Commit 1217f018 authored by Brenden Blanco's avatar Brenden Blanco

Split bcc.table.BPFTable into multiple type-specific classes

BPFTable contained all of the logic for multiple table types, which is
incorrect since a bpf table has either hash or array behavior.
Additionally, some methods on the classes aren't valid for some table
types. Create HashTable, Array, ProgArray, and PerfEventArray classes to
contain this behavior.

In future, the new Array class and its children should behave more like
an array than a dict as it currently does.
Signed-off-by: default avatarBrenden Blanco <>
parent 134f6530
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import sys
basestring = (unicode if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else str)
from .libbcc import lib, _CB_TYPE
from .table import BPFTable
from .table import Table
open_kprobes = {}
open_uprobes = {}
......@@ -64,7 +64,9 @@ class BPF(object):
_libsearch_cache = {}
_lib_load_address_cache = {}
_lib_symbol_cache = {}
Table = BPFTable
# defined for compatibility reasons, to be removed
Table = Table
class Function(object):
def __init__(self, bpf, name, fd):
......@@ -234,7 +236,7 @@ class BPF(object):
if not leaf_desc:
raise Exception("Failed to load BPF Table %s leaf desc" % name)
leaftype = BPF._decode_table_type(json.loads(leaf_desc.decode()))
return BPF.Table(self, map_id, map_fd, keytype, leaftype)
return Table(self, map_id, map_fd, keytype, leaftype)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key not in self.tables:
......@@ -17,13 +17,77 @@ import ctypes as ct
from .libbcc import lib, _RAW_CB_TYPE
stars_max = 40
class BPFTable(MutableMapping):
HASH = 1
# helper functions, consider moving these to a utils module
def _stars(val, val_max, width):
i = 0
text = ""
while (1):
if (i > (width * val / val_max) - 1) or (i > width - 1):
text += "*"
i += 1
if val > val_max:
text = text[:-1] + "+"
return text
def _print_log2_hist(vals, val_type):
global stars_max
log2_dist_max = 64
idx_max = -1
val_max = 0
for i, v in enumerate(vals):
if v > 0: idx_max = i
if v > val_max: val_max = v
if idx_max <= 32:
header = " %-19s : count distribution"
body = "%10d -> %-10d : %-8d |%-*s|"
stars = stars_max
header = " %-29s : count distribution"
body = "%20d -> %-20d : %-8d |%-*s|"
stars = int(stars_max / 2)
if idx_max > 0:
print(header % val_type);
for i in range(1, idx_max + 1):
low = (1 << i) >> 1
high = (1 << i) - 1
if (low == high):
low -= 1
val = vals[i]
print(body % (low, high, val, stars,
_stars(val, val_max, stars)))
def Table(bpf, map_id, map_fd, keytype, leaftype):
"""Table(bpf, map_id, map_fd, keytype, leaftype)
Create a python object out of a reference to a bpf table handle"""
ttype = lib.bpf_table_type_id(bpf.module, map_id)
t = None
if ttype == BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH:
t = HashTable(bpf, map_id, map_fd, keytype, leaftype)
elif ttype == BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY:
t = Array(bpf, map_id, map_fd, keytype, leaftype)
elif ttype == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PROG_ARRAY:
t = ProgArray(bpf, map_id, map_fd, keytype, leaftype)
t = PerfEventArray(bpf, map_id, map_fd, keytype, leaftype)
if t == None:
raise Exception("Unknown table type %d" % ttype)
return t
class TableBase(MutableMapping):
def __init__(self, bpf, map_id, map_fd, keytype, leaftype):
self.bpf = bpf
......@@ -70,35 +134,6 @@ class BPFTable(MutableMapping):
raise Exception("Could not scanf leaf")
return leaf
def open_perf_buffer(self, callback):
Opens a set of per-cpu ring buffer to receive custom perf event
data from the bpf program. The callback will be invoked for each
event submitted from the kernel, up to millions per second.
for i in range(0, multiprocessing.cpu_count()):
self._open_perf_buffer(i, callback)
def _open_perf_buffer(self, cpu, callback):
fn = _RAW_CB_TYPE(lambda _, data, size: callback(cpu, data, size))
reader = lib.bpf_open_perf_buffer(fn, None, -1, cpu)
if not reader:
raise Exception("Could not open perf buffer")
fd = lib.perf_reader_fd(reader)
self[self.Key(cpu)] = self.Leaf(fd)
open_kprobes[(id(self), cpu)] = reader
# keep a refcnt
self._cbs[cpu] = fn
def close_perf_buffer(self, key):
reader = open_kprobes.get((id(self), key))
if reader:
del(open_kprobes[(id(self), key)])
del self._cbs[key]
def __getitem__(self, key):
key_p = ct.pointer(key)
leaf = self.Leaf()
......@@ -125,25 +160,7 @@ class BPFTable(MutableMapping):
return i
def __delitem__(self, key):
key_p = ct.pointer(key)
ttype = lib.bpf_table_type_id(self.bpf.module, self.map_id)
# Deleting from array type maps does not have an effect, so
# zero out the entry instead.
if ttype in (self.ARRAY, self.PROG_ARRAY, self.PERF_EVENT_ARRAY):
leaf = self.Leaf()
leaf_p = ct.pointer(leaf)
res = lib.bpf_update_elem(self.map_fd,
ct.cast(key_p, ct.c_void_p),
ct.cast(leaf_p, ct.c_void_p), 0)
if res < 0:
raise Exception("Could not clear item")
if ttype == self.PERF_EVENT_ARRAY:
res = lib.bpf_delete_elem(self.map_fd,
ct.cast(key_p, ct.c_void_p))
if res < 0:
raise KeyError
raise Exception("__delitem__ not implemented, abstract base class")
