Commit f3f694b9 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent cc6ac54f
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -21,142 +21,142 @@ package main
// Git-backup | Run git subprocess
import (
// how/whether to redirect stdio of spawned process
type StdioRedirect int
const (
PIPE StdioRedirect = iota // connect stdio channel via PIPE to parent (default value)
PIPE StdioRedirect = iota // connect stdio channel via PIPE to parent (default value)
type RunWith struct {
stdin string
stdout StdioRedirect // PIPE | DontRedirect
stderr StdioRedirect // PIPE | DontRedirect
raw bool // !raw -> stdout, stderr are stripped
env map[string]string // !nil -> subprocess environment setup from env
stdin string
stdout StdioRedirect // PIPE | DontRedirect
stderr StdioRedirect // PIPE | DontRedirect
raw bool // !raw -> stdout, stderr are stripped
env map[string]string // !nil -> subprocess environment setup from env
// run `git *argv` -> error, stdout, stderr
func _git(argv []string, ctx RunWith) (err error, stdout, stderr string) {
debugf("git %s", strings.Join(argv, " "))
cmd := exec.Command("git", argv...)
stdoutBuf := bytes.Buffer{}
stderrBuf := bytes.Buffer{}
if ctx.stdin != "" {
cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader(ctx.stdin)
switch ctx.stdout {
case PIPE:
cmd.Stdout = &stdoutBuf
case DontRedirect:
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
panic("git: stdout redirect mode invalid")
switch ctx.stderr {
case PIPE:
cmd.Stderr = &stderrBuf
case DontRedirect:
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
panic("git: stderr redirect mode invalid")
if ctx.env != nil {
env := []string{}
for k, v := range ctx.env {
env = append(env, k+"="+v)
cmd.Env = env
err = cmd.Run()
stdout = mem.String(stdoutBuf.Bytes())
stderr = mem.String(stderrBuf.Bytes())
if !ctx.raw {
// prettify stdout (e.g. so that 'sha1\n' becomes 'sha1' and can be used directly
stdout = strings.TrimSpace(stdout)
stderr = strings.TrimSpace(stderr)
return err, stdout, stderr
debugf("git %s", strings.Join(argv, " "))
cmd := exec.Command("git", argv...)
stdoutBuf := bytes.Buffer{}
stderrBuf := bytes.Buffer{}
if ctx.stdin != "" {
cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader(ctx.stdin)
switch ctx.stdout {
case PIPE:
cmd.Stdout = &stdoutBuf
case DontRedirect:
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
panic("git: stdout redirect mode invalid")
switch ctx.stderr {
case PIPE:
cmd.Stderr = &stderrBuf
case DontRedirect:
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
panic("git: stderr redirect mode invalid")
if ctx.env != nil {
env := []string{}
for k, v := range ctx.env {
env = append(env, k+"="+v)
cmd.Env = env
err = cmd.Run()
stdout = mem.String(stdoutBuf.Bytes())
stderr = mem.String(stderrBuf.Bytes())
if !ctx.raw {
// prettify stdout (e.g. so that 'sha1\n' becomes 'sha1' and can be used directly
stdout = strings.TrimSpace(stdout)
stderr = strings.TrimSpace(stderr)
return err, stdout, stderr
// error a git command returned
type GitError struct {
