.TH uthreads 8 "2016-11-07" "USER COMMANDS" .SH NAME uthreads \- Trace thread creation events in Java or pthreads. .SH SYNOPSIS .B uthreads [-h] [-l {java}] [-v] pid .SH DESCRIPTION This traces thread creation events in Java processes, or pthread creation events in any process. When a thread is created, its name or start address is printed. Since this uses BPF, only the root user can use this tool. .SH REQUIREMENTS CONFIG_BPF and bcc. .SH OPTIONS .TP \-l {java} The language to trace (currently only Java is supported). When no language is specified, only pthread creations are traced. .TP \-v Print the resulting BPF program, for debugging purposes. .TP pid The process id to trace. .SH EXAMPLES .TP Trace Java thread creations: # .B uthreads -l java 148 .TP Trace pthread creations: # .B uthreads 1802 .SH FIELDS .TP TIME The event's time in seconds from the beginning of the trace. .TP ID The thread's ID. The information in this column depends on the runtime. .TP TYPE Event type -- thread start, stop, or pthread event. .TP DESCRIPTION The thread's name or start address function name. .SH OVERHEAD Thread start and stop events are usually not very frequent, which makes this tool's overhead negligible. .SH SOURCE This is from bcc. .IP https://github.com/iovisor/bcc .PP Also look in the bcc distribution for a companion _example.txt file containing example usage, output, and commentary for this tool. .SH OS Linux .SH STABILITY Unstable - in development. .SH AUTHOR Sasha Goldshtein .SH SEE ALSO ustat(8), trace(8)