# override the MutableMapping's implementation of these since they
# don't handle KeyError nicely
......@@ -174,18 +191,45 @@ class BPFTable(MutableMapping):
for k in self.keys():
def _stars(val, val_max, width):
i = 0
text = ""
while (1):
if (i > (width * val / val_max) - 1) or (i > width - 1):
text += "*"
i += 1
if val > val_max:
text = text[:-1] + "+"
return text
def __iter__(self):
return TableBase.Iter(self, self.Key)
def iter(self): return self.__iter__()
def keys(self): return self.__iter__()
class Iter(object):
def __init__(self, table, keytype):
self.Key = keytype
self.table = table
k = self.Key()
kp = ct.pointer(k)
# if 0 is a valid key, try a few alternatives
if k in table:
ct.memset(kp, 0xff, ct.sizeof(k))
if k in table:
ct.memset(kp, 0x55, ct.sizeof(k))
if k in table:
raise Exception("Unable to allocate iterator")
self.key = k
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
def next(self):
self.key =
return self.key
def next(self, key):
next_key = self.Key()
next_key_p = ct.pointer(next_key)
key_p = ct.pointer(key)
res = lib.bpf_get_next_key(self.map_fd,
ct.cast(key_p, ct.c_void_p),
ct.cast(next_key_p, ct.c_void_p))
if res < 0:
raise StopIteration()
return next_key
def print_log2_hist(self, val_type="value", section_header="Bucket ptr",
......@@ -214,78 +258,83 @@ class BPFTable(MutableMapping):
print("\n%s = %r" % (section_header, bucket))
self._print_log2_hist(vals, val_type, 0)
_print_log2_hist(vals, val_type)
vals = [0] * 65
for k, v in self.items():
vals[k.value] = v.value
self._print_log2_hist(vals, val_type, 0)
_print_log2_hist(vals, val_type)
def _print_log2_hist(self, vals, val_type, val_max):
global stars_max
log2_dist_max = 64
idx_max = -1
for i, v in enumerate(vals):
if v > 0: idx_max = i
if v > val_max: val_max = v
class HashTable(TableBase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(HashTable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if idx_max <= 32:
header = " %-19s : count distribution"
body = "%10d -> %-10d : %-8d |%-*s|"
stars = stars_max
header = " %-29s : count distribution"
body = "%20d -> %-20d : %-8d |%-*s|"
stars = int(stars_max / 2)
if idx_max > 0:
print(header % val_type);
for i in range(1, idx_max + 1):
low = (1 << i) >> 1
high = (1 << i) - 1
if (low == high):
low -= 1
val = vals[i]
print(body % (low, high, val, stars,
self._stars(val, val_max, stars)))
def __delitem__(self, key):
key_p = ct.pointer(key)
res = lib.bpf_delete_elem(self.map_fd, ct.cast(key_p, ct.c_void_p))
if res < 0:
raise KeyError
class ArrayBase(TableBase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ArrayBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __iter__(self):
return BPFTable.Iter(self, self.Key)
def __delitem__(self, key):
key_p = ct.pointer(key)
def iter(self): return self.__iter__()
def keys(self): return self.__iter__()
# Deleting from array type maps does not have an effect, so
# zero out the entry instead.
leaf = self.Leaf()
leaf_p = ct.pointer(leaf)
res = lib.bpf_update_elem(self.map_fd, ct.cast(key_p, ct.c_void_p),
ct.cast(leaf_p, ct.c_void_p), 0)
if res < 0:
raise Exception("Could not clear item")
class Iter(object):
def __init__(self, table, keytype):
self.Key = keytype
self.table = table
k = self.Key()
kp = ct.pointer(k)
# if 0 is a valid key, try a few alternatives
if k in table:
ct.memset(kp, 0xff, ct.sizeof(k))
if k in table:
ct.memset(kp, 0x55, ct.sizeof(k))
if k in table:
raise Exception("Unable to allocate iterator")
self.key = k
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
def next(self):
self.key =
return self.key
class Array(ArrayBase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Array, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def next(self, key):
next_key = self.Key()
next_key_p = ct.pointer(next_key)
key_p = ct.pointer(key)
res = lib.bpf_get_next_key(self.map_fd,
ct.cast(key_p, ct.c_void_p),
ct.cast(next_key_p, ct.c_void_p))
if res < 0:
raise StopIteration()
return next_key
class ProgArray(ArrayBase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ProgArray, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class PerfEventArray(ArrayBase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(PerfEventArray, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __delitem__(self, key):
super(PerfEventArray, self).__init__(key)
def open_perf_buffer(self, callback):
Opens a set of per-cpu ring buffer to receive custom perf event
data from the bpf program. The callback will be invoked for each
event submitted from the kernel, up to millions per second.
for i in range(0, multiprocessing.cpu_count()):
self._open_perf_buffer(i, callback)
def _open_perf_buffer(self, cpu, callback):
fn = _RAW_CB_TYPE(lambda _, data, size: callback(cpu, data, size))
reader = lib.bpf_open_perf_buffer(fn, None, -1, cpu)
if not reader:
raise Exception("Could not open perf buffer")
fd = lib.perf_reader_fd(reader)
self[self.Key(cpu)] = self.Leaf(fd)
open_kprobes[(id(self), cpu)] = reader
# keep a refcnt
self._cbs[cpu] = fn
def close_perf_buffer(self, key):
reader = open_kprobes.get((id(self), key))
if reader:
del(open_kprobes[(id(self), key)])
del self._cbs[key]
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