type GitErrContext struct {
argv []string
stdin string
stdout string
stderr string
argv []string
stdin string
stdout string
stderr string
func (e *GitError) Error() string {
msg := e.GitErrContext.Error()
if e.stderr == "" {
msg += "(failed)\n"
return msg
msg := e.GitErrContext.Error()
if e.stderr == "" {
msg += "(failed)\n"
return msg
func (e *GitErrContext) Error() string {
msg := "git " + strings.Join(e.argv, " ")
if e.stdin == "" {
msg += " </dev/null\n"
} else {
msg += " <<EOF\n" + e.stdin
if !strings.HasSuffix(msg, "\n") {
msg += "\n"
msg += "EOF\n"
msg += e.stderr
if !strings.HasSuffix(msg, "\n") {
msg += "\n"
return msg
msg := "git " + strings.Join(e.argv, " ")
if e.stdin == "" {
msg += " </dev/null\n"
} else {
msg += " <<EOF\n" + e.stdin
if !strings.HasSuffix(msg, "\n") {
msg += "\n"
msg += "EOF\n"
msg += e.stderr
if !strings.HasSuffix(msg, "\n") {
msg += "\n"
return msg
// argv -> []string, ctx (for passing argv + RunWith handy - see ggit() for details)
func _gitargv(argv ...interface{}) (argvs []string, ctx RunWith) {
ctx_seen := false
for _, arg := range argv {
switch arg := arg.(type) {
case string:
argvs = append(argvs, arg)
argvs = append(argvs, fmt.Sprint(arg))
case RunWith:
if ctx_seen {
panic("git: multiple RunWith contexts")
ctx, ctx_seen = arg, true
return argvs, ctx
ctx_seen := false
for _, arg := range argv {
switch arg := arg.(type) {
case string:
argvs = append(argvs, arg)
argvs = append(argvs, fmt.Sprint(arg))
case RunWith:
if ctx_seen {
panic("git: multiple RunWith contexts")
ctx, ctx_seen = arg, true
return argvs, ctx
// run `git *argv` -> err, stdout, stderr
......@@ -167,59 +167,59 @@ func _gitargv(argv ...interface{}) (argvs []string, ctx RunWith) {
// NOTE err is concrete *GitError, not error
func ggit(argv ...interface{}) (err *GitError, stdout, stderr string) {
return ggit2(_gitargv(argv...))
return ggit2(_gitargv(argv...))
func ggit2(argv []string, ctx RunWith) (err *GitError, stdout, stderr string) {
e, stdout, stderr := _git(argv, ctx)
eexec, _ := e.(*exec.ExitError)
if e != nil && eexec == nil {
exc.Raisef("git %s : ", strings.Join(argv, " "), e)
if eexec != nil {
err = &GitError{GitErrContext{argv, ctx.stdin, stdout, stderr}, eexec}
return err, stdout, stderr
e, stdout, stderr := _git(argv, ctx)
eexec, _ := e.(*exec.ExitError)
if e != nil && eexec == nil {
exc.Raisef("git %s : ", strings.Join(argv, " "), e)
if eexec != nil {
err = &GitError{GitErrContext{argv, ctx.stdin, stdout, stderr}, eexec}
return err, stdout, stderr
// run `git *argv` -> stdout
// on error - raise exception
func xgit(argv ...interface{}) string {
return xgit2(_gitargv(argv...))
return xgit2(_gitargv(argv...))
func xgit2(argv []string, ctx RunWith) string {
gerr, stdout, _ := ggit2(argv, ctx)
if gerr != nil {
return stdout
gerr, stdout, _ := ggit2(argv, ctx)
if gerr != nil {
return stdout
// like xgit(), but automatically parse stdout to Sha1
func xgitSha1(argv ...interface{}) Sha1 {
return xgit2Sha1(_gitargv(argv...))
return xgit2Sha1(_gitargv(argv...))
