From 26c677d5d4d52b08afb834252671341147431642 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: gabrieldemarmiesse <>
Date: Sat, 19 May 2018 22:29:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Replaced the text in reference/extension_types.rst by links
 to the corresponding sections in the userguide.

 docs/src/reference/extension_types.rst | 491 ++-----------------------
 docs/src/userguide/extension_types.rst |  15 +
 docs/src/userguide/special_methods.rst |  14 +
 3 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 469 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/src/reference/extension_types.rst b/docs/src/reference/extension_types.rst
index 3a6729ff0..ea26f38a0 100644
--- a/docs/src/reference/extension_types.rst
+++ b/docs/src/reference/extension_types.rst
@@ -1,449 +1,100 @@
 .. highlight:: cython
-.. _extension_types:
 Extension Types
-* Normal Python as well as extension type classes can be defined.
-* Extension types:
- * Are considered by Python as "built-in" types.
- * Can be used to wrap arbitrary C-data structures, and provide a Python-like interface to them from Python.
- * Attributes and methods can be called from Python or Cython code
- * Are defined by the ``cdef class`` statement.
-    cdef class Shrubbery:
-        cdef int width, height
-        def __init__(self, w, h):
-            self.width = w
-            self.height = h
+.. note::
-        def describe(self):
-            print "This shrubbery is", self.width, \
-                "by", self.height, "cubits."
+    The sections in this page were moved to the :ref:`extension-types`
+    and :ref:`special-methods` in the userguide.
-* Are stored directly in the object's C struct.
-* Are fixed at compile time.
- * You can't add attributes to an extension type instance at run time like in normal Python, unless you define a ``__dict__`` attribute.
- * You can sub-class the extension type in Python to add attributes at run-time.
-* There are two ways to access extension type attributes:
- * By Python look-up.
-  * Python code's only method of access.
- * By direct access to the C struct from Cython code.
-  * Cython code can use either method of access, though.
-* By default, extension type attributes are:
- * Only accessible by direct access.
- * Not accessible from Python code.
-* To make attributes accessible to Python, they must be declared ``public`` or ``readonly``::
-    cdef class Shrubbery:
-        cdef public int width, height
-        cdef readonly float depth
- * The ``width`` and ``height`` attributes are readable and writable from Python code.
- * The ``depth`` attribute is readable but not writable.
-.. note::
-    .. note::
-        You can only expose simple C types, such as ints, floats, and strings, for Python access. You can also expose Python-valued attributes.
-    .. note::
-        The ``public`` and ``readonly`` options apply only to Python access, not direct access. All the attributes of an extension type are always readable and writable by C-level access.
+This section was moved to :ref:`readonly`.
-* ``self`` is used in extension type methods just like it normally is in Python.
-* See **Functions and Methods**; all of which applies here.
-* Cython provides a special (deprecated) syntax::
-    cdef class Spam:
-        property cheese:
-            "A doc string can go here."
-            def __get__(self):
-                # This is called when the property is read.
-                ...
-            def __set__(self, value):
-                # This is called when the property is written.
-                ...
-            def __del__(self):
-                # This is called when the property is deleted.
-* The ``__get__()``, ``__set__()``, and ``__del__()`` methods are all optional.
- * If they are omitted, an exception is raised on attribute access.
-* Below, is a full example that defines a property which can..
- * Add to a list each time it is written to (``"__set__"``).
- * Return the list when it is read (``"__get__"``).
- * Empty the list when it is deleted (``"__del__"``).
-        # cheesy.pyx
-        cdef class CheeseShop:
-            cdef object cheeses
-            def __cinit__(self):
-                self.cheeses = []
-            property cheese:   # note that this syntax is deprecated
-                def __get__(self):
-                    return "We don't have: %s" % self.cheeses
-                def __set__(self, value):
-                    self.cheeses.append(value)
-                def __del__(self):
-                    del self.cheeses[:]
-        # Test input
-        from cheesy import CheeseShop
-        shop = CheeseShop()
-        print shop.cheese
-        shop.cheese = "camembert"
-        print shop.cheese
-        shop.cheese = "cheddar"
-        print shop.cheese
-        del shop.cheese
-        print shop.cheese
-        # Test output
-        We don't have: []
-        We don't have: ['camembert']
-        We don't have: ['camembert', 'cheddar']
-        We don't have: []
+This section was moved to :ref:`properties`.
