#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) PLUMgrid, Inc. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") from builtins import input from http.server import HTTPServer, SimpleHTTPRequestHandler from netaddr import IPNetwork from os import chdir from pyroute2 import IPRoute, NetNS, IPDB, NSPopen from random import choice, randint from simulation import Simulation from socket import htons from threading import Thread import sys ipr = IPRoute() ipdb = IPDB(nl=ipr) num_hosts = 9 num_vnis = 4 null = open("/dev/null", "w") class TunnelSimulation(Simulation): def __init__(self, ipdb): super(TunnelSimulation, self).__init__(ipdb) self.available_ips = [list(IPNetwork("192.168.%d.0/24" % i)[1:-1]) for i in range(0, num_vnis)] def start(self): # each entry is tuple of ns_ipdb, out_ifc, in_ifc host_info = [] for i in range(0, num_hosts): print("Launching host %i of %i" % (i + 1, num_hosts)) ipaddr = "172.16.1.%d/24" % (100 + i) host_info.append(self._create_ns("host%d" % i, ipaddr=ipaddr)) with self.ipdb.create(ifname="br100", kind="bridge") as br100: for host in host_info: br100.add_port(host[1]) br100.up() # create a vxlan device inside each namespace for host in host_info: print("Starting tunnel %i of %i" % (len(self.processes) + 1, num_hosts)) cmd = ["netserver", "-D"] self.processes.append(NSPopen(host[0].nl.netns, cmd, stdout=null)) for i in range(0, num_vnis): with host[0].create(ifname="vxlan%d" % i, kind="vxlan", vxlan_id=10000 + i, vxlan_link=host[0].interfaces.eth0, vxlan_port=htons(4789), vxlan_group="239.1.1.%d" % (1 + i)) as vx: vx.up() with host[0].create(ifname="br%d" % i, kind="bridge") as br: br.add_port(host[0].interfaces["vxlan%d" % i]) br.up() with host[0].create(ifname="c%da" % i, kind="veth", peer="c%db" % i) as c: c.up() c.add_ip("%s/24" % self.available_ips[i].pop(0)) c.mtu = 1450 br.add_port(host[0].interfaces["c%db" % i]) host[0].interfaces["c%db" % i].up().commit() # pick one host to start the monitor in host = host_info[0] cmd = ["python", "monitor.py"] p = NSPopen(host[0].nl.netns, cmd) self.processes.append(p) def serve_http(self): chdir("chord-transitions") # comment below line to see http server log messages SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.log_message = lambda self, format, *args: None self.srv = HTTPServer(("", 8080), SimpleHTTPRequestHandler) self.t = Thread(target=self.srv.serve_forever) self.t.setDaemon(True) self.t.start() print("HTTPServer listening on") try: sim = TunnelSimulation(ipdb) sim.start() sim.serve_http() input("Press enter to quit:") finally: if "br100" in ipdb.interfaces: ipdb.interfaces.br100.remove().commit() sim.release() ipdb.release() null.close()