// error when git output is not valid sha1
type GitSha1Error struct {
func (e *GitSha1Error) Error() string {
msg := e.GitErrContext.Error()
msg += fmt.Sprintf("expected valid sha1 (got %q)\n", e.stdout)
return msg
msg := e.GitErrContext.Error()
msg += fmt.Sprintf("expected valid sha1 (got %q)\n", e.stdout)
return msg
func xgit2Sha1(argv []string, ctx RunWith) Sha1 {
gerr, stdout, stderr := ggit2(argv, ctx)
if gerr != nil {
sha1, err := Sha1Parse(stdout)
if err != nil {
exc.Raise(&GitSha1Error{GitErrContext{argv, ctx.stdin, stdout, stderr}})
return sha1
gerr, stdout, stderr := ggit2(argv, ctx)
if gerr != nil {
sha1, err := Sha1Parse(stdout)
if err != nil {
exc.Raise(&GitSha1Error{GitErrContext{argv, ctx.stdin, stdout, stderr}})
return sha1
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -25,44 +25,44 @@ package main
type Sha1Set map[Sha1]struct{}
func (s Sha1Set) Add(v Sha1) {
s[v] = struct{}{}
s[v] = struct{}{}
func (s Sha1Set) Contains(v Sha1) bool {
_, ok := s[v]
return ok
_, ok := s[v]
return ok
// all elements of set as slice
func (s Sha1Set) Elements() []Sha1 {
ev := make([]Sha1, len(s))
i := 0
for e := range s {
ev[i] = e
return ev
ev := make([]Sha1, len(s))
i := 0
for e := range s {
ev[i] = e
return ev
// Set<string>
type StrSet map[string]struct{}
func (s StrSet) Add(v string) {
s[v] = struct{}{}
s[v] = struct{}{}
func (s StrSet) Contains(v string) bool {
_, ok := s[v]
return ok
_, ok := s[v]
return ok
// all elements of set as slice
func (s StrSet) Elements() []string {
ev := make([]string, len(s))
i := 0
for e := range s {
ev[i] = e
return ev
ev := make([]string, len(s))
i := 0
for e := range s {
ev[i] = e
return ev
......@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ package main
// Git-backup | Sha1 type to work with SHA1 oids
import (
git ""
git ""
const SHA1_RAWSIZE = 20
......@@ -39,51 +39,51 @@ const SHA1_RAWSIZE = 20
// - slice size = 24 bytes
// -> so it is reasonable to pass Sha1 not by reference
type Sha1 struct {
sha1 [SHA1_RAWSIZE]byte
sha1 [SHA1_RAWSIZE]byte
// fmt.Stringer
var _ fmt.Stringer = Sha1{}
func (sha1 Sha1) String() string {
return hex.EncodeToString(sha1.sha1[:])
return hex.EncodeToString(sha1.sha1[:])
func Sha1Parse(sha1str string) (Sha1, error) {
sha1 := Sha1{}
if hex.DecodedLen(len(sha1str)) != SHA1_RAWSIZE {
return Sha1{}, fmt.Errorf("sha1parse: %q invalid", sha1str)
_, err := hex.Decode(sha1.sha1[:], mem.Bytes(sha1str))
if err != nil {
return Sha1{}, fmt.Errorf("sha1parse: %q invalid: %s", sha1str, err)
return sha1, nil
sha1 := Sha1{}
if hex.DecodedLen(len(sha1str)) != SHA1_RAWSIZE {
return Sha1{}, fmt.Errorf("sha1parse: %q invalid", sha1str)
_, err := hex.Decode(sha1.sha1[:], mem.Bytes(sha1str))
if err != nil {
return Sha1{}, fmt.Errorf("sha1parse: %q invalid: %s", sha1str, err)
return sha1, nil
// fmt.Scanner
var _ fmt.Scanner = (*Sha1)(nil)
func (sha1 *Sha1) Scan(s fmt.ScanState, ch rune) error {
switch ch {
case 's', 'v':
return fmt.Errorf("Sha1.Scan: invalid verb %q", ch)
tok, err := s.Token(true, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
*sha1, err = Sha1Parse(mem.String(tok))
return err
switch ch {
case 's', 'v':
return fmt.Errorf("Sha1.Scan: invalid verb %q", ch)
tok, err := s.Token(true, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
*sha1, err = Sha1Parse(mem.String(tok))
return err
// check whether sha1 is null
func (sha1 *Sha1) IsNull() bool {
return *sha1 == Sha1{}
return *sha1 == Sha1{}
// for sorting by Sha1
......@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ func (p BySha1) Less(i, j int) bool { return bytes.Compare(p[i].sha1[:], p[j].sh
