describe JSONWebToken::RSAToken do let(:rsa_key) { generate_key } let(:rsa_token) { } let(:rsa_encoded) { rsa_token.encoded } before { allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:key).and_return(rsa_key) } context 'token' do context 'for valid key to be validated' do before { rsa_token['key'] = 'value' } subject { JWT.decode(rsa_encoded, rsa_key) } it { expect{subject}.to_not raise_error } it { expect(subject.first).to include('key' => 'value') } end context 'for invalid key to raise an exception' do let(:new_key) { generate_key } subject { JWT.decode(rsa_encoded, new_key) } it { expect{subject}.to raise_error(JWT::DecodeError) } end end private def generate_key OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(512) end end