 Special Methods
-.. note::
-    #. The semantics of Cython's special methods are similar in principle to that of Python's.
-    #. There are substantial differences in some behavior.
-    #. Some Cython special methods have no Python counter-part.
-* See the :ref:`special_methods_table` for the many that are available.
+This section was moved to :ref:`special-methods`.
-* Must be declared with ``def`` and cannot be declared with ``cdef``.
-* Performance is not affected by the ``def`` declaration because of special calling conventions
+This section was moved to :ref:`declaration`.
-* Docstrings are not supported yet for some special method types.
-* They can be included in the source, but may not appear in the corresponding ``__doc__`` attribute at run-time.
- * This a Python library limitation because the ``PyTypeObject`` data structure is limited
+This section was moved to :ref:`docstrings`.
 Initialization: ``__cinit__()`` and ``__init__()``
-* The object initialisation follows (mainly) three steps:
- * (Internal) allocation, recursively going from subclass to base class.
- * Low-level initialisation along the way back, calling ``__cinit__()`` at each level.
- * Python initialisation, explicitly calling ``__init__()`` recursively from subclass to base class.
-* Any arguments passed to the extension type's constructor
-  will be passed to both initialization methods.
-* ``__cinit__()`` is where you should perform C-level initialization of the object
- * This includes any allocation of C data structures.
- * **Caution** is warranted as to what you do in this method.
-  * The object may not be a fully valid Python object when it is called.
-  * Calling Python objects, including the extensions own methods, may be hazardous.
- * By the time ``__cinit__()`` is called...
-  * Memory has been allocated for the object.
-  * All C-level attributes have been initialized to 0 or null.
-  * The ``__cinit__()`` methods of all base types have been called, starting with the top-most one.
-  * Subtypes are not fully initialised yet.
-  * Python object attributes of the type itself have been initialized to ``None``.
-  * This initialization method is guaranteed to be called exactly once.
- * For Extensions types that inherit a base type:
-  * The ``__cinit__()`` method of the base type is automatically called before this one.
-  * The inherited ``__cinit__()`` method cannot be called explicitly.
-  * Passing modified argument lists to the base type must be done through ``__init__()``.
-  * It may be wise to give the ``__cinit__()`` method both ``"*"`` and ``"**"`` arguments.
-   * Allows the method to accept or ignore additional arguments.
-   * Eliminates the need for a Python level sub-class, that changes the ``__init__()``
-     method's signature, to have to override both the ``__new__()`` and ``__init__()`` methods.
-  * If ``__cinit__()`` is declared to take no arguments except ``self``, it will ignore any
-    extra arguments passed to the constructor without complaining about a signature mis-match.
-* ``__init__()`` is for higher-level initialization and is safer for Python access.
- * By the time this method is called, the extension type is a fully valid Python object.
- * All operations are safe.
- * This method may sometimes be called more than once, or possibly not at all.
-  * Take this into consideration to make sure the design of your other methods are robust of this fact.
-Note that all constructor arguments will be passed as Python objects.
-This implies that non-convertible C types such as pointers or C++ objects
-cannot be passed into the constructor from Cython code.  If this is needed,
-use a factory function instead that handles the object initialisation.
-It often helps to directly call ``__new__()`` in this function to bypass the
-call to the ``__init__()`` constructor.
+This section was moved to :ref:`initialisation_methods`.
 Finalization: ``__dealloc__()``
-* This method is the counter-part to ``__cinit__()``.
-* Any C-data that was explicitly allocated in the ``__cinit__()`` method should be freed here.
-* Use caution in this method:
- * The Python object to which this method belongs may not be completely intact at this point.
- * Avoid invoking any Python operations that may touch the object.
- * Don't call any of this object's methods.
- * It's best to just deallocate C-data structures here.
-* All Python attributes of your extension type object are deallocated by Cython after the ``__dealloc__()`` method returns.
+This section was moved to :ref:`finalization_method`.
 Arithmetic Methods
-.. note:: Most of these methods behave differently than in Python
-* There are not "reversed" versions of these methods... there is no __radd__() for instance.
-* If the first operand cannot perform the operation, the same method of the second operand is called, with the operands in the same order.
-* Do not rely on the first parameter of these methods, being ``"self"`` or the right type.
-* The types of both operands should be tested before deciding what to do.
-* Return ``NotImplemented`` for unhandled, mis-matched operand types.
