#!/usr/bin/python # @lint-avoid-python-3-compatibility-imports # # tcpstates Trace the TCP session state changes with durations. # For Linux, uses BCC, BPF. Embedded C. # # USAGE: tcpstates [-h] [-C] [-S] [interval [count]] # # This uses the sock:inet_sock_set_state tracepoint, added to Linux 4.16. # Linux 4.16 also adds more state transitions so that they can be traced. # # Copyright 2018 Netflix, Inc. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") # # 20-Mar-2018 Brendan Gregg Created this. from __future__ import print_function from bcc import BPF import argparse from socket import inet_ntop, AF_INET, AF_INET6 from struct import pack import ctypes as ct from time import strftime # arguments examples = """examples: ./tcpstates # trace all TCP state changes ./tcpstates -t # include timestamp column ./tcpstates -T # include time column (HH:MM:SS) ./tcpstates -w # wider colums (fit IPv6) ./tcpstates -stT # csv output, with times & timestamps ./tcpstates -L 80 # only trace local port 80 ./tcpstates -L 80,81 # only trace local ports 80 and 81 ./tcpstates -D 80 # only trace remote port 80 """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Trace TCP session state changes and durations", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog=examples) parser.add_argument("-T", "--time", action="store_true", help="include time column on output (HH:MM:SS)") parser.add_argument("-t", "--timestamp", action="store_true", help="include timestamp on output (seconds)") parser.add_argument("-w", "--wide", action="store_true", help="wide column output (fits IPv6 addresses)") parser.add_argument("-s", "--csv", action="store_true", help="comma separated values output") parser.add_argument("-L", "--localport", help="comma-separated list of local ports to trace.") parser.add_argument("-D", "--remoteport", help="comma-separated list of remote ports to trace.") parser.add_argument("--ebpf", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) args = parser.parse_args() debug = 0 # define BPF program bpf_text = """ #include <uapi/linux/ptrace.h> #define KBUILD_MODNAME "foo" #include <linux/tcp.h> #include <net/sock.h> #include <bcc/proto.h> BPF_HASH(last, struct sock *, u64); // separate data structs for ipv4 and ipv6 struct ipv4_data_t { u64 ts_us; u64 skaddr; u32 saddr; u32 daddr; u64 span_us; u32 pid; u32 ports; u32 oldstate; u32 newstate; char task[TASK_COMM_LEN]; }; BPF_PERF_OUTPUT(ipv4_events); struct ipv6_data_t { u64 ts_us; u64 skaddr; unsigned __int128 saddr; unsigned __int128 daddr; u64 span_us; u32 pid; u32 ports; u32 oldstate; u32 newstate; char task[TASK_COMM_LEN]; }; BPF_PERF_OUTPUT(ipv6_events); struct id_t { u32 pid; char task[TASK_COMM_LEN]; }; TRACEPOINT_PROBE(sock, inet_sock_set_state) { if (args->protocol != IPPROTO_TCP) return 0; u32 pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() >> 32; // sk is used as a UUID struct sock *sk = (struct sock *)args->skaddr; // lport is either used in a filter here, or later u16 lport = args->sport; FILTER_LPORT // dport is either used in a filter here, or later u16 dport = args->dport; FILTER_DPORT // calculate delta u64 *tsp, delta_us; tsp = last.lookup(&sk); if (tsp == 0) delta_us = 0; else delta_us = (bpf_ktime_get_ns() - *tsp) / 1000; if (args->family == AF_INET) { struct ipv4_data_t data4 = { .span_us = delta_us, .oldstate = args->oldstate, .newstate = args->newstate}; data4.skaddr = (u64)args->skaddr; data4.ts_us = bpf_ktime_get_ns() / 1000; __builtin_memcpy(&data4.saddr, args->saddr, sizeof(data4.saddr)); __builtin_memcpy(&data4.daddr, args->daddr, sizeof(data4.daddr)); // a workaround until data4 compiles with separate lport/dport data4.ports = dport + ((0ULL + lport) << 32); data4.pid = pid; bpf_get_current_comm(&data4.task, sizeof(data4.task)); ipv4_events.perf_submit(args, &data4, sizeof(data4)); } else /* 6 */ { struct ipv6_data_t data6 = { .span_us = delta_us, .oldstate = args->oldstate, .newstate = args->newstate}; data6.skaddr = (u64)args->skaddr; data6.ts_us = bpf_ktime_get_ns() / 1000; __builtin_memcpy(&data6.saddr, args->saddr_v6, sizeof(data6.saddr)); __builtin_memcpy(&data6.daddr, args->daddr_v6, sizeof(data6.daddr)); // a workaround until data6 compiles with separate lport/dport data6.ports = dport + ((0ULL + lport) << 32); data6.pid = pid; bpf_get_current_comm(&data6.task, sizeof(data6.task)); ipv6_events.perf_submit(args, &data6, sizeof(data6)); } u64 ts = bpf_ktime_get_ns(); last.update(&sk, &ts); return 0; } """ if (not BPF.tracepoint_exists("sock", "inet_sock_set_state")): print("ERROR: tracepoint sock:inet_sock_set_state missing " "(added in Linux 4.16). Exiting") exit() # code substitutions if args.remoteport: dports = [int(dport) for dport in args.remoteport.split(',')] dports_if = ' && '.join(['dport != %d' % dport for dport in dports]) bpf_text = bpf_text.replace('FILTER_DPORT', 'if (%s) { last.delete(&sk); return 0; }' % dports_if) if args.localport: lports = [int(lport) for lport in args.localport.split(',')] lports_if = ' && '.join(['lport != %d' % lport for lport in lports]) bpf_text = bpf_text.replace('FILTER_LPORT', 'if (%s) { last.delete(&sk); return 0; }' % lports_if) bpf_text = bpf_text.replace('FILTER_DPORT', '') bpf_text = bpf_text.replace('FILTER_LPORT', '') if debug or args.ebpf: print(bpf_text) if args.ebpf: exit() # event data TASK_COMM_LEN = 16 # linux/sched.h class Data_ipv4(ct.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("ts_us", ct.c_ulonglong), ("skaddr", ct.c_ulonglong), ("saddr", ct.c_uint), ("daddr", ct.c_uint), ("span_us", ct.c_ulonglong), ("pid", ct.c_uint), ("ports", ct.c_uint), ("oldstate", ct.c_uint), ("newstate", ct.c_uint), ("task", ct.c_char * TASK_COMM_LEN) ] class Data_ipv6(ct.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("ts_us", ct.c_ulonglong), ("skaddr", ct.c_ulonglong), ("saddr", (ct.c_ulonglong * 2)), ("daddr", (ct.c_ulonglong * 2)), ("span_us", ct.c_ulonglong), ("pid", ct.c_uint), ("ports", ct.c_uint), ("oldstate", ct.c_uint), ("newstate", ct.c_uint), ("task", ct.c_char * TASK_COMM_LEN) ] # # Setup output formats # # Don't change the default output (next 2 lines): this fits in 80 chars. I # know it doesn't have NS or UIDs etc. I know. If you really, really, really # need to add columns, columns that solve real actual problems, I'd start by # adding an extended mode (-x) to included those columns. # header_string = "%-16s %-5s %-10.10s %s%-15s %-5s %-15s %-5s %-11s -> %-11s %s" format_string = ("%-16x %-5d %-10.10s %s%-15s %-5d %-15s %-5d %-11s " + "-> %-11s %.3f") if args.wide: header_string = ("%-16s %-5s %-16.16s %-2s %-26s %-5s %-26s %-5s %-11s " + "-> %-11s %s") format_string = ("%-16x %-5d %-16.16s %-2s %-26s %-5s %-26s %-5d %-11s " + "-> %-11s %.3f") if args.csv: header_string = "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" format_string = "%x,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%d,%s,%s,%.3f" def tcpstate2str(state): # from include/net/tcp_states.h: tcpstate = { 1: "ESTABLISHED", 2: "SYN_SENT", 3: "SYN_RECV", 4: "FIN_WAIT1", 5: "FIN_WAIT2", 6: "TIME_WAIT", 7: "CLOSE", 8: "CLOSE_WAIT", 9: "LAST_ACK", 10: "LISTEN", 11: "CLOSING", 12: "NEW_SYN_RECV", } if state in tcpstate: return tcpstate[state] else: return str(state) # process event def print_ipv4_event(cpu, data, size): event = ct.cast(data, ct.POINTER(Data_ipv4)).contents global start_ts if args.time: if args.csv: print("%s," % strftime("%H:%M:%S"), end="") else: print("%-8s " % strftime("%H:%M:%S"), end="") if args.timestamp: if start_ts == 0: start_ts = event.ts_us delta_s = (float(event.ts_us) - start_ts) / 1000000 if args.csv: print("%.6f," % delta_s, end="") else: print("%-9.6f " % delta_s, end="") print(format_string % (event.skaddr, event.pid, event.task.decode(), "4" if args.wide or args.csv else "", inet_ntop(AF_INET, pack("I", event.saddr)), event.ports >> 32, inet_ntop(AF_INET, pack("I", event.daddr)), event.ports & 0xffffffff, tcpstate2str(event.oldstate), tcpstate2str(event.newstate), float(event.span_us) / 1000)) def print_ipv6_event(cpu, data, size): event = ct.cast(data, ct.POINTER(Data_ipv6)).contents global start_ts if args.time: if args.csv: print("%s," % strftime("%H:%M:%S"), end="") else: print("%-8s " % strftime("%H:%M:%S"), end="") if args.timestamp: if start_ts == 0: start_ts = event.ts_us delta_s = (float(event.ts_us) - start_ts) / 1000000 if args.csv: print("%.6f," % delta_s, end="") else: print("%-9.6f " % delta_s, end="") print(format_string % (event.skaddr, event.pid, event.task.decode(), "6" if args.wide or args.csv else "", inet_ntop(AF_INET6, event.saddr), event.ports >> 32, inet_ntop(AF_INET6, event.daddr), event.ports & 0xffffffff, tcpstate2str(event.oldstate), tcpstate2str(event.newstate), float(event.span_us) / 1000)) # initialize BPF b = BPF(text=bpf_text) # header if args.time: if args.csv: print("%s," % ("TIME"), end="") else: print("%-8s " % ("TIME"), end="") if args.timestamp: if args.csv: print("%s," % ("TIME(s)"), end="") else: print("%-9s " % ("TIME(s)"), end="") print(header_string % ("SKADDR", "C-PID", "C-COMM", "IP" if args.wide or args.csv else "", "LADDR", "LPORT", "RADDR", "RPORT", "OLDSTATE", "NEWSTATE", "MS")) start_ts = 0 # read events b["ipv4_events"].open_perf_buffer(print_ipv4_event, page_cnt=64) b["ipv6_events"].open_perf_buffer(print_ipv6_event, page_cnt=64) while 1: b.perf_buffer_poll()