// interoperability with git2go
func (sha1 *Sha1) AsOid() *git.Oid {
return (*git.Oid)(&sha1.sha1)
return (*git.Oid)(&sha1.sha1)
func Sha1FromOid(oid *git.Oid) Sha1 {
return Sha1{*oid}
return Sha1{*oid}
......@@ -21,161 +21,161 @@ package main
// Git-backup | Miscellaneous utilities
import (
// strip_prefix("/a/b", "/a/b/c/d/e") -> "c/d/e" (without leading /)
// path must start with prefix
func strip_prefix(prefix, path string) string {
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, prefix) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("strip_prefix: %q has no prefix %q", path, prefix))
path = path[len(prefix):]
for strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
path = path[1:] // strip leading /
return path
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, prefix) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("strip_prefix: %q has no prefix %q", path, prefix))
path = path[len(prefix):]
for strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
path = path[1:] // strip leading /
return path
// reprefix("/a", "/b", "/a/str") -> "/b/str"
// path must start with prefix_from
func reprefix(prefix_from, prefix_to, path string) string {
path = strip_prefix(prefix_from, path)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", prefix_to, path)
path = strip_prefix(prefix_from, path)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", prefix_to, path)
// like ioutil.WriteFile() but takes native mode/perm
func writefile(path string, data []byte, perm uint32) error {
fd, err := syscall.Open(path, syscall.O_WRONLY|syscall.O_CREAT|syscall.O_TRUNC, perm)
if err != nil {
return &os.PathError{"open", path, err}
f := os.NewFile(uintptr(fd), path)
_, err = f.Write(data)
err2 := f.Close()
if err == nil {
err = err2
return err
fd, err := syscall.Open(path, syscall.O_WRONLY|syscall.O_CREAT|syscall.O_TRUNC, perm)
if err != nil {
return &os.PathError{"open", path, err}
f := os.NewFile(uintptr(fd), path)
_, err = f.Write(data)
err2 := f.Close()
if err == nil {
err = err2
return err
// escape path so that git is happy to use it as ref
// XXX very suboptimal
func path_refescape(path string) string {
outv := []string{}
for _, component := range strings.Split(path, "/") {
out := ""
dots := 0 // number of seen consecutive dots
for len(component) > 0 {
r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(component)
// no ".." anywhere - we replace dots run to %46%46... with trailing "."
// this way for single "." case we'll have it intact and avoid .. anywhere
// also this way: trailing .git is always encoded as ".git"
if r == '.' {
dots += 1
component = component[size:]
if dots != 0 {
out += strings.Repeat(escape("."), dots-1)
out += "."
dots = 0
rbytes := component[:size]
if shouldEscape(r) {
rbytes = escape(rbytes)
out += rbytes
component = component[size:]
// handle trailing dots
if dots != 0 {
out += strings.Repeat(escape("."), dots-1)
out += "."
if len(out) > 0 {
// ^. not allowed
if out[0] == '.' {
out = escape(".") + out[1:]
// .lock$ not allowed
if strings.HasSuffix(out, ".lock") {
out = out[:len(out)-5] + escape(".") + "lock"
outv = append(outv, out)
// strip trailing /
for len(outv) > 0 {
if len(outv[len(outv)-1]) != 0 {
outv = outv[:len(outv)-1]
return strings.Join(outv, "/")
outv := []string{}
for _, component := range strings.Split(path, "/") {
out := ""
dots := 0 // number of seen consecutive dots
for len(component) > 0 {
r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(component)
// no ".." anywhere - we replace dots run to %46%46... with trailing "."
