Commit f7a1c2b0 authored by Hanno Schlichting's avatar Hanno Schlichting

Merge c79698 from trunk - sane request.debug and .locale handling...

parent aabfb25a
......@@ -120,14 +120,11 @@ class EditView(BrowserView):
if changed:
# XXX: Needs locale support:
#formatter = self.request.locale.dates.getFormatter(
# 'dateTime', 'medium')
#status = _("Updated on ${date_time}",
# mapping={'date_time':
# formatter.format(datetime.utcnow())})
formatter = self.request.locale.dates.getFormatter(
'dateTime', 'medium')
status = _("Updated on ${date_time}",
mapping={'date_time': str(datetime.utcnow())})
self.update_status = status
return status
......@@ -59,26 +59,7 @@ class FormBase(FiveFormlibMixin, form.FormBase):
class EditFormBase(FiveFormlibMixin, form.EditFormBase):
# Overrides formlib.form.EditFormBase.handle_edit_action, to remove
# dependecy on request.locale
@form.action(_("Apply"), condition=form.haveInputWidgets)
def handle_edit_action(self, action, data):
if form.applyChanges(
self.context, self.form_fields, data, self.adapters):
# TODO: Needs locale support. See also Five.form.EditView.
self.status = _(
"Updated on ${date_time}",
mapping={'date_time': str(datetime.utcnow())}
self.status = _('No changes')
class DisplayFormBase(FiveFormlibMixin, form.DisplayFormBase):
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
__version__='$Revision: 1.96 $'[11:-2]
import re, sys, os, time, random, codecs, inspect, tempfile
import re, sys, os, time, random, codecs, tempfile
from types import StringType, UnicodeType
from BaseRequest import BaseRequest, quote
from HTTPResponse import HTTPResponse
......@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ from TaintedString import TaintedString
from maybe_lock import allocate_lock
xmlrpc=None # Placeholder for module that we'll import if we have to.
from zope.i18n.interfaces import IUserPreferredLanguages
from zope.i18n.locales import locales, LoadLocaleError
from zope.publisher.base import DebugFlags
# This may get overwritten during configuration
......@@ -240,6 +242,26 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
return self._client_addr
def setupLocale(self):
envadapter = IUserPreferredLanguages(self, None)
if envadapter is None:
self._locale = None
langs = envadapter.getPreferredLanguages()
for httplang in langs:
parts = (httplang.split('-') + [None, None])[:3]
self._locale = locales.getLocale(*parts)
except LoadLocaleError:
# Just try the next combination
# No combination gave us an existing locale, so use the default,
# which is guaranteed to exist
self._locale = locales.getLocale(None, None, None)
def __init__(self, stdin, environ, response, clean=0):
# Avoid the overhead of scrubbing the environment in the
......@@ -265,7 +287,8 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
self._debug = DebugFlags()
# We don't set up the locale initially but just on first access
self._locale = _marker
if environ.has_key('REMOTE_ADDR'):
self._client_addr = environ['REMOTE_ADDR']
......@@ -1232,16 +1255,17 @@ class HTTPRequest(BaseRequest):