-* The previously mentioned points..
- * Also apply to 'in-place' method ``__ipow__()``.
- * Do not apply to other 'in-place' methods like ``__iadd__()``, in that these always take ``self`` as the first argument.
+This section was moved to :ref:`arithmetic_methods`.
 Rich Comparisons
-There are two ways to implement comparison methods.
-Depending on the application, one way or the other may be better:
-* The first way uses the 6 Python
-  `special methods <>`_
-  ``__eq__``, ``__lt__``, etc.
-  This is new since Cython 0.27 and works exactly as in plain Python classes.
-* The second way uses a single special method ``__richcmp__``.
-  This implements all rich comparison operations in one method.
-  The signature is ``def __richcmp__(self, other, int op)`` matching the
-  `PyObject_RichCompare() <>`_
-  Python/C API function.
-  The integer argument ``op`` indicates which operation is to be performed
-  as shown in the table below:
-  +-----+-----+-------+
-  |  <  |  0  | Py_LT |
-  +-----+-----+-------+
-  | ==  |  2  | Py_EQ |
-  +-----+-----+-------+
-  |  >  |  4  | Py_GT |
-  +-----+-----+-------+
-  | <=  |  1  | Py_LE |
-  +-----+-----+-------+
-  | !=  |  3  | Py_NE |
-  +-----+-----+-------+
-  | >=  |  5  | Py_GE |
-  +-----+-----+-------+
-  The named constants can be cimported from the ``cpython.object`` module.
-  They should generally be preferred over plain integers to improve readability.
+This section was moved to :ref:`righ_comparisons`.
 The ``__next__()`` Method
-* Extension types used to expose an iterator interface should define a ``__next__()`` method.
-* **Do not** explicitly supply a ``next()`` method, because Python does that for you automatically.
+This section was moved to :ref:`the__next__method`.
-* An extension type may inherit from a built-in type or another extension type::
-    cdef class Parrot:
-        ...
-    cdef class Norwegian(Parrot):
-        ...
-* A complete definition of the base type must be available to Cython
- * If the base type is a built-in type, it must have been previously declared as an ``extern`` extension type.
- * ``cimport`` can be used to import the base type, if the extern declared base type is in a ``.pxd`` definition file.
- * In Cython, multiple inheritance is not permitted.. singular inheritance only
-* Cython extension types can also be sub-classed in Python.
- * Here multiple inheritance is permissible as is normal for Python.
- * Even multiple extension types may be inherited, but C-layout of all the base classes must be compatible.
+This section was moved to :ref:`subclassing`.
 Forward Declarations
-* Extension types can be "forward-declared".
-* This is necessary when two extension types refer to each other::
-    cdef class Shrubbery # forward declaration
-    cdef class Shrubber:
-        cdef Shrubbery work_in_progress
-    cdef class Shrubbery:
-        cdef Shrubber creator
-* An extension type that has a base-class, requires that both forward-declarations be specified::
-    cdef class A(B)
-    ...
-    cdef class A(B):
-        # attributes and methods
+This section was moved to :ref:`forward_declaring_extension_types`.
 Extension Types and None
-* Parameters and C-variables declared as an Extension type, may take the value of ``None``.
-* This is analogous to the way a C-pointer can take the value of ``NULL``.
-.. note::
-    #. Exercise caution when using ``None``
-    #. Read this section carefully.
-* There is no problem as long as you are performing Python operations on it.
- * This is because full dynamic type checking is applied
-* When accessing an extension type's C-attributes, **make sure** it is not ``None``.
- * Cython does not check this for reasons of efficiency.
-* Be very aware of exposing Python functions that take extension types as arguments::
-    def widen_shrubbery(Shrubbery sh, extra_width): # This is dangerous
-        sh.width = sh.width + extra_width
-    * Users could **crash** the program by passing ``None`` for the ``sh`` parameter.
-    * This could be avoided by::
-        def widen_shrubbery(Shrubbery sh, extra_width):
-            if sh is None:
-                raise TypeError
-            sh.width = sh.width + extra_width
-    * Cython provides a more convenient way with a ``not None`` clause::
-        def widen_shrubbery(Shrubbery sh not None, extra_width):
-            sh.width = sh.width + extra_width
-    * Now this function automatically checks that ``sh`` is not ``None``, as well as that is the right type.
-* ``not None`` can only be used in Python functions (declared with ``def`` **not** ``cdef``).