// this way for single "." case we'll have it intact and avoid .. anywhere
// also this way: trailing .git is always encoded as ".git"
if r == '.' {
dots += 1
component = component[size:]
if dots != 0 {
out += strings.Repeat(escape("."), dots-1)
out += "."
dots = 0
rbytes := component[:size]
if shouldEscape(r) {
rbytes = escape(rbytes)
out += rbytes
component = component[size:]
// handle trailing dots
if dots != 0 {
out += strings.Repeat(escape("."), dots-1)
out += "."
if len(out) > 0 {
// ^. not allowed
if out[0] == '.' {
out = escape(".") + out[1:]
// .lock$ not allowed
if strings.HasSuffix(out, ".lock") {
out = out[:len(out)-5] + escape(".") + "lock"
outv = append(outv, out)
// strip trailing /
for len(outv) > 0 {
if len(outv[len(outv)-1]) != 0 {
outv = outv[:len(outv)-1]
return strings.Join(outv, "/")
func shouldEscape(r rune) bool {
if unicode.IsSpace(r) || unicode.IsControl(r) {
return true
switch r {
// NOTE RuneError is for always escaping non-valid UTF-8
case ':', '?', '[', '\\', '^', '~', '*', '@', '%', utf8.RuneError:
return true
return false
if unicode.IsSpace(r) || unicode.IsControl(r) {
return true
switch r {
// NOTE RuneError is for always escaping non-valid UTF-8
case ':', '?', '[', '\\', '^', '~', '*', '@', '%', utf8.RuneError:
return true
return false
func escape(s string) string {
out := ""
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
out += fmt.Sprintf("%%%02X", s[i])
return out
out := ""
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
out += fmt.Sprintf("%%%02X", s[i])
return out
// unescape path encoded by path_refescape()
// decoding is permissive - any byte can be %-encoded, not only special cases
// XXX very suboptimal
func path_refunescape(s string) (string, error) {
l := len(s)
out := make([]byte, 0, len(s))
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
c := s[i]
if c == '%' {
if i+2 >= l {
return "", EscapeError(s)
b, err := hex.DecodeString(s[i+1:i+3])
if err != nil {
return "", EscapeError(s)
c = b[0]
i += 2
out = append(out, c)
return mem.String(out), nil
l := len(s)
out := make([]byte, 0, len(s))
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
c := s[i]
if c == '%' {
if i+2 >= l {
return "", EscapeError(s)
b, err := hex.DecodeString(s[i+1 : i+3])
if err != nil {
return "", EscapeError(s)
c = b[0]
i += 2
out = append(out, c)
return mem.String(out), nil
type EscapeError string
func (e EscapeError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%q: invalid escape format", string(e))
return fmt.Sprintf("%q: invalid escape format", string(e))
......@@ -20,81 +20,81 @@
package main
import (
func TestPathEscapeUnescape(t *testing.T) {
type TestEntry struct { path string; escapedv []string }
te := func(path string, escaped ...string) TestEntry {
return TestEntry{path, escaped}
var tests = []TestEntry{
// path escaped non-canonical escapes
te("hello/world", "hello/world", "%68%65%6c%6c%6f%2f%77%6f%72%6c%64"),
te("hello/мир", "hello/мир"),
te("hello/ мир", "hello/%20мир"),
te("hel%lo/мир", "hel%25lo/мир"),
te(".hello/.world", "%2Ehello/%2Eworld"),
te("..hello/world.loc", "%2E.hello/world.loc"),
te("..hello/world.lock", "%2E.hello/world%2Elock"),
// leading /
te("/hello/world", "/hello/world"),
te("//hello///world", "//hello///world"),
// trailing /
te("/hello/world/", "/hello/world"),
te("/hello/world//", "/hello/world"),
type TestEntry struct { path string; escapedv []string }
te := func(path string, escaped ...string) TestEntry {
return TestEntry{path, escaped}
var tests = []TestEntry{
// path escaped non-canonical escapes
te("hello/world", "hello/world", "%68%65%6c%6c%6f%2f%77%6f%72%6c%64"),
te("hello/мир", "hello/мир"),
te("hello/ мир", "hello/%20мир"),
te("hel%lo/мир", "hel%25lo/мир"),
te(".hello/.world", "%2Ehello/%2Eworld"),
te("..hello/world.loc", "%2E.hello/world.loc"),
te("..hello/world.lock", "%2E.hello/world%2Elock"),
// leading /
te("/hello/world", "/hello/world"),
te("//hello///world", "//hello///world"),
// trailing /
te("/hello/world/", "/hello/world"),
te("/hello/world//", "/hello/world"),
// trailing ...