# is discouraged and is likely to be deprecated in the future.
# request.get(key) or request[key] should be used instead
def __getattr__(self, key, default=_marker, returnTaints=0):
# ugly hack to make request.debug work for Zope 3 code (the
# ZPT engine, to be exact) while retaining request.debug
# functionality for all other code
if key == 'debug':
lastframe = inspect.currentframe().f_back
if lastframe.f_globals['__name__'].startswith('zope.'):
return self._debug
v = self.get(key, default, returnTaints=returnTaints)
if v is _marker:
if key == 'locale':
# we only create the _locale on first access, as setting it
# up might be slow and we don't want to slow down every
# request
if self._locale is _marker:
return self._locale
if key == 'debug':
return self._debug
raise AttributeError, key
return v
......@@ -724,36 +724,115 @@ class RequestTests( unittest.TestCase ):
'SERVER_NAME': 'localhost',
'SERVER_PORT': '80',
from zope.publisher.base import DebugFlags
s = StringIO('')
# accessing request.debug from non-Zope3 code will raise an
# AttributeError
# when accessing request.debug we will see the DebugFlags instance
env = TEST_ENVIRON.copy()
request = HTTPRequest(s, env, None)
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, request, 'debug')
self.assert_(isinstance(request.debug, DebugFlags))
# It won't be available through dictonary lookup, though
self.assert_(request.get('debug') is None)
# or it will actually yield a 'debug' form variable if it
# exists
# request.debug will actually yield a 'debug' form variable
# if it exists
env = TEST_ENVIRON.copy()
env['QUERY_STRING'] = 'debug=1'
request = HTTPRequest(s, env, None)
self.assertEqual(request.debug, '1')
self.assertEqual(request.get('debug'), '1')
self.assertEqual(request['debug'], '1')
# if we access request.debug from a Zope 3 package, however,
# we will see the DebugFlags instance
def getDebug(request):
return request.debug
# make a forged copy of getDebug that looks as if its module
# was a Zope 3 package
z3globals = globals().copy()
z3globals['__name__'] = 'zope.apackage'
import new
getDebugFromZope3 = new.function(getDebug.func_code, z3globals)
from zope.publisher.base import DebugFlags
self.assertEqual(getDebug(request), '1')
self.assert_(isinstance(getDebugFromZope3(request), DebugFlags))
# we can still override request.debug with a form variable or directly
env = TEST_ENVIRON.copy()
request = HTTPRequest(s, env, None)
self.assert_(isinstance(request.debug, DebugFlags))
request.form['debug'] = '1'
self.assertEqual(request.debug, '1')
request['debug'] = '2'
self.assertEqual(request.debug, '2')
def testLocale(self):
'SERVER_NAME': 'localhost',
'SERVER_PORT': '80',
from StringIO import StringIO
from ZPublisher.HTTPRequest import HTTPRequest
from zope.component import provideAdapter
from zope.publisher.browser import BrowserLanguages
from zope.publisher.interfaces.http import IHTTPRequest
from zope.i18n.interfaces import IUserPreferredLanguages
from zope.i18n.interfaces.locales import ILocale
provideAdapter(BrowserLanguages, [IHTTPRequest],
s = StringIO('')
# before accessing request.locale for the first time, request._locale
# is still a marker
from ZPublisher.HTTPRequest import _marker
env = TEST_ENVIRON.copy()
request = HTTPRequest(s, env, None)
self.assert_(request._locale is _marker)
# when accessing request.locale we will see an ILocale
# and request._locale has been set
self.assert_(request._locale is request.locale)
# It won't be available through dictonary lookup, though
self.assert_(request.get('locale') is None)
# request.locale will actually yield a 'locale' form variable
# if it exists
env = TEST_ENVIRON.copy()
env['QUERY_STRING'] = 'locale=1'
request = HTTPRequest(s, env, None)
self.assertEqual(request.locale, '1')
self.assertEqual(request.get('locale'), '1')
self.assertEqual(request['locale'], '1')
# we can still override request.locale with a form variable
env = TEST_ENVIRON.copy()
request = HTTPRequest(s, env, None)
request.form['locale'] = '1'
self.assertEqual(request.locale, '1')
request['locale'] = '2'
self.assertEqual(request.locale, '2')
# we should also test the correct semantics of the locale
for httplang in ('it', 'it-ch', 'it-CH', 'IT', 'IT-CH', 'IT-ch'):
env = TEST_ENVIRON.copy()
env['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = httplang
request = HTTPRequest(s, env, None)
locale = request.locale
parts = httplang.split('-')
lang = parts.pop(0).lower()
territory = variant = None
if parts:
territory = parts.pop(0).upper()
if parts:
variant = parts.pop(0).upper()
self.assertEqual(, lang)
self.assertEqual(, territory)
self.assertEqual(, variant)
# Now test for non-existant locale fallback
env = TEST_ENVIRON.copy()
request = HTTPRequest(s, env, None)
locale = request.locale
self.assert_( is None)
self.assert_( is None)
self.assert_( is None)
def testMethod(self):
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