-* For ``cdef`` functions, you will have to provide the check yourself.
-* The ``self`` parameter of an extension type is guaranteed to **never** be ``None``.
-* When comparing a value ``x`` with ``None``, and ``x`` is a Python object, note the following:
- * ``x is None`` and ``x is not None`` are very efficient.
-  * They translate directly to C-pointer comparisons.
- * ``x == None`` and ``x != None`` or ``if x: ...`` (a boolean condition), will invoke Python operations and will therefore be much slower.
+This section was moved to :ref:`extension_types_and_none`.
 Weak Referencing
-* By default, weak references are not supported.
-* It can be enabled by declaring a C attribute of the ``object`` type called ``__weakref__()``::
-    cdef class ExplodingAnimal:
-        """This animal will self-destruct when it is
-        no longer strongly referenced."""
-        cdef object __weakref__
+This section was moved to :ref:`making_extension_types_weak_referenceable`.
 Dynamic Attributes
-* By default, you cannot dynamically add attributes to a ``cdef class`` instance at runtime.
-* It can be enabled by declaring a C attribute of the ``dict`` type called ``__dict__``::
-    cdef class ExtendableAnimal:
-        """This animal can be extended with new
-        attributes at runtime."""
-        cdef dict __dict__
-.. note::
-    #. This can have a performance penalty, especially when using ``cpdef`` methods in a class.
+This section was moved to :ref:`dynamic_attributes`.
 External and Public Types
@@ -453,118 +104,20 @@ External and Public Types
-* When an extension type is declared ``public``, Cython will generate a C-header (".h") file.
-* The header file will contain the declarations for it's **object-struct** and it's **type-object**.
-* External C-code can now access the attributes of the extension type.
+This section was moved to :ref:`public`.
-* An ``extern`` extension type allows you to gain access to the internals of:
- * Python objects defined in the Python core.
- * Non-Cython extension modules
-* The following example lets you get at the C-level members of Python's built-in "complex" object::
-    cdef extern from "complexobject.h":
-        struct Py_complex:
-            double real
-            double imag
-        ctypedef class __builtin__.complex [object PyComplexObject]:
-            cdef Py_complex cval
-    # A function which uses the above type
-    def spam(complex c):
-        print "Real:", c.cval.real
-        print "Imag:", c.cval.imag
-.. note:: Some important things in the example:
-    #. ``ctypedef`` has been used because Python's header file has the struct declared with::
-        ctypedef struct {
-        ...
-        } PyComplexObject;
-    #. The module of where this type object can be found is specified along side the name of the extension type. See **Implicit Importing**.
-    #. When declaring an external extension type...
-     * Don't declare any methods, because they are Python method class the are not needed.
-     * Similar to **structs** and **unions**, extension classes declared inside a ``cdef extern from`` block only need to declare the C members which you will actually need to access in your module.
+This section was moved to :ref:`external_extension_types`.
 Name Specification Clause
-.. note:: Only available to **public** and **extern** extension types.
-* Example::
-    [object object_struct_name, type type_object_name ]
-* ``object_struct_name`` is the name to assume for the type's C-struct.
-* ``type_object_name`` is the name to assume for the type's statically declared type-object.
-* The object and type clauses can be written in any order.
-* For ``cdef extern from`` declarations, This clause **is required**.
- * The object clause is required because Cython must generate code that is compatible with the declarations in the header file.
- * Otherwise the object clause is optional.
-* For public extension types, both the object and type clauses **are required** for Cython to generate code that is compatible with external C-code.
+This section was moved to :ref:`name_specification_clause`.
 Type Names vs. Constructor Names
-* In a Cython module, the name of an extension type serves two distinct purposes:
- #. When used in an expression, it refers to a "module-level" global variable holding the type's constructor (i.e. it's type-object)
- #. It can also be used as a C-type name to declare a "type" for variables, arguments, and return values.
-* Example::
-    cdef extern class MyModule.Spam:
-        ...
- * The name "Spam" serves both of these roles.
- * Only "Spam" can be used as the type-name.
- * The constructor can be referred to by other names.
- * Upon an explicit import of "MyModule"...
-  * ``MyModule.Spam()`` could be used as the constructor call.
-  * ``MyModule.Spam`` could not be used as a type-name
-* When an "as" clause is used, the name specified takes over both roles::
-    cdef extern class MyModule.Spam as Yummy:
-        ...
