" % (h, delimiter, value)
......@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ def get_module_info(module_name, modules={},
if modules.has_key(module_name): return modules[module_name]
if module_name in modules: return modules[module_name]
if module_name[-4:]=='.cgi': module_name=module_name[:-4]
......@@ -297,18 +297,17 @@ def url_query(request, req_name="URL", omit=None):
omits = {}
for name in omit:
omits[name] = None
omitted = omits.has_key
unq = urllib.unquote
for i in range(len(qsparts)):
name = unq(qsparts[i].split('=', 1)[0])
if omitted(name):
if name in omits:
qsparts[i] = ''
name = name.split(':', 1)[0]
if omitted(name):
if name in omits:
qsparts[i] = ''
name = name.split('.', 1)[0]
if omitted(name):
if name in omits:
qsparts[i] = ''
qs = '&'.join(filter(None, qsparts))
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