te("/hello/world.", "/hello/world."),
te("/hello/world..", "/hello/world%2E."),
te("/hello/world...", "/hello/world%2E%2E."),
te("/hello/world...git", "/hello/world%2E%2E.git"),
// trailing ...
te("/hello/world.", "/hello/world."),
te("/hello/world..", "/hello/world%2E."),
te("/hello/world...", "/hello/world%2E%2E."),
te("/hello/world...git", "/hello/world%2E%2E.git"),
// .. anywhere
te("/hello/./world", "/hello/%2E/world"),
te("/hello/.a/world", "/hello/%2Ea/world"),
te("/hello/a./world", "/hello/a./world"),
te("/hello/../world", "/hello/%2E./world"),
te("/hello/a..b/world", "/hello/a%2E.b/world"),
te("/hello/a.c.b/world", "/hello/a.c.b/world"),
te("/hello/a.c..b/world", "/hello/a.c%2E.b/world"),
// .. anywhere
te("/hello/./world", "/hello/%2E/world"),
te("/hello/.a/world", "/hello/%2Ea/world"),
te("/hello/a./world", "/hello/a./world"),
te("/hello/../world", "/hello/%2E./world"),
te("/hello/a..b/world", "/hello/a%2E.b/world"),
te("/hello/a.c.b/world", "/hello/a.c.b/world"),
te("/hello/a.c..b/world", "/hello/a.c%2E.b/world"),
// special & control characters
te("/hel lo/wor\tld/a:?[\\^~*@%b/\001\004\n\xc2\xa0", "/hel%20lo/wor%09ld/a%3A%3F%5B%5C%5E%7E%2A%40%25b/%01%04%0A%C2%A0"),
// special & control characters
te("/hel lo/wor\tld/a:?[\\^~*@%b/\001\004\n\xc2\xa0", "/hel%20lo/wor%09ld/a%3A%3F%5B%5C%5E%7E%2A%40%25b/%01%04%0A%C2%A0"),
// utf8 error
te("a\xc5z", "a%C5z"),
// utf8 error
te("a\xc5z", "a%C5z"),
for _, tt := range tests {
escaped := path_refescape(tt.path)
if escaped != tt.escapedv[0] {
t.Errorf("path_refescape(%q) -> %q ; want %q", tt.path, escaped, tt.escapedv[0])
// also check the decoding
pathok := strings.TrimRight(tt.path, "/")
for _, escaped := range tt.escapedv {
unescaped, err := path_refunescape(escaped)
if unescaped != pathok || err != nil {
t.Errorf("path_refunescape(%q) -> %q %v ; want %q nil", escaped, unescaped, err, tt.path)
for _, tt := range tests {
escaped := path_refescape(tt.path)
if escaped != tt.escapedv[0] {
t.Errorf("path_refescape(%q) -> %q ; want %q", tt.path, escaped, tt.escapedv[0])
// also check the decoding
pathok := strings.TrimRight(tt.path, "/")
for _, escaped := range tt.escapedv {
unescaped, err := path_refunescape(escaped)
if unescaped != pathok || err != nil {
t.Errorf("path_refunescape(%q) -> %q %v ; want %q nil", escaped, unescaped, err, tt.path)
func TestPathUnescapeErr(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct{ escaped string }{
var tests = []struct{ escaped string }{
for _, tt := range tests {
unescaped, err := path_refunescape(tt.escaped)
if err == nil || unescaped != "" {
t.Errorf("path_refunescape(%q) -> %q %v ; want \"\" err", tt.escaped, unescaped, err)
for _, tt := range tests {
unescaped, err := path_refunescape(tt.escaped)
if err == nil || unescaped != "" {
t.Errorf("path_refunescape(%q) -> %q %v ; want \"\" err", tt.escaped, unescaped, err)
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