- * ``Yummy`` becomes both type-name and a name for the constructor.
- * There other ways of course, to get hold of the constructor, but ``Yummy`` is the only usable type-name.
+This section was moved to :ref:`types_names_vs_constructor_names`.
diff --git a/docs/src/userguide/extension_types.rst b/docs/src/userguide/extension_types.rst
index 6a574fa80..f5088bd3c 100644
--- a/docs/src/userguide/extension_types.rst
+++ b/docs/src/userguide/extension_types.rst
@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ The old behavior is always available by passing a tuple as the second parameter:
     print isinstance(sh, Shrubbery)     # Check the type of sh
     print isinstance(sh, (Shrubbery,))  # Check sh.__class__
+.. _extension_types_and_none:
 Extension types and None
@@ -263,6 +264,8 @@ counterparts. There is a :ref:`separate page <special-methods>` devoted to this
 read it carefully before attempting to use any special methods in your
 extension types.
+.. _properties:
@@ -356,6 +359,8 @@ when it is deleted.::
     We don't have: ['camembert', 'cheddar']
     We don't have: []
+.. _subclassing:
@@ -462,6 +467,7 @@ compatible types.::
             p.ptr = ptr
             return p
+.. _forward_declaring_extension_types:
 Forward-declaring extension types
@@ -526,6 +532,7 @@ statically sized freelist of ``N`` instances for a given type.  Example::
     penguin = None
     penguin = Penguin('fish 2')  # does not need to allocate memory!
+.. _making_extension_types_weak_referenceable:
 Making extension types weak-referenceable
@@ -618,6 +625,8 @@ declaration makes an extension type defined in external C code available to a
 Cython module. A public extension type declaration makes an extension type
 defined in a Cython module available to external C code.
+.. _external_extension_types:
 External extension types
@@ -673,6 +682,8 @@ built-in complex object.::
        declaration is inside a :keyword:`cdef` extern from block, you only need to
        declare those C members which you wish to access.
+.. _name_specification_clause:
 Name specification clause
@@ -728,6 +739,8 @@ which corresponds to the implicit import statement::
       from My.Nested.Package import Spam as Yummy
+.. _types_names_vs_constructor_names:
 Type names vs. constructor names
@@ -758,6 +771,8 @@ then Yummy becomes both the type name and a name for the constructor. Again,
 there are other ways that you could get hold of the constructor, but only
 Yummy is usable as a type name.
+.. _public:
 Public extension types
diff --git a/docs/src/userguide/special_methods.rst b/docs/src/userguide/special_methods.rst
index d563d156d..f51e72c71 100644
--- a/docs/src/userguide/special_methods.rst
+++ b/docs/src/userguide/special_methods.rst
@@ -13,12 +13,16 @@ mention.
     with the :keyword:`cdef class` statement. It doesn't apply to classes defined with the
     Python :keyword:`class` statement, where the normal Python rules apply.
+.. _declaration:
 Special methods of extension types must be declared with :keyword:`def`, not
 :keyword:`cdef`. This does not impact their performance--Python uses different
 calling conventions to invoke these special methods.
+.. _docstrings:
@@ -28,6 +32,8 @@ won't show up in the corresponding :attr:`__doc__` attribute at run time. (This
 seems to be is a Python limitation -- there's nowhere in the `PyTypeObject`
 data structure to put such docstrings.)
+.. _initialisation_methods:
 Initialisation methods: :meth:`__cinit__` and :meth:`__init__`
 There are two methods concerned with initialising the object.
@@ -90,6 +96,8 @@ complaining about the signature mismatch.
 .. [#]
+.. _finalization_method:
 Finalization method: :meth:`__dealloc__`
@@ -117,6 +125,8 @@ executed unless they are explicitly called by the subclass.
 .. Note:: There is no :meth:`__del__` method for extension types.
+.. _arithmetic_methods:
 Arithmetic methods
@@ -135,6 +145,8 @@ This also applies to the in-place arithmetic method :meth:`__ipow__`. It doesn't
 to any of the other in-place methods (:meth:`__iadd__`, etc.) which always
 take `self` as the first argument.
+.. _righ_comparisons:
 Rich comparisons
@@ -167,6 +179,8 @@ Depending on the application, one way or the other may be better:
   These constants can be cimported from the ``cpython.object`` module.
+.. _the__next__method:
 The :meth:`__next__` method