2009-12-31 mayoro * Correcting display left and right order 2009-12-30 mayoro * Make listbox unlimited in report mode 2009-12-29 mayoro *return string uri and class_name instead of a list of uris and class_names 2009-09-07 yusuke * Replace ERP5Report to ERP5Form and ReportBox 2008-10-07: mayoro adding new field to display template_path_list of documented business templates 2008-09-27: mayoro - adding ERP5 Forms and python scripts for documenting skin_folder correctly - removing ERP5 Report Form for previous documentation of skin folder - removing title wich was just the name of the action on worklist workflow because description is enought - displaying whole python scripts, z sql methods and page templates in ODT mode - disable all empty listbox in html and odt mode 2008-09-20: mayoro - Adding forms for the new class of documentation BaseCategoryDocumentationHelper - Updating links concerning base categories 2008-09-13: mayoro - Adding Appendix on ODT mode to sumurise repetitif class_methods and property_sheets in documentation 2008-07-05: mayoro - removing erp5_documentation_odt_style - removing ListBox_asAccessorHTML in erp5_documentation_xhtml_style 2008-06-30: mayoro - removing ListBox_asAccessorHTML in erp5_documentation_odt_style 2008-06-29: mayoro adding context_box_render in erp5_documentation_xhtml_style with customization to make documentation accessible in developper mode 2008-06-21: mayoro removing tabulations in ListBox_asAccessorHTML due to previous commit 2008-06-21: mayoro removing emty line in accessor methods lixbox rendered 2008-05-17: mayoro Initial version of erp5_documentation